A Possible Republican future

I know you find it hard to understand Nick, most people who subscribe to the the conservative model usually think in terms of black and white. When the brain is hard-wired in this fashion no other ideas will influence it. In a sense we are all conditioned like it or not. It's not your fault.
I know you find it hard to understand Nick, most people who subscribe to the the conservative model usually think in terms of black and white. When the brain is hard-wired in this fashion no other ideas will influence it. In a sense we are all conditioned like it or not. It's not your fault.

I'm glad it's not my fault. I still believe though that the God head or the ultimate source of creation either has or does not have a personal relationship with man on earth.
Yes, it is quite credible to say I feel, think, believe...etc etc.

Like it or not, we interact with the external world. We do it through our sensations, emotions, and intellect. Some also try to experience the reality of their inner world and meditation is one means. Connecting them is an ideal we are incapable of but a potential non-the-less.

"May the outward and inward man be at one." Socrates

If you are suggesting that the God/man connection, God with creature at whatever level is experiential, I would agree. The question becomes what we are experiencing in relationship to qualities of consciousness and what is doing the experiencing.
How Obama Got Elected

This video appeared also on Jeff Schreiber's site:

America's Right

He asks:

    • Was responsibility for this solely on a completely biased mainstream press, or could it be argued that the GOP was painfully deficient in getting the word out?
    • If responsibility fell mostly on the media, what does this say about the chances for conservatives in the upcoming election?
    • If responsibility fell mostly upon the GOP and John McCain, how do we ensure
    • that we get the message out better between now and 2012?
These are choir singers so IMO there is nothing that can be said. Only bad experiences will force them to doubt the choir. Sad, but I believe true.