Mona Mahmudnizhad


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Mona Mahmudnizhad was a Baha'i girl killed in Iran in 1983 for teaching Baha'i children's classes. If I correctly remember what I read, sixteen Baha'is were killed that same day. Ten were women, at least one was a teenage girl, Mona.

Mona's Dream

I can't say whether it was Mona or not, but I had a dream that I followed a Persian-looking girl up a high mountain. At the top she turned to look at the view, I stood a little below her and said, "hug?" She didn't hear me, so I said it again. I said it a third time and she hugged me. I could still feel the hug when I woke up.
I heard this song a long time ago, before I had heard about the Baha'i Faith.

Mona with the Children by Douglas John Cameron.
That's an interesting dream.. !

There are a lot on seeming coincidences and connections that lead us to the Baha'i Faith... A few years ago a person on this forum said he obtained a copy of Baha'i Writings and smelled roses.. these things are never "logical" or even make much sense in worldly terms.. but anyway it's cool.:cool:

- Art
That's an interesting dream.. !

There are a lot on seeming coincidences and connections that lead us to the Baha'i Faith... A few years ago a person on this forum said he obtained a copy of Baha'i Writings and smelled roses.. these things are never "logical" or even make much sense in worldly terms.. but anyway it's cool.:cool:

- Art

Isn't it cool? :) A few times while I was seeking for truth, I'd pray and ask what was true and the next day I'd get a Baha'i catalog in the mail. It happened about three times... always following a prayer asking for truth I'd get a Baha'i catalog.

I first heard about the Faith from my oldest sister. She met a Baha'i on a bike trail in Virginia who gave her a couple of books and some cards. I looked at the cards, which listed principles on them, and I agreed with all the principles. I think at that time, also, I read the introduction to Gleanings and wanted to know whether Baha'u'llah really was the Promised One. My sister discouraged me and said that He couldn't be because lions and lambs weren't feeding together... lions weren't vegetarian... (Isaiah talks about people as being like dogs sometimes, does anyone make the connection?) Invariably, almost unwillingly, I set out on a search for truth that led me, nine years later, to become a Baha'i.