The Rant of Manji2012


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United States
As some of you may know, I have had the fear of not believing in Jesus as the only way because it means you have to go Hell for that. I can’t quit understand why I have this fear but I do for some reason.

I look forward to the die that I defeat this fear, overcome it, be free from the shackles of dogma, and be liberated and empowered by truth and infinite love. And once I obtain my freedom, I may not stop there, I am gonna call the world out on their lies until I die!

I just did some Buddhist practice, two years ago, and experienced something awesome and profound that I associated that experience as the “Kingdom of Heaven” or God the divine. You see, I didn’t care it being about this religion being right and the other one is wrong. I just interpreted the experience how it made sense to me.

All it is, is this, it is not that Christianity is correct and better than Buddhism or some other religion per say, it is that they are schools of thought that are helpful for person to realize the truth. They just go about saying it differently but all the schools mean the same thing.

It is like Brazilian Jiujitsu versus Japanese Judo. Oops, Judo has better Standing technique than Jiu jitsu but Jiu Jitsu has better ground work than Judo so that means one of them is better than the other. Get out of here!

Bruce Lee did a good job at explaining it for us. It is no that there is a Chinese way of fighting that is better than a Japanese way of fighting or that there is a system of fighting that needs to be made that is superior, it is that a person trains themselves to be the best combatant they can through practice of various schools in the martial arts.

Religion is the same thing. You’re supposed to cultivate yourself.

However, I am sure the orthodoxy is against that interpretation in fact, I think I will go to the church across the street from my house on Sunday, tell them what happened to me, and ask them what they think.

How can you believe in Jesus Christ as the only way save your soul? Is not this dogma simply superstition? Exactly in a lawful way how does this dogma is supposed to work? Does it even make sense because, on so many levels it just makes absolutely no sense anyways!

The truth lasts forever and is here forever and it is by realizing the one and only truth that one is liberated, empowered, set free, and finds salvation. For example:

A person may make the mistake of thinking that life is all about hording to themselves as much material things they can because, they think that will make them happy. They do this, discovers that the materials are not making them happy and soon realize that being free from the desire to have these things, in being content, that one experiences fulfillment, freedom, empowerment, and love.

That experience of being fulfilled, of being free, being secure, being happy, and being empowered, that is divine, that is true, and that is what God is.

GOD! Is NOT! Some White man in Heaven who is jealous and watches everything we do and when do not obey or believe the right stuff we have to go to hell. NO~!


Any basic Buddhist teaching can be found to have been said by Jesus and then we find it right there in Chinese Taosim, in Santana Dharma and the list goes on.

Dogmas are worthless belief systems. It is like someone saying they believe in fairies.
As some of you may know, I have had the fear of not believing in Jesus as the only way because it means you have to go Hell for that. I can’t quit understand why I have this fear but I do for some reason.

I look forward to the die that I defeat this fear, overcome it, be free from the shackles of dogma, and be liberated and empowered by truth and infinite love. And once I obtain my freedom, I may not stop there, I am gonna call the world out on their lies until I die!

I just did some Buddhist practice, two years ago, and experienced something awesome and profound that I associated that experience as the “Kingdom of Heaven” or God the divine. You see, I didn’t care it being about this religion being right and the other one is wrong. I just interpreted the experience how it made sense to me.

All it is, is this, it is not that Christianity is correct and better than Buddhism or some other religion per say, it is that they are schools of thought that are helpful for person to realize the truth. They just go about saying it differently but all the schools mean the same thing.

It is like Brazilian Jiujitsu versus Japanese Judo. Oops, Judo has better Standing technique than Jiu jitsu but Jiu Jitsu has better ground work than Judo so that means one of them is better than the other. Get out of here!

Bruce Lee did a good job at explaining it for us. It is no that there is a Chinese way of fighting that is better than a Japanese way of fighting or that there is a system of fighting that needs to be made that is superior, it is that a person trains themselves to be the best combatant they can through practice of various schools in the martial arts.

Religion is the same thing. You’re supposed to cultivate yourself.

However, I am sure the orthodoxy is against that interpretation in fact, I think I will go to the church across the street from my house on Sunday, tell them what happened to me, and ask them what they think.

How can you believe in Jesus Christ as the only way save your soul? Is not this dogma simply superstition? Exactly in a lawful way how does this dogma is supposed to work? Does it even make sense because, on so many levels it just makes absolutely no sense anyways!

The truth lasts forever and is here forever and it is by realizing the one and only truth that one is liberated, empowered, set free, and finds salvation. For example:

A person may make the mistake of thinking that life is all about hording to themselves as much material things they can because, they think that will make them happy. They do this, discovers that the materials are not making them happy and soon realize that being free from the desire to have these things, in being content, that one experiences fulfillment, freedom, empowerment, and love.

That experience of being fulfilled, of being free, being secure, being happy, and being empowered, that is divine, that is true, and that is what God is.

GOD! Is NOT! Some White man in Heaven who is jealous and watches everything we do and when do not obey or believe the right stuff we have to go to hell. NO~!


Any basic Buddhist teaching can be found to have been said by Jesus and then we find it right there in Chinese Taosim, in Santana Dharma and the list goes on.

Dogmas are worthless belief systems. It is like someone saying they believe in fairies.

the bible does not teach that people will go to hellfire that is church manmade teachings ,maybe you have not found true christianty as yet .

i have found true christianity and it is very goodnews .:)
You’re supposed to cultivate yourself.

Nice rant. :)

"To study the way is to study the self. To study the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be experienced by all things. To be experienced by all things is to be free from attachment to the mind-body of one's self and of others."
- Dogen.

the bible does not teach that people will go to hellfire that is church manmade teachings ,maybe you have not found true christianty as yet .

i have found true christianity and it is very goodnews .:)

It feels really good to hear you say that but, can we really scripturally back that up though? I mean, it is hard to believe the Bible does not have this idea of Hell I mean, I am sure there's a verse in the new testament where Jesus supposedly described it.

If not though, that would be super good news for me. If so, I guess then, wow, there is no difference really between one tradition and the next.

I mean, I asked a Christian, who's parents are missionaries, if he believed that Jesus is the only way so, if you do not believe in Jesus but was a really good Buddhist your whole life, ya still have to go to hell because Jesus really is the only way. His reply, "yes, I believe unbelievers will go to hell."

Side note:

What is your position on Revelation? Uhh, is it just mumbo jumbo that was not supposed to make it in the canonized Bible or do you see it actually being about what is happening in the world today like Iraq or Iran or whatever?

This no hell idea is really touching and moving. If only I could be liberated from this fear of not believing in Jesus as the only way...

I have been introduced to this idea of final judgement really coming from Zoroastrianism.