Some issues I need help with.



Let me just qualify everything I about to say with this:

I'm insanely ignorant of Pre-chrisitian lore and myths. So anything I say that is found offensive, I plead ignorance and apologize for it.

Also I know there's a greco-roman forum but this is more of mixture of questions from all over the world.

These are my sources, please help me expand them:
Everything I know about Chinese Dragon myths
Chinese dragon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Everything I know about Wolf myths in Roman...myths

Romulus and Remus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rostam had a mace in that had a bull head and it bit people(making it hands down the coolest weapon ever, in my opinion) I own a copy of a French translation of the Shahnameh.

So what I need and my questions are this:

What specific myths are there about Chinese Dragons, and maybe them going to War?

What other wolf myths are there in Roman lore?

What are the dominant animals legends in:
Ancient Russia
And African( pre-islam central africa)

Stories about them is what I'm looking for and how they interacted. Hero stories are preferred. I am still searching myself, but I stumbled on this forum and peaked around a bit and it seems you guys know a lot about this, so I decided to pick your brains.
So what I need and my questions are this:

What specific myths are there about Chinese Dragons, and maybe them going to War?

What other wolf myths are there in Roman lore?

What are the dominant animals legends in:
Ancient Russia
And African( pre-islam central africa)

Stories about them is what I'm looking for and how they interacted. Hero stories are preferred. I am still searching myself, but I stumbled on this forum and peaked around a bit and it seems you guys know a lot about this, so I decided to pick your brains.
I'm not exceedingly familiar, but I believe it is the Aztec who have the long tradition of Quetzlcoatl (sp?), a feathered flying serpent. Also, if you look at the Mexican flag there is a golden eagle with a snake in its claw. That is taken from the story behind the founding of Mexico City.

I can't say what the dominant animal legends are in central Africa, but one that still intrigues me is mokele mbembe, a rumoured giant reptile.
What are the dominant animals legends in:
Ancient Russia
And African( pre-islam central africa)

123 is correct with Aztec... The feathered serpent... Quetzalcoatl would most likley be the main "dominant" animal legend. also was known to the Mayans too as Kukulan. The russians.... Does a Mermaid count? lol... Also a winged dog named Simargl... African... What area?? lol... Many tribes... Many different lores.... Are you looking at a particular tribe?

