Ignore Lists

Nick the Pilot

Well-Known Member
Reaction score
Tokyo, Japan
Hi everybody!

Are we still able to add people to our Ignore Lists? I was unable to find that function. Where is that function located?
Hi everybody!

Are we still able to add people to our Ignore Lists? I was unable to find that function. Where is that function located?

Yes Nick, in your User CP on the left there is a list of tools and you can click on 'edit ignore list.'

Let me know if you have trouble (unless of course you are ignoring me :p *joke!*)

I found it. Thanks. Boy, I am used to it being in a different place at other Forums, so that was a surprise.

Thanks again.
The problem with Ignore lists, at least in the old software, is that MODERATORS cannot be ignored. I would not try to ignore I, Brian (being the board admin) ... nor most of the other Moderators. However, if I want to ignore the posts of x member except when that member posts as a mod, I think I should be able to. Did the new software fix this? I haven't checked.

Oh well ...
The problem with Ignore lists, at least in the old software, is that MODERATORS cannot be ignored. I would not try to ignore I, Brian (being the board admin) ... nor most of the other Moderators. However, if I want to ignore the posts of x member except when that member posts as a mod, I think I should be able to. Did the new software fix this? I haven't checked.

Oh well ...

Andrew, if you find any of the mods acting inappropriately, simply use the Reputation system - ie, the "thumbs up/down" icon in the profile.

That allows you to leave feedback on who you think is not performing to scratch, which I can look to act on from group consensus.

That way, you really don't want to ignore the mods - because you can now hold them closer to account. :)

How do I find out how many people have me on ignore?

Who said that? ;)

Seriously, I've rarely seen ignore lists used - unless you're making a big effort to annoy other people, I doubt you'll be on any. :)
Based on a rather unpleasant assumption that you're the only one who isn't ignoring you. :p

Just joshing there, fella.

...Maybe caused by the envy.


lol, funny really, it never occurred to me I might be on some peoples ignore list.:p
In the future people will need some way to summarize forums for sale or archive purposes and to decide upon a forum's content and value. Posters who make lots of posts will probably get sampled and then put on 'ignore', and the infrequent visitors will get equal time.

Your reputation system is a failure. Someone recently made a negative comment, and I added to his negative reputation. He then made another negative comment, and the software refused to let me make an additional contribution to his negative reputation. So now, I am powerless to stop displaying his continuing negative comments on my screen. I would much rather just Ignore the person in question, and be done with it.

Such an atmosphere is not conducive to interfaith communication. In fact, it hampers it.
The reputation system won't let you down someone repeatedly - that is a safety net to prevent someone coming in and just slamming someone they dislike. Since you can't hit the same person down repeatedly in succession, you have to actually apply it to other people too.
Oh yea, as for ignore list - go to User CP on the menu bar, and Edit Ignore List. Forgot to put that in the previous post.

.... Bruce