

Hi :) I just came on this forum myself. Welcome from another new member.
Cordial invitation

Ain_Soph said:
This is me introducing myself. :D

Welcome to this forum, Ain.

And I would like to make an imposition on your time and trouble, if I may, please read my posts and tell me what you think of my ideas. (How vain... Hehehehe)

Like some others here, I am possessed of sundry views on almost everything.

Whatever your reactions, just filter out the thoughts, minus the promotional props, and do me the favor of your interactions.

You, obviously so far, are a person of few words.

Again, welcome to this forum.

Susma Rio Sep
Thanks for the warm welcomes. :)
I look forward to getting to know you all.

Ain_Soph said:
Thanks for the warm welcomes. :)
I look forward to getting to know you all.

I would like to interview you about religion, if I may. Please tell me spontaneously without reflecting lengthily about the following items:

1. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you come across the word 'religion'?

2. Can you tell in which religion that thing comes from or belongs to?

3. What is your emotional mood with the word religion? Indifference, joy, dread, burden, inconvenience, cynicism?

4. Are your thoughts and acts of religion from your own discovery and invention or from other people telling you about them?

5. Suppose you can't hear and can't speak and can't get near close to people, and you come across a totally different society, a discovered people absolutely not known to anyone before, can you tell which behavior of theirs is religious, if you see any?

These questions are not supposed to be intrusive into your personal life; if you feel them to be so, you don't have to answer them. If you don't feel that they are intrusive, and you would like to contribute to my knowledge of religion, I would be most appreciative for your spontaneous answers.

Susma Rio Sep
1. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you come across the word 'religion'?


2. Can you tell in which religion that thing comes from or belongs to?

I'd say its the other way around. All religions belong to man.

3. What is your emotional mood with the word religion? Indifference, joy, dread, burden, inconvenience, cynicism?

Expression, the art of living.

4. Are your thoughts and acts of religion from your own discovery and invention or from other people telling you about them?

Both. Ive always had my own ground, but ive learned alot about myself from my fellow men.

5. Suppose you can't hear and can't speak and can't get near close to people, and you come across a totally different society, a discovered people absolutely not known to anyone before, can you tell which behavior of theirs is religious, if you see any?

I cant give a direct honest answer as I have yet to expierence this. I can only speculate. To me, your actions in your daily life is your real religion.

These questions are not supposed to be intrusive into your personal life; if you feel them to be so, you don't have to answer them. If you don't feel that they are intrusive, and you would like to contribute to my knowledge of religion, I would be most appreciative for your spontaneous answers.

We are all in this world together whether people like it or not. You can learn alot about yourself through interactions and perceptions of others.

Susma Rio Sep

What does this mean?