The 3 major Events Important to God



I think these are the three most important events to God in history.

The first was His creation, the garden of Eden. The second was the mission of Jesus and the possibility of his fulfillment.

Since Jesus was rejected, crucified and resurrected, God has looked forward to the third event, which is the day of the second advent, and the final consummation of His hope.

That day will be the greatest day since the day of Adam and Eve and Jesus.

That's the way I see it.
The old 'woe is me' stuff just baffles me.

I hear Christians whining about being persecuted...and I know it occurs some places but surely not to most of us...

And Jesus, rejected? Give me a break, thousands hailing Hosanna as he road while folks laid their cloaks in the street??

The most widely read, translated into more languages, versions, contemplated, cogitated, studied by more people and the most published book...the bible...that is rejection?

If he was not crucified, and books not written about his resurection, we may not have even known he existed.
in comparison to the number of people alive at the time of Jesus, there were more people rejecting Jesus than believing in Him. There were more Romans feeding the early Christians to the martyrs than Christians following Jesus. That does not take away from Jesus' victory or the victory of the martyrs, or the victory of the missionaries later to come, or our victory.
again, Wil, I love your logo, the many symbols and the dove flying around them---please tell us about it.
The old 'woe is me' stuff just baffles me.
I hear Christians whining about being persecuted...and I know it occurs some places but surely not to most of us...
And Jesus, rejected? Give me a break, thousands hailing Hosanna as he road while folks laid their cloaks in the street??
The most widely read, translated into more languages, versions, contemplated, cogitated, studied by more people and the most published book...the bible...that is rejection?

"Forgive them for they know not what they do. " Those are the words of Jesus.

If he was not crucified, and books not written about his resurection, we may not have even known he existed.

If he was not crucified, just imagine what he could have done within his life time, instead of just 3 years of public ministry.
wil;186100 And Jesus said:
yes, and who was it that influenced the average man to reject Jesus ,oh yes ,It was the main religious leaders of the time who claimed to represent the True God .

it was the religious leaders that incited the crowd to have Jesus put to death , those religious leaders wanted to shut Jesus up because he showed them up for being on the wrong track and he spoke the truth,and you know what ,NOTHING CHANGES .

and as Jesus repeatedly told his disciples that they would be persecuted. If they have persecuted me [which they certainly did )they will persecute you

(John 15:20; 16:2; Matthew 10:22, 23)
make no mistake about it, those who are into doing what is inline with Jesus , and doing the will of God will certainly get religious leaders trying to silent them in one way or another

matthew 24;14 matthew 28;19-20

yes, And regarding the times that we are living in since 1914, the GOODNEWS that Jesus is now king of Gods heavenly kingdom
DANIEL 7;13-14 ,and the GOODNEWS that the heavenly kingdom was set up in 1914 in heaven , does not go down very well with so called religious leaders of CHRISTENDOM


yes ,just as Jesus back then fullfilled all of the prophecies about the promised messiah, it was the religious leaders that rejected him, and because of that the people in general rejected him also .

yes religious leaders have a lot to answer to God .
it is no wonder that in our time , those religious leaders who claim to represent the God of the bible ,(but dont)have already been judged by their actions and it is no wonder that Jesus said in revelation 18;4 that his people should GET OUT OF HER,


Yes ,Babylon the great, spoken of in revelation 18;4, is the worldwide empire of false religion.

and that includes those who claim to represent the true God of the bible as well.

I know I said that I will no longer post here but? Let me ask all here a question. Is it our reponsiblility to spread the word of God? (almost like do we have free will? Remember that?) Did Jesus go to his disciples and say proclaim to the world that those who trust him will not perish but have life? (even though this is not the correct translation)

The question then is what if they didn't do that? What if they didn't tell the world ? What is his back up program?

Is it really our responsibility? Yes you say? Since you all agree give me a scripture on that?

For one thing, I know for a fact, that the word "responsibility" does not appear in the Scriptures. Not even in the King James, not even once. Maybe the "obligation rests with us?" No. That word isn’t used in the Bible either. Maybe these words aren't in the Bible because they are not true.

Here's what God's word does say:

"Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help" (Psalm 146:3).

And many of you turn around and tell us that God (it has been discussed before), Himself, puts HIS trust in men ["us"] to accomplish the most awesome undertaking in the history of the Universe, the very salvation of the world. God does not put His trust in men ["us"] to save the world.

Has anyone read I Cor.. 15:22-28 properly before? I can give you dozens, yes, dozens of scriptual references that God will save ALL of humanity and this was planned from the very beginning...

"For even as in Adam, ALL are dying, thus ALSO, in Christ, shall ALL [this "all" is the same "all" that are dying in Adam, hence: everyone] be vivified [imparting life beyond the reaches of death]... Yet each in his own class: the Firstfruit, Christ ... For He must be reigning until [but not longer] He should be placing all His enemies under His feet. The last enemy is being abolished: death... Then the Son Himself also shall be subjected to Him [God the Father] Who subjects all to Him, that God may be ALL in ALL" (I Cor.. 15:22-28) (Emphasis mine). WOW!

Read I Tim. 4:10 very carefully:

"... We rely on the living God, Who is the Savior of ALL mankind, especially of believers."

Including the sinners? You say? Does God only love sinners after they repent and believe in Christ as their Savior? No. ("... While we are STILL sinners, Christ died for our sakes." (Rom. 5:8).

Is God just "partial" toward saving some while condemning the rest? No. ("For there is no partiality with God ..." Rom. 2:11

"Yet the grace of our Lord OVERWHELMS, with faith and love in Christ Jesus." (I Tim. 1:14).

The Christian Clergy just can’t comprehend this verse. The grace of God overwhelms. Many clergymen fear that people will use grace for a license to sin if they teach it. The reality of it is, that people stop sinning because the grace of God overwhelms them. Grace is power!

One more extremely profound verse in Romans one. If only great theologians would believe it. Unfortunately, they don’t. Not totally. Okay, here it is:

"Faithful is this saying, and worthy of all welcome, that Christ Jesus came into the world to SAVE SINNERS ..." (Ver. 15).

All have sinned. All are sinning. All will sin. The whole world is composed of SINNERS.

Does anyone here believe in the illussion of free will?

"For the scripture is saying to Pharaoh that ‘For this selfsame thing I rouse you up, so that I should be displaying in you My power, and so that My name should be published in the entire earth.’ Consequently, then, to whom He will, He is merciful, yet whom He will, He is hardening" (Rom. 9:17-18).

Pharaoh was hardened as a dark backdrop for the display of God’s power and glory. Some protest to God’s operations (Vers. 19-21). God is the Master Potter and has a right to make vessels adapted for destruction, so that He can display His mercy on others (Vers. 22-24).

God is now calling sons out of the nations, while Israel [the hardened ones] "stumble on the stumbling stone" (Vers. 25-33). Paul’s heart is set on their salvation, however (Rom. 10:1-2). "Everyone, whoever should be invoking the name of the Lord, shall be saved" (Ver. 13). Paul says, however, that this is not possible unless they "believe," "from one heralding," who is "commissioned" (Vers. 14-16). But Isaiah asks: "Lord, who believes our tidings?" (Ver. 16). Obviously not "hardened Israel." So God says: "I became disclosed to those who are not inquiring of Me" [the Gentiles] (Ver. 20).

Paul then says:

"Does not God thrust away His people? May it not be coming to that!" (Rom. 11:1).

That is unthinkable to Paul. So he quickly assures us that:

"God does not thrust away His people whom He foreknew" (Ver 2).

Foreknew? Didn't you know free will contradicts foreknowledge?

Of course God foreknew everything that is happening in the history of Israel from their beginning. Although Israel as a nation has been hardened, and become "a stubborn and contradicting people" (Ver. 21), nonetheless, even in Paul’s day God called a "... remnant according to the choice of grace" (Ver. 5). However,

"Now the rest were calloused, even as it is written, God gives them a spirit of stupor, eyes not to be observing, and ears not to be hearing, till this very day" (Ver. 6).

Why does God harden Israel and callous them? So that He can torture them in fire for all eternity? Ridiculous. Paul answers his own question:

"Do they [Israel] not trip that they should be falling? May it not be coming to that! But in their offense is salvation to the nations, to [to what? Have a reason for throwing them in Hell for eternity?] provoke them to jealousy" (Ver. 11).

God uses evil FOR GOOD! Israel’s hardened and calloused heart is preparing them for salvation! They will be so jealous when they see what God has done for the Gentiles.

Paul summarizes this whole process by stating:

"For if their [Israel] casting away is the conciliation of the world, what will the taking back be if not life from among the dead?" (Ver. 15).

And this: "... that callousness, in part, on Israel has come, until the complement of the nations may be entering" (Ver. 25).

And then what happens?

"And thus ALL ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED ..." (Ver. 26). "I should be eliminating their sins" (Ver. 27).

This is all temporary. Being "hardened" back in Chapter 9:18 is not an eternal judgment. Temporarily, for a grand purpose,

"... they [Israel] are enemies because of you [Gentiles], yet, as to choice, they are BELOVED ..." (Rom. 11:28).

Notice that Israel is God’s "enemy." What did Christ teach us regarding our "enemies?"

"Yet I am saying to you, LOVE your enemies ..." Matt. 5:44).

I am glad I got that off my chest...

so talking about major important events for God, how about this one in revelation 17;8

That is why in one day her plagues will come, death and mourning and famine, and she will be completely burned with fire, because Jehovah God, who judged her, is strong.

strong symbolic talking there ,for what Jehovah is going to bring on the

Yes we are now in the final part of the days,dANIEL 12;4 and things have moved along down the centuries and the GREAT TRIBULATION IS GETTING EVER CLOSER AND EVER NEARER..

but no worries ,a GREAT CROWD from all nations will get through the

And they are all waving their symbolic palm branches to welcome Gods reigning king JESUS CHRIST

I know I said that I will no longer post here but? Let me ask all here a question. Is it our reponsiblility to spread the word of God?
it is the responsibility of christs followers to listen to what Jesus said luke 9;35

and this is what Jesus said in matthew 28;19-20 and that was the last thing he told his disciples
to do GO .............

So those who listen to Jesus are doing just that, and NOW in this time of the end ,the GOODNEWS about the kingdom, and the GOODNEWS thatJesus is a reigning king of the heavenly kingdom , is most certainly being made known matthew 24;14 .

and it is JEHOVAHS WITNESSES who are doing the will of God .

And it is GLOBAL

And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. MATTHEW 24;14

And those who repond to that GOODNEWS will soon after be waving their symbolic palm branch for all to see revelation 7;9-10

and those faithful angels
are also busy doing the will of God

And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people, revelation 14;6

there is lots of heralding going on in more ways than one :)

Also, in all the nations the good news has to be preached first
mark 13;10


daniel 2;44 the end of manmade goverments is on the horizan .

do not put your trust in nobles nor in the son of man psalm146;3

put your trust in this son of man ,KING JESUS CHRIST DANIEL 7;13-14 he is very good at feeding good spiritual food to faithful ones MATTHEW24;45-47

The question then is what if they didn't do that? What if they didn't tell the world ? What is his back up program?
Not one word out of all the good words will fail ,they will always come to be .

HE CAUSES TO BECOME great meaning in that name JEHOVAH .

and the GOODNEWS of the kingdom WILL BE PREACHED matthew 24;14


Nevertheless I ask, They did not fail to hear, did they? Why, in fact, “into all the earth their sound went out, and to the extremities of the inhabited earth their utterances.” ROMANS 10;18


For one thing, I know for a fact, that the word "responsibility" does not appear in the Scriptures.K
MATTHEW 24;45-47

Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? 46 Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so. 47 Truly I say to YOU, He will appoint him over all his belongings.

Its good to see that Jesus is feeding the faithful ones and then they are appointed over all his belongings

GOD’S WORD identifies anointed Christians who are caring for Christ’s interests on earth as “the faithful and discreet slave.”

When Christ inspected the “slave” in 1918,(which by the way was shortly after he recieved his kingship in 1914)
he found those anointed ones on earth to be faithful in providing spiritual “food at the proper time.”

so, Jesus, the Master, was pleased thereafter to appoint them “over all his belongings.” (Read Matthew 24:45-47.) In this way, before receiving a heavenly inheritance, anointed ones serve other worshippers of Jehovah here on earth.

and those other ones that they are feeding are a GREAT CROWD REVELATION 7;9-10

and those OTHERSHEEP john 10;16 that are being fed by the annointed ones, are being given responsibility indeed.

and they are in unity with the faithful ones , and they are in unity with Jesus .

:) and it is VERY GOOD :)


and its all very good

DANIEL 12;4 DANIEL 2;44:)
again, Wil, I love your logo, the many symbols and the dove flying around them---please tell us about it.
the interfaith banner is from Karuna Arts I asked our own 17th angel Alex to add a Unity symbol, the flying dove to it. I asked him to make the dove do a loop de loop like a plane flying, this is the result of his efforts. I like the way it appears the dove is honoring 16 different religions as he circles on the lotus flower. I also like the way he never tires.
sorry, in my response i meant "feeding the early Christians to the lions...making them martyrs"
My understanding is that early Christians were also martyring themselves in this regard...sure way into heaven and all its rewards.
MATTHEW 24;45-47
Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed [who is doing the appointing here, you?] over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time?[proper time? What! So we don't decide what time we have our food?] 46 Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so. 47 Truly I say to YOU [why is you in capitals, who else is he speaking to?], He [He, not ourselves but he...] will appoint him over all his belongings.

Where does it say responsibilty? Did you read that properly mee?

"Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help" (Psalm 146:3).

Oh, that's right God doesn't want us to put our trust in men [people], but he, himself does. Keep telling yourself that...

There's no point in quoting my post if you don't read the whole thing.


“It is according to his good pleasure . . . to gather all things together again in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth.”—EPHESIANS 1:9, 10.

by means of his infinitely wise “administration,” or way of managing things, Jehovah will have fulfilled his purpose “to gather all things together again in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth.”

All intelligent creatures in heaven and on earth will have been gathered together in universal peace, joyfully submitting to the righteous sovereignty of the Great Purposer, Jehovah.:)


And Jesus plays a very very big part in the outworking of Gods purpose for the earth.

yes, And regarding the times that we are living in since 1914, the GOODNEWS that Jesus is now king of Gods heavenly kingdom
DANIEL 7;13-14 ,and the GOODNEWS that the heavenly kingdom was set up in 1914 in heaven , does not go down very well with so called religious leaders of CHRISTENDOM EVEN THOUGH IT IS INLINE WITH BIBLE PROPHECY AND CHRONOLOGY

Mee in everyone of you post you share the same message. What happened in 1914.
You wrote the heavenly kingdom was set up. Can you explain ?

yes ,just as Jesus back then fullfilled all of the prophecies about the promised messiah, it was the religious leaders that rejected him, and because of that the people in general rejected him also.
yes religious leaders have a lot to answer to God .
It is no wonder that in our time, those religious leaders who claim to represent the God of the bible ,(but dont)have already been judged by their actions and it is no wonder that Jesus said in revelation 18;4 that his people should GET OUT OF HER,
Yes,Babylon the great, spoken of in revelation 18;4, is the worldwide empire of false religion and that includes those who claim to represent the true God of the bible as well.

Mee, can you explain what you mean ?


Mee in everyone of you post you share the same message. What happened in 1914.
You wrote the heavenly kingdom was set up. Can you explain ?


indeed i do ,:)thats because i know just where we are in the stream of time, and that we are far along into bible prophecy and chronology .

but as mentioned earlier many reject
bible prophecy and chronology .

mee thinks its great:) and i love to wave that symbolic palm branch to welcome Gods reigning king JESUS CHRIST REVELATION 7;9-10

But to those who reject bible prophecy and chronology, they like to hide it and get very uncomfy when it is bought to the fore.

Mee, can you explain what you mean ?

when it comes to religious leaders who reject bible prophecy and chronology ,.
it becomes very clear to see who arethe ones rejecting Jesus as a reigning king, and those who are welcoming him. :)
"Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help" (Psalm 146:3).

Do not put YOUR trust in nobles,
Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.psalm 146;3

very true

It is better to take refuge in Jehovah
Than to trust in nobles.
psalm 117;9

And now, O kings, exercise insight;​

Let yourselves be corrected, O judges of the earth.

Serve Jehovah with fear​

And be joyful with trembling.

Kiss the son, that He may not become incensed​

And YOU may not perish [from] the way,
For his anger flares up easily.
Happy are all those taking refuge in him.

psalm 2;10-12

yes it is Gods purpose that we KISS THE SON (JESUS AS A REIGNING KING ) WELCOME HIM :)

