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  • Sweet setup here on your personal page, too, btw. Mine looks like vomit compared to this. I'll have to cutesy mine up a little. Let me put that on my non-existent to-do list. I really should start keeping one of those, and not just in my head.
    Hey, nice to see you. I like your av. Thanks for the positive feedback on the dragon doodle.
    Hey! I didn't know you had pictures of squirrels. Squirrels are the most awesome creatures. Long before I saw Ice Age, I thought the squirrel chasing a nut was very human. We want something, and suddenly its all we think about and everything becomes about that one thing. We're just a bunch of cute crazy squirrels sometimes.
    Oh no, now three...and when this one posts four... I've left 8,000 of these little buggers all over the boards...

    I ain't cleaning up the mess.
    Or is that just justification .... oh my now there are two flying...
    I think he catches his breath a little bit there before he tries another loop de loop don't you?
    Yeah, I do feel sorry for that little dove every now and again...
    I could be wrong, but if you want someone to get an "alert" that you've posted a message on their profile page you have to post it on their page, not your own....smiley emoticon...
    Sorry. I get... well, I'm odd when I don't sleep. And I got blood drawn today, so, does that count as an excuse? Maybe I'll get in trouble for posting while under the influence of insomnia. Lol.
    I can see we need to make sure you don't go scurrying off behind the sofa at the meerest twitch!
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