Free speech

yes, snoopy I know it sound contradictory- let's all have free speech but let's hope there's rules in place to stop them actually saying anything...

However, while I believe in the principle of free speech for all, even intolerable guttersnipes such as these, (dont ya just love that word) I don't believe that they should be allowed into educational establishments, such as schools, colleges and universities, as I don't think our young minds should be exposed to the notion that such ideas can be the basis of a long and profitable career...

I qualify that by saying... I grew up with a father who was a white supremacist, and I was told "never to shag outside my race", and if I did, and I ended up pregnant I would be murdered, so too the child, and whoever was the father... As a young person, not even a teenager, I felt his views were abhorrent, and would challenge them regardless yet...

...when I got to my teenage years, I started to become attached to such ideas myself, and got into adolf...

For me, it had little to do with hatred; I admired the fear they could instil, I liked the outfits, I liked the idea of the gang, the uniforms, the power which could be mine...

of course, it was just a phase, thankfully, but, if I would have seen Nick Griffin on the stage, looking successful, reminding me of all those ideas and theories, then maybe I'd be a far right bird today...

so, yes, whilst as an adult I believe other adults should have free speech, I don't think it is right for young people to be exposed to such ideas, as they have most likely not developed the sophisticated moral reasoning that adults presumably do, and that's why I would have a rule that in educational establishments this kind of legitimisation of hateful ideas would not be allowed...