Are mormons unfairly targeted by opponents of proposition 8

I glanced quickly and thought I saw LSD out, but then I saw it was the LDS:(.
Why aren't you at war with the Catholics?
What makes you think I'm not? I picketed the archbishop's cathedral after Prop 2 of 2004 passed in Michigan. We picketed the Catholics because they contributed more than anyone else. In California the pickets are directed at the LDS because you contributed more than everyone else combined.
Evangleical churches contributed far more campaign funds and they even did it in many instances in the form of cash contributions to the campaign itself. They would pass trays around their congregation in an effort to raise money for the campaign.
Do you have any evidence of this? Certainly I would be happy to challenge the tax exemption of any evangelical church that behaved as you claim.
But somehow sterotyping and prejudice becomes justified when it comes to mormons.
Prejudice???? You did what you did, and we judge you on the facts of what you did.
Bob that's what I've been discussing this whole time. The lds church was not the leading contributer to proposition 8's passing. They weren't even inolved on putting the measure on the ballot. They joined the Coalition to protect the family only after being asked to. They had no involvment in the advertisments or in the actual directing of the campaign. There involvment came in the form of polling people and then the people that said they would vote yes they would proceed to remind them to vote as election day neared. Yes individual mormons did contribute donations to it, but that was an individuals personal decision. And the actual amount that indivual mormons contributed has been grossly exagerated. The Californians against hate created a dishonor roll that listed the major donors and their places of business addresses amount donated etc. Religion however is not listed because the state of california does not require donors to list their religion. The lds church did not even make the list. The biggest donor was the Knights of Colombus. They donated 1.4 million dollars to the campaign.

I see you cunningly avoided the racial factors that brought about proposition 8's passing, like african americans contributed 92% of the victory margin. I guess you have standards its ok to hate people because of their religious beliefs but to hate due to their race is not ok.

You judged me for what I did. Wow I've already told you my opinion on proposition 8. I didn't contribute in any shape and form to proposition 8's passing. I would have voted against it. And if you want to say that you meant "you" the lds again then that only goes to prove how badly you are stereotyping lds church adherents.

If you want to be filled with such bitterness and hatred that's your choice. I can't imagine living my life that way. But when it all comes down to it in my opinion the reason proposition 8 passed was due to the fact that the homosexual community was portrayed as anti religion. The action of many in the homosexual community has only served to prove this stance correct. You sure have given a lot of ammunition for traditional marriage advocates to use against you in the future.
Bob that's what I've been discussing this whole time. The lds church was not the leading contributer to proposition 8's passing.
The LDS was proud and boastful about how important they were to that campaign, until they realized how many people they ticked off, and how badly.
I see you cunningly avoided the racial factors that brought about proposition 8's passing, like african americans contributed 92% of the victory margin. I guess you have standards its ok to hate people because of their religious beliefs but to hate due to their race is not ok.
I resent blacks who belong to that kind of right-wing Christian church exactly as much as I resent whites who do, no more no less; I resent Hispanics who follow the Vatican on this exactly as much as Anglos. The race has nothing to do with it: the hateful attitudes do.
And your attempts to play games of "let's you and them fight" do not do much for your cause here.
You judged me for what I did.
I am judging the LDS. You individually I do not know from Adam.
I didn't contribute in any shape and form to proposition 8's passing.
If you tithe to the LDS, then you did.
If you want to be filled with such bitterness and hatred that's your choice.
I'm not the one who keeps this going. I look in on this thread from time to time because you directed it at me. I don't have anything to do with Mormons except when they address me.
But when it all comes down to it in my opinion the reason proposition 8 passed was due to the fact that the homosexual community was portrayed as anti religion.
We weren't doing anything to you, or acting to take your rights away in any way, shape, or form. The California decision was quite explicit: "affording same-sex couples the opportunity to obtain the designation of marriage will not impinge upon the religious freedom of any religious organization, official, or any other person; no religion will be required to change its religious policies or practices with regard to same-sex couples, and no religious officiant will be required to solemnize a marriage in contravention of his or her religious beliefs". The Prop 8 campaign claimed the opposite, but that was simply a lie.
OF COURSE we do not feel friendly towards your church, or the Catholic church, or any of the conservative Protestant churches: you attack us and seek our injury.
you attack us and seek our injury.

Says the guy that contemplates taking a gun to them....

And says things such as;

"My first instinct is to hunt down one of those missionaries and strangle him."

"firebomb a Mormon temple"

These two pair well....

"I have no hope of changing your church, only of weakening it."
"Leave me alone, and I will leave you alone."

Finish with this one cause it tickles me...... Cause, you obviously DO care....

"You know, I've never cared much about their beliefs"
Says the guy that contemplates taking a gun to them....

And says things such as;

"My first instinct is to hunt down one of those missionaries and strangle him."

"firebomb a Mormon temple"
That was months ago, in the first flush of anger; they had just done me injury, and of course I wanted to do injury back. In your post previous, you told me I should "get over it": well I did. Long ago. For months, I have never mentioned Mormons at all, except when Mormons insist on talking to me. On the only occasion in the past few months where the topic of violence against Mormons came up, I told him I was sorry he had experienced any and promised not to engage in any. But if dsbanks wants to keep asking me if I continue to oppose the LDS church, well of course I do.

These two pair well....
bob x said:
"I have no hope of changing your church, only of weakening it."
"Leave me alone, and I will leave you alone."
That's correct. If the LDS church stopped intruding into my life, I would never think about them at all. But I have no realistic hope that this will occur by means of some change in their doctrines. More realistic would be that the tax-exemption dispute is settled with the LDS paying some fine for their past trespasses and promising not to indulge in such behavior again, which would suffice for my purposes.

Finish with this one cause it tickles me...... Cause, you obviously DO care....
bob x said:
"You know, I've never cared much about their beliefs"
I don't care about their beliefs. Have you ever seen me say a single solitary thing about Lehi's travels to North America or the angel delivering golden plates to Joseph Smith? Their actions on the other hand concern me a great deal. Did you even bother to read the post where I said I didn't care about their beliefs? I thought it was entirely clear about the distinction between not caring what they believe, and caring intensely what they do.
People will believe anything, eh.
Isn't Joseph Smith the picture of humility, elevating himself up to the position of judge of humanity:eek:.....WOW.
What's next....people forming a star wars church.
Well there is the zen like religion of Jedi-ism.... But it didn't actually make it passed the census. But I guess, that could count as a star-wars church....

Do not mock Joseph Smith!! For he is equal to the mormon jesus! Do not anger him! He's done more for us than any other man!

(I found this and thought bob might find it funny... So you know, sharing is caring.)

(oh and I am currently not in the mood/can't be arsed to reply to his post, so I'm distracting him *wink*)
Do not mock Joseph Smith!! For he is equal to the mormon jesus! Do not anger him! He's done more for us than any other man!

That's not true at all. I hope you can find a better source for your information than a youtube video.
The LDS was proud and boastful about how important they were to that campaign, until they realized how many people they ticked off, and how badly..

I have never heard anything from the lds church that could even come close to being proud and boastful about this issue.

And your attempts to play games of "let's you and them fight" do not do much for your cause here.

That was not my intention of all. Even though I can understand how you would perceive that. I merely wanted to point out that there were others involoved in proposition 8's passing. That were far more influential than the lds church. I do apologize if that's the impression you got from me.

I'm not the one who keeps this going. I look in on this thread from time to time because you directed it at me. I don't have anything to do with Mormons except when they address me..

I did not direct this at you. I just wanted to voice my opinion on the matter. I think we have both adequately stated our position on the issue. It seems we are beginning to talk in circles. We will just have to agree to disagree.
It's ok banks, I don't believe that. I have -nussing- against you and your group! I play.... My bad, I play long time.

My honest opinion is that his claim to find these golden plates that only he could translate.... And no one else... EVER, could see... Is a ripe and warm pile of nonsense.... But, I still have nothing against you, you whacky lot you ;)
So, I just finished my drive across the country. Understand, I always play favorites among the states; not that a state's economy is going to be majorly affected by whether I choose to take a hotel room or stop for gas or a meal here or there, but, I like Colorado and always make stops there, this time of course I made sure to drop some money on Iowa, etc. Usually I tank up just before the Utah state line, and make sure the spare two-gallon tank in the trunk is full also, so I don't have to stop at all in Utah. But this time, just to symbolically say, it's OK, I'll let the grudge go, I bought half a tank of gas in Price (in the middle of the state; I probably *could* have made it the rest of the way across with the gas I had), and a pack of cigarettes just for the irony of getting cigarettes in Utah (again, I didn't need them, having a carton with me; what I really did need was a cup of coffee, but they didn't have any).