Observance Day

Namaste all,

not very many i see :)

of course i don't know how many Buddhists we have on the forum to begin with :)


not very many i see :)

of course i don't know how many Buddhists we have on the forum to begin with :)

Were you expecting a deluge, Vaj? ;)

Did you mean registered members of the forum?

Did you mean those who have taken Refuge?

Did you mean those that have taken Precepts?

Did you mean Theravadan? (as per your second link: “Uposatha days are times of renewed dedication to Dhamma practice, observed by lay followers and monastics throughout the world of Theravada Buddhism.”)

Or did you mean something else?

Namaste Snoopy,

thank you for the post.

nope... but i thought there were more than three of us ;)

Were you expecting a deluge, Vaj? ;)

Did you mean registered members of the forum?

Did you mean those who have taken Refuge?

Did you mean those that have taken Precepts?

Did you mean Theravadan? (as per your second link: “Uposatha days are times of renewed dedication to Dhamma practice, observed by lay followers and monastics throughout the world of Theravada Buddhism.”)

Or did you mean something else?


generally speaking when someone identifies with a religion then i would consider them an adherent of said religion even if they didn't undergo all the proper formula, so to speak, to be a formal member of said religion.

so the question was meant to address all those posters here that consider themselves to practice the Buddha Dharma.


Vaj said:
generally speaking when someone identifies with a religion then i would consider them an adherent of said religion even if they didn't undergo all the proper formula, so to speak, to be a formal member of said religion.

so the question was meant to address all those posters here that consider themselves to practice the Buddha Dharma.



Wait, wait, wait--Buddha Dharma? I thought this was all about the Bubba Dharma.

Damn. I've been posting in the wrong forum.

Namaste Snoopy,
nope... but i thought there were more than three of us ;)
generally speaking when someone identifies with a religion then i would consider them an adherent of said religion even if they didn't undergo all the proper formula, so to speak, to be a formal member of said religion.

Ah but there’s the rub, Vaj :) (but it would be furiously off topic and involve much navel-gazing).

I think the word is ambivalent, regarding whether I consider myself to be a Buddhist (and as for what others may think...:eek:). I would say “yes” for some reasons and “no” for others. By way of an example for the latter, and in referring to your post, I do not consider myself to be a religionist. So insofar as Buddhism is a religion, then I am not a Buddhist.


I am with you, in that I am careful which "religion" I say I belong to. I say I have a belief system instead of saying I belong to a particular "religion", and this works well for me.

I have noticed how the word "religion" has bad connotations for many people. It is fascinating to watch how people deal with this issue.

I do not know if you know, but whether to call Buddhism a religion or not is a big issue for some people. Also, at what point a person calls themself a Buddhist is an issue for some people.