Existence or non-existence???


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United States
From the Anatta teaching that I can comprehend I have the impression that Buddhism is saying that all that I am is the result of cause and effect like a wave of an ocean. Due to cause and effect water particles bounce off of each other to produce a transient title wave. If the Title wave thinks it is a Title wave and is permanent is making a mistake to the actual state of affairs.

Buddhism seems to go so far as to say that not even the more non-material aspect is not eternal. My mind or consciousness is not immortal and forever. There is no eternal soul. My consciousness is directly connected to the universe itself and therefore it is dependent and impermanent.

I see Nibbana as the ceasing of this cause and effect but, what happens next? If you say non-existence then it kinda goes against what I have been told about Buddha being against the idea of nothingness and nihilism.

Again, can you understand what I am trying to ask. Arghh, I think I will give it a few weeks before I ask again.

A questions comes up and then when I start typing I lose cite of what I was trying to ask. I think I am just sleepy or something.

Oh well,

From the Anatta teaching that I can comprehend I have the impression that Buddhism is saying that all that I am is the result of cause and effect like a wave of an ocean. Due to cause and effect water particles bounce off of each other to produce a transient title wave. If the Title wave thinks it is a Title wave and is permanent is making a mistake to the actual state of affairs.

I like the wave analogy. Cause and effect can sound like it means a linear chain reaction between entities; like a pool ball striking another and sending the second one off across the pool table. Perhaps Indra’s net makes a better analogy; infinite, interpenetration and interconnectedness of all phenomena.

Buddhism seems to go so far as to say that not even the more non-material aspect is not eternal.
Assuming there is even a “material” aspect in the first place! But yes, eternally unchanging is off the menu I think. Which is not to throw out the notion of “eternal” itself of course (e.g. an eternally changing universe).

My mind or consciousness is not immortal and forever. There is no eternal soul. My consciousness is directly connected to the universe itself and therefore it is dependent and impermanent.

I see Nibbana as the ceasing of this cause and effect but, what happens next?
The universe continues to exist in the absence of the present you. Maybe a new you will be existing in the next moment’s universe.

A great Fleetwood Mac song. :)

Hello Manji2012,
What you refer to as transient title waves are also known as Spherical Standing Waves in Space according to the wave structure of matter in space, a theory proposed by Geoff Haselhusrt in which he describes the most simple theory possible in this extremely complicated existence…You can read more about his theory at :
Theology: Summary and List of World Religions, God, Religious Beliefs, Golden Rule Morality

I tend to believe his theory more than others on what this existence actually is. That there is only one thing existing, Space, with Properties of a Continuous Infinite Eternal Wave Medium, an so a perpetual system of space waves creating matter in space makes perfect sence to me right now.

this is how I understand it...Spherical Standing Waves have always existed and they are formed by in-waves that have always existed. There was no beginning. In-waves have always been forming Spherical Standing Waves in and of Space and Spherical Standing Waves have always been sending out-waves into space. It is a perpetual system...

I believe what Geoff is implying is that one wave center is our observable universe and that there are an infinite quantity of universes in space.. So one wave center sends out waves to other wave centers in space and this is the simplest form of awareness. Inwaves and outwaves in space are a process that can be understood to be an information exchange occurring between energy centers in space. The exchange is an awareness. This sense of 'awareness' has always existed in infinite space, as spherical standing wave centers have always existed in infinite space, it is an infinite perpetual system… in the continuous wave medium of infinite space.

The human mind is simply a finite glimpse or perhaps one small facet of the eternal God/Space mind. that is if the waves in space are actually aware of each other...

I am still grappling with reality... I hope we find the cosmic library soon... Where is the manual? Haven’t other species on other worlds figured out all of this already? Is there some joke going on here? “Look at the stupid humans they’re going to destroy their world long before they figure out that the manual is all around them". Can you hear them laughing at us?
It’s up to us man. I feel that if we loose it’s our own fault. I have hope that we will overcome and survive and continue to exist but we are so divided I think somebody has to write down a simple language that describes Reality.I think that this is exactly what Geoff Haselhurst is trying to do.

I hope this makes sense to you. So many people are trying to figure out reality by applying all kinds of metaphors, myths and imaginings but I think that there is only one answer, and that answer, is simple once known. We will all have to let go of some of our old beliefs if we are to know the actual truth of what this reality is...

This continuous wave medium is an absolute mystery. But it seems to me that it can be no other way, for there can be no 'first cause' that sets motion into motion in infinite eternal space.
What you refer to as transient title waves are also known as Spherical Standing Waves in Space according to the wave structure of matter in space, a theory proposed by Geoff Haselhusrt in which he describes the most simple theory possible in this extremely complicated existence…You can read more about his theory at :
Theology: Summary and List of World Religions, God, Religious Beliefs, Golden Rule Morality

Thanks for this, didn't know about this site. Found your reference more easily when I realised it's Haselhurst !

I tend to believe his theory more than others on what this existence actually is. That there is only one thing existing, Space, with Properties of a Continuous Infinite Eternal Wave Medium, an so a perpetual system of space waves creating matter in space makes perfect sence to me right now.
All phenemena unfolding and enfolding from and to emptiness. Hmmm, how long has that idea been around? Only about two to two and a half thousand years before Mr Haselhurst! ;)

Geoff Haselhurst

Bruno, I see that he’s included some quotes by Joanna Macy on his site. I’ve recently read her book Mutual Causality in Buddhism and General Systems Theory: The Dharma of Natural Systems
, which you may find interesting (or not). :)
