The Masters of Wisdom & Harmony of Feelings

Bruce Michael

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Hi All,

"In the same way that a higher animal excels a worm, do the Rishis, the Masters, excel humanity... What is highly esteemed in the West - knowing for the sake of knowing - is not what the adepts, the great Masters, of the East strive after. They aspire to knowledge which can help humanity, which can conduct it to the point where the destiny of humanity and the harmony of the world are in agreement with each other."​
-Rudolf Steiner

Remember, the Masters are incarnate and speaking to mankind continually; it's just that most aren't listening.
The Masters are archetypal beings who can seed the future forms of our Humanity. The Divine Plan has to be in place for the rest of us to follow.

Now the Master Morya will speak.- [Through Dr.Steiner]
We may regard the Master as an ideal; they have already attained what we still have before us. Therefore we can ask them questions about our further development. There lie within us, but as yet in the form of a germ, the forces which have reached perfection in a Master."
"Morya- real name is communicated only to the more advanced pupils."

"When in the world outside the modern leaders of men go about in human garb, they are unrecognised in the world. When from the standpoint of Spiritual Science we talk about 'The Masters of Wisdom and Harmony of Feelings' people would often be surprised to in what simple, unassuming human form these Masters are to be found in all countries. They are present on the physical plane."​
pge 128, Wonders of the World, Ordeals of the Soul, Revelations of the
Spirit R.Steiner.

"The Philosopher's Stone has a specific purpose, which was stated by Cagliostro; it is meant to prolong human life to a span of 5,527 years....In fact, however, it is possible, by means of special training, to prolong life indefinitely by learning to live outside the physical body."

"Physical death is only an apparent occurrence for him who has
understood the Philosopher's Stone for himself, and has learnt to separate it."
"He lays aside the physical body in the same way that one takes of a raincoat, and he puts on a new body just as one puts a new raincoat on."
103-104 Temple Legend, Rudolf Steiner

Dr. Steiner teaches that as we refine the astral body (establish peace) it "gradually approaches immortality", "an astral form arises which survives, remains living."

"When someone has become a Chela he begins to establish peace in the etheric body. Then the etheric body too survives. The Masters establish peace in the physical body; thus in their case the physical body also survives."
Foundations of Esotericism, pge 171.

So we can say that the Masters are not just "spirits", but physically incarnated walking around among us- in trains, in shops and parks of the big cities.
