I Was There


Madan G. Gandhi
Reaction score

In the beginning
when nothing was there,
no stirring of life,
no being, no non-being,
no cowl of the sky,
no spangled heavens,
no spring-eyed earths,
no cycle of seasons,
no eonic time,
no canopy, no roof,
I was there.

No primeval creativity-in-action
no stereo harmony of heavens
frozen eternity not yet set to chime.
Time had not yet spun its course
nor death and life cycle begun
in all-enveloping darkness
stillness stared at itself
in the still stare of silence.

No ray, no flicker,
no stir, no movement,
no flap, no flutter,
wingless void unpatterned,
unconscious, unmanifest,
One and only One,
on the python throne
in dreamless sleep
myself, the formless, first.
Beautiful and meaningful

How nice to see another who likes poetic expression of spritual things.
The poem was wonderful. And I feel that I do comprehend the meaning, but there is always the possibility that I misunderstand. Would you tell me what the last verse means to you? :)
How modest of you. You are worthy of my salutation. The language of mysticism is silence. But in every age and clime, poet mystics have tried to verbalize the divine afflatus or revelation welling up within. In the advaitic vision God is Self, Transcendent-Immanent (ek omkar satnam) beyond all antinomies, pairs of opposites, monistic and monotheistic conceptions of the Ultimate Reality. Advaitic vision of unity can be experienced only in nirvikalp samadhi and not describable in language. Vedas end in despair describing the Ultimate Reality, Brahman as Na-iti, Na-iti which means neither this nor this ..............All mystic experience points to the Formless First, Indivisible Absolute. You and I are one and all that is there, has been there, or shall be there, is in essence, One Unified Field of Energy, Pure Intelligence pervading and permeating all beings and things. Since the Ultimate Reality is Infinite, Unbounded and Free of all categories and attributes, therefore language is inadequate to conceive and conceptualize It through words. Hence, the existence of myriad systems of philosophy and religion.

Phi said:
How nice to see another who likes poetic expression of spritual things.
The poem was wonderful. And I feel that I do comprehend the meaning, but there is always the possibility that I misunderstand. Would you tell me what the last verse means to you? :)