So, Mee... Wish to add any of your comments regarding this link to another site? The issue I had with the link (even though I know pretty much the in's and out's of the JW way.. I still read it.) And I got the feeling, I got everytime I learnt something with the JW's and that is I get this feeling that I am suposed to feel useless? That I have no power? No strength? No wisdom? No hands, no ears, no eyes... No mind? I am powerless... What is the point in me being alive? I cannot do anything... I just have to keep saying, oh someday, sometime... Soon, someone else will come and solve everything...

With this approach, I feel then yes, you will be waiting years of sunday's for anything to happen... I say, I have power, I have strength, I have a mind, I have hands, I have ears, I have eyes... I am far from useless.. Something amazing created me... And it filled me to the nines with Love... As it did everyone else... No there are some now, that may not be able to complete the problems such as poverty, there are even those Mee, that try their best... They do what they can, I only see that growing... I have no freaking idea where I am taking this... I just wanted I guess to say, man CAN and WILL solve this... step by step, little by little they gather... They realise what they can do, and what they can do is oh so beautiful.

Sorry, just every thread and such you speak of is near or soon or will be. One day, if we just ignore all that goes on around us waiting for this moment.. What have we done to help them? Don't get me wrong brother, I know text shows no tone, I am totally chilled and relaxed trying to get your views on this is all.... Going door to door, to speak of a book, yeah cool, I in honesty could never do that as I didn't like the idea.. But, how does that feed the starving? How does that give money to the poor? If we just watch the issue, believing there might be a solution in this book, when there for certain is a solution in our two hands... Yet we stand by with faith for this time? Yet, we haven't helped our fellow man while waiting? That sound right?
So, Mee... Wish to add any of your comments regarding this link to another site?


:) my comments are completley the opposite of your comments, :)

i think it is great that the Almighty is gathering a great crowd from all nations to live in a world that is willing to do things Gods way REVELATION 7;9-10 .

and rather than making me feel useless it makes me feel that it is good to be inline with Gods purpose and work along with those who are willing to do things Gods way .

of cause it does not make me feel good to see anyone suffer but it sure does make me feel good to know that imperfect human goverments and rulerships will be a thing of the past, and it is the Almighty that will step into things . Daniel 2;44

that is the best solution to all of the problems on this earth .

but for now he is gathering those who want to live under the PRINCE OF PEACE . :) and it is very good to make our stand as to whos rulership we want to be under.

not sure why you think we have not got to use our brains hands ect ect? its because i am using my brain that i am promoting the best solution and it is GODS WAY . :) AND IT IS VERY GOOD :)

"It is better to take refuge in Jehovah than to trust in earthling man."—Ps. 118:8.

Do not put YOUR trust in nobles,
Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.

PSALM 146;3

The Bible foretold that earth’s inhabitants in our time would experience "food shortages." (Luke 21:11)

Yet God is not indifferent to the problem.

Indeed, his concern for man’s plight will ultimately be shown when his Kingdom takes control of earth’s affairs.

At that time "the earth itself will certainly give its produce." "There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains there will be an overflow." (Psalm 67:6; 72:16)

Then these prophetic words regarding the Creator will be fulfilled: "You have turned your attention to the earth, that you may give it abundance . . . The low plains themselves are enveloped with grain."—Psalm 65:9, 13.

Does that marvelous promise appeal to you?

Wow, looking good! Got some of our own words coming out here! :) Wasn't that hard was it? Thanks for your post... Obviously far, far different from my view, but this is a thread about your topic, glad you put some info up about it.
Wow, looking good! Got some of our own words coming out here! :) Wasn't that hard was it? Thanks for your post... Obviously far, far different from my view, but this is a thread about your topic, glad you put some info up about it.

i am glad to say that my words are inline with the rest of JEHOVAHS WITNESSES . unity indeed :) and it is A GREAT CROWD REVELATION 7;9-10
Jehovah will soon act to rid the earth of poverty, hunger, oppression, sickness, and all injustice.
He will soon eliminate all oppression and suffering.
