Zakat concerns


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Salaam everyone,

I am greately concerned about zakat that me and my family pay each year. It is not enough. :(

I tried talking to my parents. My mom understands, but my father does not. He seems to think that a $200--$250 is enough. But, based on my calculations and the earnings my father and I bring home, it is still not enough.

Now, I give my money to my parents. I am not married, so I live with them (as is the cultural practice from where I come from). My parents are aware about how much I earn and they know how much is on the account. They tell me it is ok to take money from the account if I need it. However, my dad is probably thinking about a 'small' sum of money that I can take. If I were to take the zakat money from the account, the sum I believe must be given, I know all hell will be broken loose.

What do I do? I feel like each year we owe zakat. Last time my father and I got into an argument. Now, mind you, he is not practicing Islaam. Do not take me wrong, I am not perfect, but my father believes that believing in God Almighty is the only obligation he has towards Him. Fine with me if that is what he chooses, but zakat is a problem.

I do not know what to do. Last time I paid some money to a Muslim charity through my credit card. I have already about $10,000 credit card debt. My father earns more than I do and my mom is unable to work at this time.

Should I go along with whatever amount of zakat he chooses to give this time or should I try again to convince him to pay more, as we should?

may allah bless you my sister

you have a light in your soul and heart...and Allah will guide you to the illuminate path

I will ask expert moslems about your question ...In sha Allah we will get the right answer

Ramadan Kariem :)

Thank you, Friend. I appreciate it. I will be eagerly expecting your reply.
I do not know what to do. Last time I paid some money to a Muslim charity through my credit card. I have already about $10,000 credit card debt. My father earns more than I do and my mom is unable to work at this time.

Should I go along with whatever amount of zakat he chooses to give this time or should I try again to convince him to pay more, as we should?

Slaam Amica

The best choice is to try to convince him to pay the exact value of Zakat...if he doesn't convince ,you should try to pay the deficient value in some way

Allah said in surat albaqara (verses 261)

"The parable of those who spend their substance in the way of Allah is that of a grain of corn: it groweth seven ears, and each ear Hath a hundred grains. Allah giveth manifold increase to whom He pleaseth: And Allah careth for all and He knoweth all things. "

see this link about Zakat
Zakat (Charity)
Linguistically, Zakat has two meanings: purification and growth. Technically, it means to purify one's possession of wealth by distributing a prescribed amount to the poor, the indigent, the slaves or captives, and the wayfarer.There are many major benefits of giving Zakat:
  • It reminds Muslims of the fact that whatever wealth they may possess is due to the blessings of Allah and as such it is to be spent according to the His commands.
  • Zakat functions as a social security for all. Those who have enough money today pay for what they have. If they need money tomorrow they will get what is necessary to help them live decently.
  • Zakat payer pays his dues to Allah as an act of worship, a token of submission and an acknowledgment of gratitude. The receiver of Zakat receives it as a grant from Allah out of His bounty, a favor for which he is thankful to Allah.

It is stated in the Hadith that by giving Zakat the following benefits are derived:
  1. Gain the pleasure of Allah.
  2. Increase in wealth and protection from losses.
  3. Allah's forgiveness and blessings.
  4. Protection from the wrath of Allah and from a bad death.
  5. A shelter on the Day of Judgment;
  6. Security from seventy misfortunes.

Remember that every dollar you will pay will back to you and more ....

Ramadan Kareem :)