Averroes, Avicinna, al-Farabi


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I have been reading about these three great Islamic philosophers and would like to learn more about them.

They, along with the ancient Greeks, especially, Aristotle, were foundational in many of the ideas of Maimonides. In the "Guide of the Perplexed" which I am reading there is a great deal of discussion about this connection.

I believe, like the Greeks, their approach was based strongly on logic development in religion.

Can you recommend some on-line sources of information about them ?

Also, do you think these were the greatest Muslim philosophers ?

Thanks, Avi

I have been reading about these three great Islamic philosophers and would like to learn more about them.

They, along with the ancient Greeks, especially, Aristotle, were foundational in many of the ideas of Maimonides. In the "Guide of the Perplexed" which I am reading there is a great deal of discussion about this connection.

I believe, like the Greeks, their approach was based strongly on logic development in religion.

Can you recommend some on-line sources of information about them ?

Also, do you think these were the greatest Muslim philosophers ?

Thanks, Avi

The three thinkers you have mentioned were
primarily doctors, and scientists.

imo, as a philosopher though,
al-Ghazali was above them all.
Can you recommend some on-line sources of information about them ?

Islamic Philosophy Online

Also, do you think these were the greatest Muslim philosophers ?
There have been different paths of philosophy in the Islamic world. Sufis had their own schools that were more platonic in character & were based more on personal experience rather than speculation or logic. Suharwardi, Sirhindi, Shah Waliullah & Mulla Sadra are from that school. Then there were other philosophers more influenced by Arestotlean ideas, these include Averroes, Avicinna, Farabi, Kindi etc. These people were mainly scientists. Third group of people were the theologens like Juwaini, Musa Ashari etc.

And then there were people who are difficult to categorise, like Ghazali & Ibn Arabi. Ibn Khuldun is another one who is famous for his book on history & its analysis (Muqadimah).

If you are interested, try reading Islamic Philosophy from Its Origin to the Present by Hossein Nasr.
c0de and Farhan,

Thanks for the website and information. I look forward to reading this material.
