Immortality of the human soul?



What Man Is

Clearly, the Bible shows what man is. He does not have a soul; he is a soul.

Because of what man is—his nature—any hope for future life for the dead depends on a resurrection, a raising up.

The Bible promises: “Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear [Jesus’] voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.”
john 5;28-29
That sure promise of a resurrection

is the basis for real hope for the dead.

How vital it is to gain accurate knowledge of what the resurrection is and what it means for mankind!

Also essential is knowledge of God and Christ, for in prayer Jesus said: “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.” john 17;3

but many have been misled by the manmade doctrine of

its good to stick to what the bible REALLY teaches .

Look! All the souls—to me they belong. As the soul of the father so likewise the soul of the son—to me they belong. The soul that is sinning—it itself will die.
Ezekiel 18;4

“The Man Came to Be a Living Soul”

Is “soul” a part of man that separates from the body at death and goes on living?

According to the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary, “often the soul is equated with the total person.”
For instance, Genesis 2;7states: “Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul.” The first man, Adam, was a soul.

so then where did the teaching of the IMMORTALITY OF THE HUMAN SOUL come from?

:) i can quite plainly see that it is not a bible teaching ,so it does not come from the bible .
The Orthodox Church teaches that we are to await the resurrection and the life of the age to come, not that our souls are "immortal" by nature. As one writer summarized far better than I could:

"The term 'immortal soul' or 'immortality of the soul' is rare in the prayers and services of the Orthodox Church. It doesn't appear at all in the burial and memorial services. And when it is used in a very small number of places, it is understood to mean 'by grace.' But references to the salvation of the whole man, 'of our souls and bodies,' to 'incorruption,' or to 'resurrection,' are found everywhere. These are the words that are used by our Lord and the Scriptures. They are the words of revelation and they speak to the complete human creature about his destiny and the works of God in his behalf."
You are so right when you say man does not have an immortal soul. Man is a soul. Just like Scripture says. God breath life and man became a living soul.

How soes this Scripture become man Has a soul which when he dies his soul goes to heaven or hell? I will tell how. Man's haterd toward the word of God. Man has to twist God's words aroung to fit the human nature side of man. Man hates not having control over his own fate.

A soul that goes to heaven or hell when one dies.
A hell. A place where one is tortured for all eternity, But if the body is dead and the soul goes on to one place or the other, how does a soul burn in hell? It dosen/t

If man would have just left the Scriptures alone. There would not have been such confusion about what the bible teaches. Everything man touches he screws up.

Many Bible scholars and clergymen question the "immortal soul" doctrine.

Wesleyan Methodist clergyman Agar Beet wrote:
"The Christian doctrine of the immortality of the soul is a curious example of an opinion destitute of any foundation in the Bible and in some measure contradicting it, derived only from Greek philosophy, yet held firmly by large numbers of educated and intelligent Christian teachers and writers on the mistaken supposition that it is taught in the Bible."

so then it seems it is not anything to do with the bible , and it seems that many have been misled by religious leaders who say it is .

Similarly, Dr. Martensen, former bishop of Zealand, Denmark, wrote:

"It may be considered to be universally acknowledged in our day that no independent proof can be given of the immortality of man."

However, the doctrine continues to be included in most church creeds. For example, the Book of Catechism of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa states: "The soul thus lives on and is immortal."

Interestingly, the Hoofstad newspaper of Pretoria, South Africa, published an article entitled "Soul Does Not Survive," which reported a leader of the same church, Professor Adrio König, as saying:
"Christians must get away from the idea which originated with the Greek philosopher Plato that man consists of two parts: body and soul . . . according to the Bible man’s existence ends with death. There is not ‘something’ like a soul that lives on."

Why the lack of agreement among the clergy? Because the majority of them have not held firmly to the Bible as God’s Word, though they may give the impression that the Bible is what they teach.

Instead, they have exchanged it for human philosophy—their own and that of the ancient Greeks.​

Many Bible scholars and clergymen question the "immortal soul" doctrine.

Wesleyan Methodist clergyman Agar Beet wrote:
"The Christian doctrine of the immortality of the soul is a curious example of an opinion destitute of any foundation in the Bible and in some measure contradicting it, derived only from Greek philosophy, yet held firmly by large numbers of educated and intelligent Christian teachers and writers on the mistaken supposition that it is taught in the Bible."

so then it seems it is not anything to do with the bible , and it seems that many have been misled by religious leaders who say it is .

Similarly, Dr. Martensen, former bishop of Zealand, Denmark, wrote:

"It may be considered to be universally acknowledged in our day that no independent proof can be given of the immortality of man."

However, the doctrine continues to be included in most church creeds. For example, the Book of Catechism of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa states: "The soul thus lives on and is immortal."

Interestingly, the Hoofstad newspaper of Pretoria, South Africa, published an article entitled "Soul Does Not Survive," which reported a leader of the same church, Professor Adrio König, as saying:
"Christians must get away from the idea which originated with the Greek philosopher Plato that man consists of two parts: body and soul . . . according to the Bible man’s existence ends with death. There is not ‘something’ like a soul that lives on."

Why the lack of agreement among the clergy? Because the majority of them have not held firmly to the Bible as God’s Word, though they may give the impression that the Bible is what they teach.

Instead, they have exchanged it for human philosophy—their own and that of the ancient Greeks.

Why is it Mee that almost every so called christian say we have an imortal soul? Why is it that almost every so called chriatian believes in a place called hell where God will send His creation to be tortured and tormented forever and ever?

Why is it so hard for people to see what the scriptures say? Why, because God has chosen it to be so. Nomatter how hard we try to convey the turth to them they will not understand and they will just put us down and trash us because they just don't get it. But for us we know the truth and the can trash us all they want. we know.
Why is it Mee that almost every so called christian say we have an imortal soul? Why is it that almost every so called chriatian believes in a place called hell where God will send His creation to be tortured and tormented forever and ever?

Why is it so hard for people to see what the scriptures say? Why, because God has chosen it to be so. Nomatter how hard we try to convey the turth to them they will not understand and they will just put us down and trash us because they just don't get it. But for us we know the truth and the can trash us all they want. we know.

well the bible does say that the whole world is lieing in the power of the wicked one (satan the devil)1 john 5;19

and that does include the religions of the world also .

and i do agree that there is much blindness going on in the world as

2 cor4 4 informs us.
many peoples minds have been blinded by beliefs of the wicked one .