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  • Mr. Allen “Victor” Garaffa, age 81, of Lake City, passed away peacefully on November 29, 2016, at Doctor’s Hospice of Georgia in Fayetteville.

    Mr. Garaffa was born on October 10, 1935, in Neptune, New Jersey, son of the late Joseph Garaffa and Anne Hayes. He was a Navy veteran and a devout Catholic. He was also a writer, having published 15 books on theology, science fiction, and poetry.
    I too, have been scarce of late. It seems my purpose here at this site is complete, there are no more stimulating or academic subjects being discussed anymore. It is all "kumbayah" and "hate those that don't agree with us." I haven't time for such drivel anymore.
    Folks get embedded....hope all is well....glad to have discussed thought with you and met you that fine summer day years ago
    Like the Snow Leopard I am endangered species. Hey Juantoo. . Just stopping by today to say hello. More to come later, God willing.
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