
Pagan-prophet said:
I am currently reading, “Siddhartha” by Hermann Hesse. I would like to know what some of you think of this book if you have read it. So far I am enjoying it very much. Does this book carry principles accurate to some beliefs you hold?
Not really. It's a good book but Herman Hesse didn't actually know much about Buddhism.
Pagan-prophet said:
I am currently reading, “Siddhartha” by Hermann Hesse. I would like to know what some of you think of this book if you have read it. So far I am enjoying it very much. Does this book carry principles accurate to some beliefs you hold?
Ah, Herman Hesse. :)

I haven't read Siddartha, but "The Glass Bead Game" is one of my favourite books - despite that the English translation is pretty awkward.