War and Peace


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I was reading some articles on the oldests people in the world and began to think about how war and blood shed on the earth in the sky and in the water plays a role in the health of our own exsistence..

For instance. The soil, sky, and water on which a military battle was fought. Does the residue of the weapons and blood effect them? Do the farmers of that soil produce food that will ultimately kill us because of the aforementioned factors? Could it be that the more we kill each other, the more we will die at younger and younger ages?

Despite the efforts of science to regulate this effect, there seems to be more disease in the world today than ever before and more study to fight all of the new "threaths to our health"

There seems to be a correlation between the soil, air, and water that has seen many wars and deaths ultimately produce a society that has a high mortality rate as compared those that have a lower level of the same.
For example: the oldest people in the world live in areas on the planet that have not seen many wars or blood shed. ( With exceptions of course)

Oldest people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Any thoughts???
I was reading some articles on the oldests people in the world and began to think about how war and blood shed on the earth in the sky and in the water plays a role in the health of our own exsistence..

For instance. The soil, sky, and water on which a military battle was fought. Does the residue of the weapons and blood effect them? Do the farmers of that soil produce food that will ultimately kill us because of the aforementioned factors? Could it be that the more we kill each other, the more we will die at younger and younger ages?

Despite the efforts of science to regulate this effect, there seems to be more disease in the world today than ever before and more study to fight all of the new "threaths to our health"

There seems to be a correlation between the soil, air, and water that has seen many wars and deaths ultimately produce a society that has a high mortality rate as compared those that have a lower level of the same.
For example: the oldest people in the world live in areas on the planet that have not seen many wars or blood shed. ( With exceptions of course)

Oldest people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Any thoughts???
Why am I always so confused? I looked at the charts...which countries haven't seen much bloodshed...seems many are from the US and we've wiped out plenty of folks on this soil...
Why am I always so confused? I looked at the charts...which countries haven't seen much bloodshed...seems many are from the US and we've wiped out plenty of folks on this soil...

Seperate the blood from chemicals of war and you may see some differences...Im not an expert at all...Just thoughts...Maybe I need to to back up off my correlation calim...Maybe not.

Will What is your thought on this??
Feel free..express your thoughts...
Seperate the blood from chemicals of war and you may see some differences...Im not an expert at all...Just thoughts...Maybe I need to to back up off my correlation calim...Maybe not.

Will What is your thought on this??
Feel free..express your thoughts...
My thoughts are you indicated you saw a correlation between x and y yet provided no basis. Which areas of the world meet your criteria low bloodshed/high age... And seems to me a high individual age doesn't indicate a high average age...
My thoughts are you indicated you saw a correlation between x and y yet provided no basis. Which areas of the world meet your criteria low bloodshed/high age... And seems to me a high individual age doesn't indicate a high average age...

Break it down for me...I dont see how I did not provide any basis??