Life is exchanging 'light'... not electrical charges




Research to share the non-canonical interface of proteins within a living form.

In current science the intent of proteins to associate is chemically described in metabolic pathways or processes such as catabolism for the cellular respiration.

This shares a chemically described form of metabolic processes.

This thread is to share something; that living structures are not combining mass for ‘ionic’ exchange for the usage of energy as prescribed in chemistry but that the potential being used is the energy released upon the reaction; ‘light’.

A non-canonical or non-conforming insight has been observed per this publication.

Science 29 February 2008:
Vol. 319. no. 5867, pp. 1232 - 1235
DOI: 10.1126/science.1153445

Deeply Inverted Electron-Hole Recombination in a Luminescent
Antibody-Stilbene Complex

Erik W. Debler,1,2* Gunnar F. Kaufmann,2,3,4 Michael M. Meijler,2,3 Andreas Heine,1
Jenny M. Mee,2,3 Goran Pljevalj i ,1 Angel J. Di Bilio,5 Peter G. Schultz,2,3 David P. Millar,1
Kim D. Janda,2,3,4,6 Ian A. Wilson,1,2 Harry B. Gray,5 Richard A. Lerner1,2,3
The blue-emissive antibody EP2-19G2 that has been elicited against trans-stilbene has unprecedented ability to produce bright luminescence and has been used as a biosensor in various applications. We show that the prolonged luminescence is not stilbene fluorescence. Instead, the emissive species is a charge transfer excited complex of an anionic stilbene and a cationic, parallel -stacked tryptophan. Upon charge recombination, this complex generates exceptionally bright blue light. Complex formation is enabled by a deeply penetrating ligand-binding pocket, which in turn results from a noncanonical interface between the two variable domains of the antibody.

What this is sharing is that a ‘rule breaking’ (non-canonical) occurrence has been identified. IN which structures ‘anionic stilbene’ and tryptophan (stacked) reacts upon combining and releases a ‘exceptionally bright blue light’…….

I will bet the combining of the 2 potentials represents a ‘golden ratio’ of increased potential; a latter effect.

i.e…. put your ear to a conch shell; notice the increased potential. Not magic; entangled energy to the structure/environment.

I may be one of the few who understands your light fantastic excitement.:)

- c -

I may be one of the few who understands your light fantastic excitement.:)

- c -

then go into Polaritonics and find how they can impose the 'f' of light upon a crystal, then recall the same properties;

this is how memories are held within the brain.
then go into Polaritonics and find how they can impose the 'f' of light upon a crystal, then recall the same properties;

this is how memories are held within the brain.

Polaritonics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes........dare I........
Proposing now in the quality of light it is possible for something to happen in the fields of universal form and humanity unknown before.

Bishadi, I am a seer of light and atmosphere and witness to universal changes in all things. I'm not sure where you are with this but the changes happening at present are allowing even my non material scientific mind a greater understanding through the view of scientific knowledge.

Perhaps my visions can also be of value to yours.

I have never known such clarity of light as the intermittent progress in the past few weeks.......... slowly it builds in bursts and crescendos towards stability and balance....... The New.

- c -
Polaritonics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes........dare I........
Proposing now in the quality of light it is possible for something to happen in the fields of universal form and humanity unknown before.
Hit it on the head.

This will begin the paradigm shift; Light is the energy upon mass!

Bishadi, I am a seer of light and atmosphere and witness to universal changes in all things. I'm not sure where you are with this
Over 2 decades of knowing the truth, but have spent the time combining it, without trying to publish; purposed to simply understand and as promised; been conveying all over the world, without any namesake.

but the changes happening at present are allowing even my non material scientific mind a greater understanding through the view of scientific knowledge.

Perhaps my visions can also be of value to yours.
Would be good if each had the words to comprehend what they experience and it be applicable in physical truth.

I have never known such clarity of light as the intermittent progress in the past few weeks.......... slowly it builds in bursts and crescendos towards stability and balance....... The New.

- c -
can you share the insights or bridges you built so that maybe another can be of same mind..?

If you really think about it, every soul ever born has asked, contemplated or even wished to understand what makes them alive......

and let's be clear; if what contribution a person shares for others in selfless intent to do for the good of mankind; they live in the good for a long long time..... i.e... we still talking about Confucius, Jesus, Darwin, Bose, Tesla..... need I go on for each to see what life ever lasting is all about.... we live in what we do!
Bishardi......... Thank you. :)

We have crossed a bridge ourselves and in doing so created a bridge.......
Maybe now a new thread to continue do you have any proposals?

I've been catching up with things here while in and out of the garden and now need to water and do ............ and consider.

So later..........

- c -
We have crossed a bridge ourselves and in doing so created a bridge.......
Maybe now a new thread to continue do you have any proposals?

I've been catching up with things here while in and out of the garden and now need to water and do ............ and consider.

So later..........

- c -
just did the same; back to 'doing'
Well I would like to say that I have "seen the light" but I have not. Over on the other thread you started Bish, you linked to a technique for fluorescing molecules for study on the macro scale of less than 10 nanometres. All very interesting but they still have to use a variety of techniques to get this fluorescence. It is not naturally occurring. In addition even if light is in part the exchange mechanism of molecular communication what about the quantum world? Photons are too big and evidently too slow to explain some quantum phenomena.
Forgive me if I seem to you to ask stupid questions but to me they are important and I would appreciate your answers.

It is not naturally occurring.
What isn't? Light between mass?

Every single atom combined is because of em in one wavelength or another..... If no energy (light) upon an atom, then that atoms is absolute cold. If you want atom A and B to combine; must have em (energy as in light or the per se photon) For example in chemistry they suggest an electron jumps from one shell to another; Well what causes that jump?

EM...... light....... everytime, not sometimes......

You said light not in nature....

A chromophore is part (or moiety) of a molecule responsible for its color.
When a molecule absorbs certain wavelengths of visible light and transmits or reflects others, the molecule has a color. A chromophore is a region in a molecule where the energy difference between two different molecular orbitals falls within the range of the visible spectrum. Visible light that hits the chromophore can thus be absorbed by exciting an electron from its ground state into an excited state.

In biological molecules that serve to capture or detect light energy, the chromophore is the moiety that causes a conformational change of the molecule when hit by light.
Normal part of biology

Did you look up the FRET? Note how the energy 'jumps' over cells to resonate a sister structure with superconductivity properties (no loss of energy)..... only one way this can happen.. energy is the wavelength (EM) upon the structure; hence the phenomenon of FRET

In addition even if light is in part the exchange mechanism of molecular communication what about the quantum world?
such as electrodynamics? Einstein's Nobel; that light causes electrons to become excited? What is the question... Even he knew 'light' was what did the work.... he is one of the guys who assisted in the conversions of power from the macro to micro in a relative form.

Photons are too big and evidently too slow to explain some quantum phenomena.
Maybe do some homework as this kind of comment has no grounds but in ignorance. Too big.... do you know how BIG a radio wave is? Do you even know what 'slowing' a photon means? Look up 'slowing and rubidium' before returning with such

Forgive me if I seem to you to ask stupid questions but to me they are important and I would appreciate your answers.

Only one question.... "what about QM".... and then nothing relevant any further

..... 'photons' have never been isolated in a true vacuum.... so a photon is simply and energy state held upon a structure..... as even as slowing may seem apparent enroute between 2 points, reality is, a photon held in a state in between 2 locations have not been accomplished in any experiment, unless upon mass.
What isn't? Light between mass?
No, the fluorescence observed in the study you linked to was inserted and not naturally occurring. But I see from what you went on to post what you were getting at ( chromophores ) and that though they were 'tagging' different molecules with a fluorescent label they do also occur naturally.

Maybe do some homework as this kind of comment has no grounds but in ignorance. Too big.... do you know how BIG a radio wave is? Do you even know what 'slowing' a photon means? Look up 'slowing and rubidium' before returning with such
I agree the way I worded that did appear to be entirely ignorant of what a photon is and as though I was assigning it a known mass. This is not what I meant. What I did mean is that if photons or EM if you prefer is the transmitter of information at the atomic scale what is its relevance at the subatomic or quantum level of reality? I have already told you I am aware of BE Condensates and their remarkable effects on photons so if you see that you may be able to explain anything in terms of these experiments feel free.

No, the fluorescence observed in the study you linked to was inserted and not naturally occurring.

Ooops. I guess since it may be best to look into research before assuming.

A revolution in science is occurring.....

not much to debate about that

question is are you up for the correct knowledge, or do you like magic?

What I did mean is that if photons or EM if you prefer is the transmitter of information at the atomic scale what is its relevance at the subatomic or quantum level of reality?
Most of the structures mentioned are less than 50 atoms...... or simple real basic molecules and not big old protiens

simply the base building blocks of just about everything...

as for the single atom basis; well any action; whether vibration/resonance, mometum or any 'life' to mass above absolute rest (BEC), is in motion because energy (light) is upon that structure or is being affected by a field of...

I have already told you I am aware of BE Condensates and their remarkable effects on photons so if you see that you may be able to explain anything in terms of these experiments feel free.
Most BEC is at 1000 atoms of rubidium or greater. But open a thread an ask a question directly related