European Male?


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Recently had to have a check up at the asthma clinice, an annual thing.

Have been putting it off for ages, as I feared the worse, since I do smoke, and have smoked some bad resin hash, over the past 18 yrs.

Delighted that the results gave me the all clear, my lungs are apparently as strong as they would be for a male of my age, that had never smoked!

Actually, the curious thing was she said a "European male".

Does that make a difference?

Are there differences between the lungs of a European male, and those of other races?
Recently had to have a check up at the asthma clinice, an annual thing.

Have been putting it off for ages, as I feared the worse, since I do smoke, and have smoked some bad resin hash, over the past 18 yrs.

Delighted that the results gave me the all clear, my lungs are apparently as strong as they would be for a male of my age, that had never smoked!

Actually, the curious thing was she said a "European male".

Does that make a difference?

Are there differences between the lungs of a European male, and those of other races?

I am suprised they didn't say western, european male... Difference in goods? No. Difference in lifestyles? Yes..
I am suprised they didn't say western, european male... Difference in goods? No. Difference in lifestyles? Yes..

I was born in Scotland, however, my mother, she is Italian/Maltese.

I can't see why someone born in Scotland, but who was Asian or African would definitely have a different lifestlyle to me?

That's why I am thinking it might be a physical difference, in the way that black people make better runners than swimmers, because of greater bone density and muscle (in general).

It doesn't really matter, I was just curious as to why she used that phrase.

meaning... depending on your race or nationality, you may be at a higher risk category for various health conditions... if ur asian, ur at a higher risk of diabetes, or, say, you're a man from sub-saharan africa, u are at a higher risk of HIV, if you're an illegal immigrant ur more likely to need tests for TB, etc...

so, her "marking u" as a european male most likely means she does not ID you as a high-risk group for any specific condition...

a white european male is less likely to develop infectious conditions such as... polio, TB, Mumps, Tetanus, Diptheria, etc, because Europe has good vaccination programs...

if ur an economic migrant from Lesoto, however, your simple cough, brought on by smoking, could be TB, and you would become a public health issue...