How can bring them closer?

Love. I'm talking indvidual Love, the Love that is in your heart and my heart... In "my world" Islam and Christianity are together.... Every form of Christianity... They are my brothers, they are my sisters, and I Love them equally as much as any Muslim.


All it takes, is for you, and you and you and you and you and you and you and you...... lol to do, the same. Seriously, it isn't as hard as we make it out to be!

Ma salama.
If you mean is there any way to unify the doctrines, then no ... one cannot unify or incorporate one into the other.

Remember also that Islam means 'submission to the will of God' as defined by Islam, a doctrine that is incompatible with Christianity, and vice versa.

Equally, to be Christian means to profess the Creed, and a belief in the Trinitarian Godhead, which no Moslem would allow.

Ecumenically, there has been much work done to engender good relations, and much work more to do. Most of this happens behind the scenes and out of the public gaze – it is of no interest to the media to report it — I can only speak for the Roman Catholic Church, which enjoys good relations with Islam, even though Catholics in the Middle East are being murdered daily for their faith.

(Do not by misled by the hysteria generated by the media over the Pope's speech last year — sober voices in both camps decried the actions of a media intent on creating discord.)

Pope Benedict has called repeatedly for Christian, Moslem and Jew to stand shoulder to shoulder on matters of human rights, for example, as 'we' have a view of man as a spiritual/religious being absent from the secular view of the human person.

Recently, in the Anglican Church, more hysteria was generated when the Archbishop of Canterbury suggested Sharia Courts to deal with matters involved with Moslems living in the UK — nothing more than what already is the practice by Catholic and Jew ... and again Islamic authorities both in the UK and abroad applauded the sentiment and sensibility of his statement. The media, however, was only interested in creating conflict and panic ...

... so my short answer is: demand a greater exercise of responsibility by the media, for a start ...

Equally, to be Christian means to profess the Creed, and a belief in the Trinitarian Godhead, which no Moslem would allow.

Mr Thomas,
Peace , Blessing and Mercy of Allah(swt) be on of you all.
I agree , Islam dose not admit 1+1+1=1
I have a question,
So far I know there are 2.5 billion Christian.
How many follow the concept of Trinity?
Do you think the Concept of Trinity should be a barrier to establish good relation?
I have gone through your many reply and liked the answer.
Hope you will not mind to speak with open heart.
Zahir Shamsery.
Mr Thomas,
Peace , Blessing and Mercy of Allah(swt) be on of you all.
I agree , Islam dose not admit 1+1+1=1
I have a question,
So far I know there are 2.5 billion Christian.
How many follow the concept of Trinity?
Do you think the Concept of Trinity should be a barrier to establish good relation?
I have gone through your many reply and liked the answer.
Hope you will not mind to speak with open heart.
Zahir Shamsery.
if you want to know about your God, prophets, and Jesus Christ you will have to venture out of the quran and into the torah and the bible. just like a baby goes from milk to meat and from crawling to running, we all need to grow in our walk with God, and it is not unreasonable to seek all that is out there that explains who God is, especially when we are considered people of the book and you say you honor prophets and Jesus Christ, then read their words and have a reason to honor them.
you do not have to use the tired old 1+1+1=1 which doesnt explain the trinity but shows a muslim's false understanding of one God in three persons. Although, culturally and traditionally and religously you will have many barriers to overcome just allowing oneself to read the bible and contemplate the nature of God, no one should ever force you to believe in the trinity. we can talk about God, but only your eyes will be opened when the spirit reveals the nature of God to you, then you will know.
All christians believe in one God who is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. that and the deity of Jesus Christ who died for our sins and is our saviour, high priest, and our Lord who forgives our sins by our repentance and his grace. This is what ties all christians together, anything outside of those main fundamentals is something else.
the trinity should not be a barrier. we worship what we know, and if you love God then love him and love others and that is a good start, but do not deny him if you is revealing himself to you and you let barriers block him out. outside of that we can come together on everything that falls under loving our fellowman and expressing it, because God is love, which is why you see the founding of hospitals, and other works of God that christians have put all over the word to continue the work of christ and the spreading of the gospel so that all will hear how God loves everyone and wishes all to be saved through his Son.
i believe something that is stopping christians and muslims from coming together and working on this human rights issues, etc.. , and this is what i have been hearing, is for the islamic leaders first to denounce islamic violence first, then we can move onto expressing God's love to others.
is for the islamic leaders first to denounce islamic violence first, then we can move onto expressing God's love to others.

Though this is not the principle focus of my discussion but it is an obligation on me to refute your statement.
It is misleading and untrue.
Islam and Islamic leader or Muslim by name obviously not synonymous.
Islam means peace and it dose not advocate violence.
Islam cannot be judge through few people as same Christianity should not judge through some Christian terrorist.
Greetings, Mr Shamsery —

So far I know there are 2.5 billion Christian.
How many follow the concept of Trinity?
The Trinity is doctrine in most Christian denominations, although not all follow the same theology. I think those who do not believe in the Trinity are the odd American Christian denominations of the last couple of centuries.

Do you think the Concept of Trinity should be a barrier to establish good relation?
No. I think what is more important in the dialogue between Islam and Christianity is the belief in One God.

There is a saying in Islam (I am told): "God is closer to you than your jugular vein" — It is a saying I carry with me always.
