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Wild, Wild West
Not sure where to put this. Just wanted to let you know that I've been sick so that's the main reason I've not been following my active threads. Nothing serious and feeling better.

I may not be around as much for the next weeks because I've once again got a lot piling on my plate.

Hope everyone is having a good Lent/late winter. I know they have a lot of snow in the east, but it's in the 70's here today! The deer are munching on the spring bulbs I planted last fall. :( Hope to get at least a few spring flowers out of the hundreds we planted!
oh, luna, i am glad you are feeling better. Dont over do it!!!
Its autumn here and still very warm. lol. When your flowers bloom, send us some pic?
love the Grey
Sorry to hear that you have been ill. Hopefully this warm weather will put an end to those nasty viruses that have been infecting many of us. The deer have found that our bird feeders contain some easy pickings..they are more of a nuisance than squirrels. Speaking of which, do you have Aberts in your neck of the woods?
Sorry to hear that you have been ill. Hopefully this warm weather will put an end to those nasty viruses that have been infecting many of us. The deer have found that our bird feeders contain some easy pickings..they are more of a nuisance than squirrels. Speaking of which, do you have Aberts in your neck of the woods?

Are they the slightly smaller, reddish brown deer-like animals? We have a ton of mule deer that just hang out in our yard, leaving more poop than my dog did! I see some other kind of deer when I drive but never in my yard or up close.
I was thinking of Abert Squirrels..the black ones with the pointy ears..Sometimes they can be a brown color but they always have bushy tails and pointed ears. I love to take pictures of my flower gardens as well.
You know luna... someones been sick at my house since last July..

Started off with me having whooping cough then Dor got it and that was about 3 months of hell and it actually took 6 months for it to completely go away.. Then My son had pnemonia and allergy bouts every couple weeks or so and now my daughter has Mono and my son had the type b flu strain.. what the heck right?

Im sorry to hear you were sick.. its been really crummy here in Texas this winter.. everyones sick
I was thinking of Abert Squirrels..
Ha! That's a long way off from the little deer! :eek::D

the black ones with the pointy ears..Sometimes they can be a brown color but they always have bushy tails and pointed ears. I love to take pictures of my flower gardens as well.
I've seen them around but mostly we have grey squirrels.

We have a lot of fox, I hear coyotes but rarely see them, and we've had mountain lions kill deer in our neighborhood, but I've never seen one.
this is why you dont go camping in the states.... you guys have animals that can EAT you..... we only have ones that will bite/poison...... (ok, except for the crocs)
You know luna... someones been sick at my house since last July..

Started off with me having whooping cough then Dor got it and that was about 3 months of hell and it actually took 6 months for it to completely go away.. Then My son had pnemonia and allergy bouts every couple weeks or so and now my daughter has Mono and my son had the type b flu strain.. what the heck right?

Im sorry to hear you were sick.. its been really crummy here in Texas this winter.. everyones sick

Yuk, that is a lot of illness for one family. We have not had too many colds this winter, which is good because my six-year-old usually ends up at the Dr.s with asthma when that happens. I need to take her tomorrow for what I suspect is a sinus infection.

I am usually quite healthy, just one cold a year on average. But this has been a stomach bug. My eight-year-old had it the week before.

Hope your family gets better soon too. Our winter has been pretty mild (I actually hope we still get one more snow storm), so maybe that is why we've not been quite a sick as usual.
this is why you dont go camping in the states.... you guys have animals that can EAT you..... we only have ones that will bite/poison...... (ok, except for the crocs)

When camping I most worry about bears, esp since we are in a tent. I am totally paranoid and make everyone change their clothes before we sleep and lock all our daytime clothes and every molecule of food in the car because I don't want to attract them. No food or gum or even personal hygiene stuff like toothpaste or lotion allowed in the tent ever.

But camping in Colorado is MUCH nicer than camping in the east because there is no humidity and no bugs, the two things that can really take the joy out of camping for me.
Bears are known to break into one's house around here. We have had some problems with several black bears who are just too familiar with humans. This is the time of year that they wake up from their long winter hibernation and they are hungry!!

greymare, you do have some fairly poisonous spiders down under. I don't like things that hide in my shoes..*shudders.* Where are those Dingos located..don't they eat people?
ummmmmmm, i think id prefer to face a dingo than a bear. lol.
dingoes have been known to attack and kill people (children, re: Clinton Gage). This happened on Fraser Island which is only a 30minute drive, (then, 30 min Barge) from me. There is a big controversey becasue of this. You see, The island use to be home to wild brumbys (small horses) , and they were the natural food for dingoes, but years ago the brumbys were culled and rehomed because they were destroying the islands beauty.. (b---sh-t)!! So, there fore, no food source for the dingoes. We have a lot of tourists go there, it is the worlds largest sand island, has rainforests and natural clearwater lakes etc,,, and people are tempted to feed the dingoes . The people of the district want feeding stations set up for the dingoes in designated areas, (helping the tourist industry and native dingoes alike). but the politicians and the powers that be, DONT. And now, we have had the added threat of crocs being spotted here as well, (they have never been spotted this far south before....)not officially, anyway.
However, i think i would stand a better chance at surviving a dingo attack than a bear or cougar (shudder)... I will go camping when i am in the USA but rest assured i will have my very own personal bodyguard for company. lol