Right wing brain-Left wing brain

I think it's a safe bet for me to say I'm the only participant here that ever facilitated a presidential campain debate. Talk about "brain extremes:" in 1976 I brought together the presidential candidates of the American Communist Party and the Libertarian Party for a debate at the university I was attending.:D earl
I think it's a safe bet for me to say I'm the only participant here that ever facilitated a presidential campain debate. Talk about "brain extremes:" in 1976 I brought together the presidential candidates of the American Communist Party and the Libetarian Party for a debate at the university I was attending.:D earl

Let the fireworks commence! That must have been an interesting debate. :D
My best friend at that time happened to be 4th cousin to Ronald Reagan but he shared my liberal philosophy and we both went "1 toke over the line" a time or 2. Ah, the good old, early 70's-you had to be there.;) earl
I think it's a safe bet for me to say I'm the only participant here that ever facilitated a presidential campain debate. Talk about "brain extremes:" in 1976 I brought together the presidential candidates of the American Communist Party and the Libertarian Party for a debate at the university I was attending.:D earl
Hey, earl! If you ever feel the need to start a discussion that will separate the socialists from the communists, try starting one about the benefits/evils of the sale of commercially bottled water!

Hehehehe! :cool: