Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Eczema, Hypertension and Acidity



Eczema is a skin disorder characterized by dry, itchy skin, blisters and redness.

Prevention of Eczema
Drink plenty of water, fruit juices and include protein rich food items in your daily menu. Adjust your daily activities to bring stress and tension under control.

1. Apply coconut oil over the affected area. This keeps the skin from drying.
2. Make a paste with camphor and sandalwood apply it on the affected area.
3. Take tomato juice.

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) can result from a variety of reasons including mental disturbances.
Avoid meat, egg, coffee, liquor, from your diet if you doubt hypertension.

1. Include garlic in your daily diet, as a spice.
2. Drink plenty of water.
3. Eat a papaya daily for three months.
4. Keep a relaxed lifestyle.

Acidity can’t become a serious problem for people who keep a good diet regime and exercise program. However, there are instances when you suffer from acidity.

Simple Ayurvedic Treatment for acidity

1. Eat banana (small types) or cucumber several times a day.
2. Gently chew a clove.
3. Keep a small piece of jaggery (either palm or sugar) in your mouth till it dissolves and gets ingested completely.
4. Chew a piece of Haritaki after meals.
5. Chew mint leaves after meals.
6. Smell or chew garlic.
7. Slowly chew an amla (gooseberry).
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