Brian, thanks for deleting my thread...

Barely anything is ever deleted in this place - offending threads and posts merely move to a private board called the "Sin Bin".

I was genuinely interested in the possibility of you trying at least to make a coherent argument for your "Revelations-Quran" theory.

However, your conduct requires further thought. It is one issue to try and challenge members here, but when you then start dictating terms to board staff on how they should use the very resource they have put so much money and time in maintaining - then displeasure may be incurred.

I won't ban you, even though attention has already been drawn to your behaviour on other forums. I consider your conduct on here and here alone - but, unfortunately, it has not been very conducive thus far.

As stated originally, faith boards here are primarily for exploring said faiths, but it's the comparative board where the real critical commentaries may go.

I leave you a window open for you to come back and post your ideas there - but this time in a coherent and intelligent manner, and certainly less combative.

You may want to take a deep breath and relax a little first, and understand that we run a tight code of conduct here - linked at the top of the major boards.

It is not a great thing we ask to follow it.
Hall of the damned

Barely anything is ever deleted in this place - offending threads and posts merely move to a private board called the "Sin Bin".

I have to check in the sin bin when I think that a post of mine has been deleted.

About that post where I said something of no contribution to the spiritual growth of people here -- is it Banana? is it there; or maybe it was deleted before the arrival of the sin bin.

Thanks, Brian, for the sin bin.

By the way, how does one access the private board called the sin bin. I guess we have to request permission from you. Wouldn't it be more consonant with free speech and free access to information that has been destined to be public by its authors, that the sin bin be accessible like any other board?

I hope you will give some attention to this feedback.

Susma Rio Sep
Nobody accesses the Sin Bin unless they are staff. :)

There's not actually all that much in it, but I am truly not keen on deleting anything outright. Even more so when it can serve as a reference point to identify future new trolls quickly, for the banning of IPs if required.

Anyway - I'm not sure if Apple Pie saw this message or simply ignored it, but his behaviour since means that he is now suspended. There is no place for trolls on CR.
If I may...

I said:
Nobody accesses the Sin Bin unless they are staff. :)

There's not actually all that much in it, but I am truly not keen on deleting anything outright. Even more so when it can serve as a reference point to identify future new trolls quickly, for the banning of IPs if required.

Anyway - I'm not sure if Apple Pie saw this message or simply ignored it, but his behaviour since means that he is now suspended. There is no place for trolls on CR.

Dear Brian:

What exactly is a troll in message board terms?

I must confess to my utter embarrassment that I don't know.

Apple is suspended. That's the good news. The bad news is that he got suspended at all. What's his violation -- if I may be curious as is always my nature.

I guess we are all guests here in this website message board. Guests? We are! So, like guests in a person's home, we have to behave and practice a lot of self-screening and self-regulation. Yet, Brian you are the generous host who opened your home to us. "Mi casa es tu casa," as the Spaniards would say, to make his guest feel comfortable.

But there are posters who might be overly sensitive, who might take offense for a post that is merely asking a question which question might not be one that is ever asked in his environment among his co-religionists; I assure myself that you can take their reportage with a good dosage of salt.

Just like death, one can't really be sure when it's going to strike and how; unless one takes the matter into his own hands, and manage to preempt nature. For my own solace, at least here you have a suspended mode for us. If that happens to me, then I will write you, and hope I can access you by your email address, for the terms of suspension and when I might return to active privilege.

Thanks, for your open invitation to all to join this board, and I am glad that you have the category of suspended members.

Again: how long does a suspension last and how does one seek a return to active status?

Susma Rio Sep
Susma Rio Sep said:
Dear Brian:

What exactly is a troll in message board terms?
A "troll" is nothing more than a trouble-maker for messageboards. They purposefully look to be abusive to other members and board staff, and will generally try to be as disruptive as possible - all for no greater reason than personal whimsy.

Hope that helps. :)
Beware of trouble-makers.

I said:
A "troll" is nothing more than a trouble-maker for messageboards. They purposefully look to be abusive to other members and board staff, and will generally try to be as disruptive as possible - all for no greater reason than personal whimsy.

Hope that helps. :)

Like art in the eye of the beholder, I reckon.


Susma Rio Sep
A "troll" is nothing more than a trouble-maker for messageboards. They purposefully look to be abusive to other members and board staff, and will generally try to be as disruptive as possible - all for no greater reason than personal whimsy.

Hope that helps. :)
Yes .. that helps.. :)

I wonder if Brian ever lurks here .. probably too busy with other pursuits.
Barely anything is ever deleted in this place - offending threads and posts merely move to a private board called the "Sin Bin".

I was genuinely interested in the possibility of you trying at least to make a coherent argument for your "Revelations-Quran" theory.

However, your conduct requires further thought. It is one issue to try and challenge members here, but when you then start dictating terms to board staff on how they should use the very resource they have put so much money and time in maintaining - then displeasure may be incurred.

I won't ban you, even though attention has already been drawn to your behaviour on other forums. I consider your conduct on here and here alone - but, unfortunately, it has not been very conducive thus far.

As stated originally, faith boards here are primarily for exploring said faiths, but it's the comparative board where the real critical commentaries may go.

I leave you a window open for you to come back and post your ideas there - but this time in a coherent and intelligent manner, and certainly less combative.

You may want to take a deep breath and relax a little first, and understand that we run a tight code of conduct here - linked at the top of the major boards.

It is not a great thing we ask to follow it.
Pffft . . . my posts are removed all the time, in fact I am annually removed . . . then asked back