Have you watched Zeitgeist?


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I am not posting this link to spark anger from Christians but to ask opinions of both the Christians and the Muslims regarding this theory brought up by the movie Zeitgeist about how Jesus pbuh was a myth.

Try to watch all of it.

The next part about 9/11 is interesting too.

Hope to get your feedback after you watched it.
I have only watched the first portion (on religion, and the true roots of Christianity and the Abrahamic Traditions), yet I've known for quite some time that the version presented is more or less - accurate.

I don't particulary appreciate an attitude whereby one looks down one's nose, and regards Christ's Mission as just another visit from a Holy One, a Son of God, to the world of men. That's what it is, of course, from one point of view, yet it must also be viewed within the context of progressive Revelation.

The time has come, however, for the holdouts of all traditions to recognize ... that Revelation is progressive, and that God DOES continue to speak to Humanity. The real question is: are we (yet) ready to LISTEN? :eek:

At any rate, the similarities between Christianity, Mithraism, and much, much older spiritualities is no coincidence, and we need not be afraid as we open our hearts and minds to the acceptance of that which has been denied us, in the form of knowledge and Wisdom - for well over two millennia.

I heartily recommend the reading of a paper by the martyred disciple, Dr. Martin. Luther King, Jr., regarding "The Influence of the Mystery Religions on Christianity." This paper was written for a course that he was taking entitled `Development of Christian Ideas,' at Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania, 1949-50 ... and it is a very good starting point for Christians (or anyone) who are unfamiliar with the facts presented by the movie, Zeitgeist.


Hi...I have previously watched Zeitgeist and found myself thinking that it made way too much common sense to me. But it is what it is. In these sorts of murky/mucky mysteries (parts 2 & 3) we find parallels of disbelief imposed upon our senses as if a black curtain has been drawn down upon and over these events so that there is no real proof of anything real...only some reasonable and unreasonable suppositions. And more and more of this stuff is likely coming down the road for us all.

In light of the primer given in part 1 regarding the repetetive predominance of mythmaking down through the ages as societies' guiding principal, I see a continuity in flows of events on 9/11 with the assassinations of JFK, RFK, MLK, Lennon and even the death of the Princess Diana. Ordinary people sense this but are prone to take the most authoritative explanations especially when they are effectively trumpeted over and over, again and again, ad nauseum, in the popular media. It was kinda that way with the post office, restaurant, and school shooting disasters of the 80's and 90's in the USA. As if some inhuman something, somewhere was trying to program us all to live in fear.

Thank you for the link to the MLK paper Andrew. None of us usually go back to source materials anymore. It's just too darn convenient and easy to flip on the wide screen and passively be fed conditioning images, true and false. I hadn't known that Martin went to school in Chester, PA. Lots of interesting stuff has gone down in that area.

I am not posting this link to spark anger from Christians but to ask opinions of both the Christians and the Muslims regarding this theory brought up by the movie Zeitgeist about how Jesus pbuh was a myth.

Try to watch all of it.

The next part about 9/11 is interesting too.

Hope to get your feedback after you watched it.

Hi Hidayah,

I watched it a while back and thought the 9/11 and New World Order sections were the best parts. A lot of the information they presented on Jesus, Horus and Krishna seemed way out. Especially as one who has spent time reading about Krishna, they just seemed to be pulling things out of hat about Him that doesn't match either scriptural or historical viewpoints. That made me seriously doubt all of the other info as well....

With the 9/11 section they had eye-witness accounts and video footage, which was much more to go on.

All the best,

... Neemai :)
Thanks for that MLK paper. I'd never read anything he wrote before.

If anyone is interested, the astrotheological aspects of Zeitgeist were primarily based on the work of Acharya S(Murdock), but she disagreed with some of the data such as the dating for the beginning of the Age of Pisces. She recently published a companion guide to Zeitgeist. She has a bunch of articles including one giving an overview of astrotheology. She also runs a discussion board there that is filled with lots of info including a forum about Zeitgeist.

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