The Heavens and the Earth destroyed and a New Heaven and a new Earth Established



What is the meaning of the Bible verses 2 peter 3:12 and Isaiah 24:3-19. which refer to the destruction of the heavens and the earth.

For me, it means the destruction of the satanic sovereignty that has controlled heaven and earth since man's fall.

The meaning of a new heaven and a new earth (Is 66:22, Rev 21:1)means the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven, centered on the Messiah, under the sovereignty of God

Do you agree ?
in a short and sweet way:) out with the old and in with the new

and i like verse 13

But there are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell.
2 peter 3;13

the heavens here are refering to ruling power, and the earth is not the litral planet but it is the earthly society of people.

and when the new ruling power takes over only righteousness will dwell.

at the momment the new ruling power has already been established in the heavens and it is GODS KINGDOM. daniel 2;44

Gods kingdom was born and set up in 1914 in the heaven .
we are now well along into bible prophecy and chronology, and soon that heavenly kingdom with JESUS as a reigning king will go into action

but as yet the ruling power of the wicked one (satan the devil)is still in power down here on the earth 1 john 5;19

but not for much longer.

the promises of the bible always come true

Jehovah the true God has it all in hand and his purpose will come to be

psalm 83;18after all he is THE MOST HIGH and he CAUSES TO BECOME

great meaning in that name of his .

What is the meaning of the Bible verses 2 peter 3:12 and Isaiah 24:3-19. which refer to the destruction of the heavens and the earth.

For me, it means the destruction of the satanic sovereignty that has controlled heaven and earth since man's fall.

The meaning of a new heaven and a new earth (Is 66:22, Rev 21:1)means the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven, centered on the Messiah, under the sovereignty of God

Do you agree ?
I don't know. They both are in line with Revelation and the passing of the old heaven and earth for the new heaven and earth. For all we know this may mean the plane of existence for all will change from this current four dimensionally recognized plane we live in now. In one instance, time will no longer matter (there goes one dimension). Length, width and height, may no longer apply. Corporial structures no longer needed...

Perhaps being in the presense of God will be all that is ever needed again, and since God is limitless, so will our pondering him be...
awaiting and keeping close in mind the PRESENCE of the day of Jehovah, through which [the] heavens being on fire will be dissolved and [the] elements being intensely hot will melt! 2 peter 3;12

Christs Presence (Parousia)

Gr., τὸ σημει̃ον τη̃ς ση̃ς παρουσίας

Now is truly the time for all of us to take to heart the exhortation given through the prophet Zephaniah:

"Before there comes upon you people the burning anger of Jehovah, before there comes upon you the day of Jehovah’s anger, seek Jehovah, all you meek ones of the earth, who have practiced His own judicial decision. Seek righteousness, seek meekness. Probably you may be concealed in the day of Jehovah’s anger."—Zephaniah 2:2, 3.

those who seek JEHOVAH will know just where they are in the stream of time.

Do] this, too, because YOU people know the season, that it is already the hour for YOU to awake from sleep, for now our salvation is nearer than at the time when we became believers.
romans 13;11

And to YOU who are in fear of my name the sun of righteousness will certainly shine forth, with healing in its wings; and YOU will actually go forth and paw the ground like fattened calves." malachi 4;2

Happy are those slaves whom the master on arriving finds watching!"—Luke 12:35-37.

Consequently, my beloved brothers, become steadfast, unmovable, always having plenty to do in the work of the Lord, knowing that YOUR labor is not in vain in connection with [the] Lord.

1 corinthians 15;58

busy busy busy active active active The waiting for JEHOVAHS day is not so bad when busy in the work of the lord​

:) matthew 24;14:)

What is the meaning of the Bible verses 2 peter 3:12

10and it will come -- the day of the Lord -- as a thief in the night, in which the heavens with a rushing noise will pass away, and the elements with burning heat be dissolved, and earth and the works in it shall be burnt up.

11All these, then, being dissolved, what kind of persons doth it behove you to be in holy behaviours and pious acts?
12waiting for and hasting to the presence of the day of God, by which the heavens, being on fire, shall be dissolved, and the elements with burning heat shall melt;

is U-235 an element that burns the earth, melts just about every thing,

detonates 500 plus feet, above the surface rains fire that burns?
and Isaiah 24:3-19. which refer to the destruction of the heavens and the earth.
Oh brother, can't you see what it is saying?

Is 24:1 Lo, Jehovah is emptying the land, And is making it waste, And hath overturned [it on] its face, And hath scattered its inhabitants.

2And it hath been -- as a people so a priest, As the servant so his master, As the maid-servant so her mistress, As the buyer so the seller, As the lender so the borrower, As the usurer so he who is lifting [it] on himself.

that is Israel, they begin the war of wars? As the usurer so he who is lifting [it] on himself. the who's are the people of 'usury'.... (they destroy themselves (read current news)

remember 'the business' on the church steps pissed off Jesus? the who's are one of the few churches (beliefs) that charges interest in lending (usury)

Is 24:12 Left in the city [is] desolation, And [with] wasting is the gate smitten.

did you not know ....babilu (gateway of the gods).... is the land that the 3 main religions are bound too is what is now called Jeruselem.

It will be leveled!

For me, it means the destruction of the satanic sovereignty that has controlled heaven and earth since man's fall.
kind of what the religions have done to mankind

The meaning of a new heaven and a new earth (Is 66:22,
22For, as the new heavens and the new earth that I am making, Are standing before Me, An affirmation of Jehovah! So remain doth your seed and your name.

such all life is HIS seed, as well HIS NAME is the last word to understanding existence; the truth of existence can be (IS) represented as the combining of nature (the trinity) with the mind of mankind (the absolute of truth is GOD name)

23And it hath been from month to month, And from sabbath to sabbath, Come do all flesh to bow themselves before Me, Said Jehovah

and all who are pure will speak truth, and will know their existence is in the body of god............(existence itself)

all will be responsible to God (nature/existence/the name) by choice, knowing their very life depends on what they do, while alive

Rev 21:1)means the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven, centered on the Messiah, under the sovereignty of God

or let others read
Rev 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth did pass away, and the sea is not any more;

2and I, John, saw the holy city -- new Jerusalem -- coming down from God out of the heaven, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband;

3and I heard a great voice out of the heaven, saying, `Lo, the tabernacle of God [is] with men, and He will tabernacle with them, and they shall be His peoples, and God Himself shall be with them -- their God,

4and God shall wipe away every tear from their eyes, and the death shall not be any more, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor shall there be any more pain, because the first things did go away.'

away from the sea (born west coast) (so cal will get the **** kicked out of it by subs)

the true 'holy land' is the land behind taos nm

the 2 rings of mountains to divert the nuclear fall out

wheeler peak is high enough for own water,

lake of reflections (an old vision) is Hopi blue lake... untouched land

Do you agree ?

always have...... but go further down in that Rev 21 chapter, as there is more

the 12?

3 from each of the 4 colors of man; we shall finish the book of life!

this stupid 13 on my hand makes me the feet washer

i guess a real man will do whatever is good............... for mankind
I am sorry, I was not clear enough.

My question really is this; Do you expect the earth to be destroyed or it is symbolic ?

At the time of Noah, God said that he will destroyed the earth but He did not do it.
I am sorry, I was not clear enough.

My question really is this; Do you expect the earth to be destroyed or it is symbolic ?
which metaphorical story are you wishing to discuss?

At the time of Noah, God said that he will destroyed the earth but He did not do it.
you mean the story from the sumerian tablets

Sumerian Tablets

flooded the earth because man was too noisy?

The Old Babylonian Flood story told in both the epics of Atra-Hasis and Gilgamesh was written about 200 years before the account in the Bible, Genesis 6:5-8:22. While the cause of the Flood in the Bible was mankind's wickedness and violence, the Old Babylonian cause was the noisy activities of humans, preventing the chief god, Enlil, from sleeping, actually mentioned in the present tablet

that may be where the bible story came from....

the earth as a whole has never been flooded, read up on tectonics.... the plates move.
I am sorry, I was not clear enough.

My question really is this; Do you expect the earth to be destroyed or it is symbolic ?

At the time of Noah, God said that he will destroyed the earth but He did not do it.

he destroyed the earthly society of people in noahs day, which is just what will happen again .
but it will not be a litral flood , but the planet will stand forever

Gods original purpose of a paradise earth will come to be :)