Regarding Theosophy & Anthroposophy's Esoteric Sections


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Hi all,

I was a member of the Adyar T.S. but now am not.

In reading what Dr. Steiner said that H.P. Blavatsky became more "eastern" oriented and that that "eastern" path is NOT suitable for most Westerners, WHAT IS ONE TO DO?

Should I not rejoin the T.S. or just be part of the A.S.?

I'm interested in joining the Esoteric Section of each actually but not sure of how to proceed. I'm now a vegetarian and I don't drink alcohol at all.

BTW, I was initiated into Freemasonry (Not-Co Masonry) and Dzogchen.
I have studied Krishnamurti's works for some years now and see that what he taught most closely resembles Dzogchen, so I got initiated into Dzogchen.

Any insight(s) on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,

P.S. I belonged to AMORC because I don't trust any other "Rosicrucian" stream outside of Anthroposophy and AMORC.

Does anyone know of a legitimate Rosicrucian body, per se, outside of the A.S. and what are your thoughts on the legitimacy of AMORC? Thanks again. :)
In reading what Dr. Steiner said that H.P. Blavatsky became more "eastern" oriented and that that "eastern" path is NOT suitable for most Westerners, WHAT IS ONE TO DO?

Blavatsky also said that yoga was not suitable for Westerners. She didn't recommend any exercises but for one, that I know of. And that was pronouncing the AUM.
Should I not rejoin the T.S. or just be part of the A.S.?
You can be a member of both if you like.
I'm interested in joining the Esoteric Section of each actually but not sure of how to proceed. I'm now a vegetarian and I don't drink alcohol at all.

The Anthrosophical Society has a Spiritual High School but no Esoteric Section now. Steiner was in charge of the Theosophical Society's Esoteric Section in Germany whilst he was a member.

You can read about his ritual work here:
The Wellspring Bookshop - Rudolf Steiner Books
The esoteric instructions are in On the History and the Contents of the First Section of the Esoteric School.

The have been attempts to revive Mystica Aeterna.

Blavatsky's Esoteric Instructions were published in the 1980s in her Collected Works.
H.P. Blavatsky's Esoteric Instructions

Leadbeater's work continues at The Manor:

There are lots of organisations calling themselves 'Rosicrucian': Ezoteric and Occult Organizations

The Rosicrucian Fellowship is closer to Steiner's work.

AMORC is very good at advertising.

Dear Bruce,

Thank you for your timely responses.

Regarding "Rosicrucian" orders, MANY of them are nothing but a rehashing of Theosophical or Anthroposophical tenets with a "Rosicrucian" stamp upon them.

What is your opinion of AMORC?

They seem to be the only body which claims to have real rosicrucian roots, especially when I read that Mary Stacy Blanks (I believe that was her name) who was descended from actual Rosicrucians from Pennsylvania gave her approval to what H. Spencer Lewis was doing and co-approved, NOT founded, AMORC's legitimacy in regards to it having authentic Rosicrucian roots.

French, Belgian, and Germanic Rosicrucian orders all differed slightly in how they approached things.

When I spoke with Gary Stewart, Imperator of a rosicrucian order that traces itself back to H Spencer Lewis's AMORC and original monographs, he said that he had connections with a Belgian Rosicrucian group/order.

Insights welcome, please

I am a member of T.S. Adyar. Feel free to ask any questions you may have, as to whether T.S. Adyar is too this or too that.

Most members do not practice yoga. (I am not about to put my bosd through any kinds of contortions.)

If you are interested in joining the Adyar E.S., I will try to find out the entry process. (I am presently attending a class at a T.S. location in California, so there should be plenty of information on such a topic, here on this campus.)
Thank you for your timely responses.

Regarding "Rosicrucian" orders, MANY of them are nothing but a rehashing of Theosophical or Anthroposophical tenets with a "Rosicrucian" stamp upon them.

What is your opinion of AMORC?

I suggest you join a Rosicrucian discussion group, or two.
rosideals : Rosicrucian Ideals
Christian_Adepts : Christian Adepts of the Rose Croix
Rosicrucian_Garden : Rosicrucian Garden
Rosicrucian-Paths : Rosicrucian-Paths

You'll find experts on the history of the various orders there.

We can place them into two major categories- those that believe Christian Rosencreutz is a real person and those that don't. I happen to believe in the existence of Father C.R.
When I spoke with Gary Stewart, Imperator of a rosicrucian order that traces itself back to H Spencer Lewis's AMORC and original monographs, he said that he had connections with a Belgian Rosicrucian group/order.

Did you ask him why he broke away? You can find the answer with a bit of Googling.

You might find that the ULT and Krotona still have Esoteric Sections:
United Lodge of Theosophists

Theosophical Society in America

Best Wishes,

As I promised you, I got the "scoop" on joining the T.S. Adyar Esoteric Section. Please note this information was gotten second-hand, and is not official.

(1) Entry to the E.S. is by invitation only. However, I believe that an invitation can be easily arranged, assuming a person meets the criteria in the next point:

(2) Requirments are the regular Chelaship requirements: being vegetarian, celebate (if unmarried), etc.

Regarding Bruce's comment about Krotona having an E.S. Section, that is perhaps misleading. I am presently on the Krotona campus, attending class. The story is, the E.S. Section maintains an office here at Krotona, but the E.S. reports directly to Adyar, not to Krotona nor Wheaton.