The Widely Accepted history of the arrival of Christianity for Europe and Africa.


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What is the Widely accepted view of how Christianity arrived in European Nations from the scholars and historians?

Were North Europeans very happy and excited to accept Christianity or were hundreds of Druids and Celts needed to first be systematically murdered and slaughtered before Europe was gonna so easily accept Christianity?


How did Christianity spread to Africa?

What religion were the Ethiopians before the Jews? When did Ethiopians have Judaism and how did they come to adopt this religion and what were they before Judaism?
For a narrow view: Druids were never murdered by True Christians. Those druids to have united with these ideas for all you know may have had prescience of the Holy mysteries and may have in fact added or contributed to how it is expressed today.

What is the Widely accepted view of how Christianity arrived in European Nations from the scholars and historians?

Were North Europeans very happy and excited to accept Christianity or were hundreds of Druids and Celts needed to first be systematically murdered and slaughtered before Europe was gonna so easily accept Christianity?

Some names to look up: Traditions of Glastonbury; Boudica; Constantius Chlorus (sp?) (father of Roman Emperor Constantine); Saint Patrick; Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne.

That should give a pretty good slice of the historical record to help put things into perspective. ;)

The short answer is that in probably 95% of Europe in the rural areas Christianity was a player in name only, the Pagans pretty well kept on as they had for thousands of years before. And the church let them, as long as they didn't cause any trouble and paid their taxes. The simple truth is that Christians have been far more vicious among themselves than they have been outwardly, at least until the Crusades. And considering what came after the Crusades, Christians are still more violent amongst themselves. More *accused* Christian dissidents were burned at the stake than all the witches and assorted other malcontents combined in and around the period of the Inquisition.


How did Christianity spread to Africa?

What religion were the Ethiopians before the Jews? When did Ethiopians have Judaism and how did they come to adopt this religion and what were they before Judaism?
Most of what I am familiar with in this regard is legend at best, regarding Solomon, Sheba and the Ark of the Covenant. You may want to ask on the Judaism board, you will probably get a bit more reliable response.
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How did Christianity spread to Africa?

The spread of Christianity throughout Egypt and Northern Africa, during the first five centuries was rapid and intense, despite the prevalence of false teachings, persecutions and martyrdom. Some religious scholars believe that Christianity was introduced to Africans by way of the Egyptian city of Alexandria. Reportedly, the city boasted a very large Jewish community, which was located in close proximity to Jerusalem. It is believed that African Jews in Alexandria were converted from Judaism to Christianity following a Jewish revolt in A.D. 115 that all but extinguished Judaism from the region.

History of Christianity in Africa

… (N)otice how close Africa is to Palestine where Christianity started. Given this proximity, it is not surprising that Christianity spread to Egypt and North Africa in the first century C.E. Indeed, Egypt, particularly the city of Alexandria, became an important center of this new religion. Unfortunately, Christians today don't know much about the rich tradition of Christianity in Egypt and North Africa. This is because of the divisions that developed in Christianity in the first centuries of its existence.

Exploring Africa

Once in North Africa, Christianity spread slowly West from Alexandria and East to Ethiopia. Through North Africa, Christianity was embraced as the religion of dissent against the expanding Roman Empire. In the 4th century AD the Ethiopian King Ezana made Christianity the kingdom's official religion. In 312 Emperor Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.

The Story of Africa| BBC World Service

The history of Christianity in Africa south of the Sahara begins in the fifteenth century, with the arrival of the first missionaries carrying the gospel from Europe. The story of these missionaries is equally Catholic and Protestant, is equally the story of Liberal Christians and Evangelicals, is equally the story of women missionaries and men; but the story of the spread of Christianity in Africa during the last five centuries is far more the story of African Christians spreading the gospel in Africa than it is the story of European or American Christians spreading the gospel in Africa.

Sub-Sahara African Christianity: A History of the Christian Church in Sub-Saharan Africa

The Portuguese were the first Europeans to venture south of the Sahara desert in significant numbers. They took the sea route, exploring further and further down the west coast. These exploring ships often held missionaries as well as explorers. Their work bore good fruit in the Kongo, which became a Christian kingdom in the 1490s, though their efforts were less successful in Benin and Mutapa. Portuguese priests and missionaries joined in the protests of the Catholic Christian king of Kongo in appealing to the pope and the king of Portugual for support against the slave trade, but to no avail.

Pre-Colonial Roman Catholic Missions in Africa

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