Formal Mentoring


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Formal Mentoring freaks me out :eek:

any ideas why, what is about formal mentoring it just seems so false to me ?:eek:
anything with for mal and men freak me out too [l like tors though]! do you mean master/disciple or a counsellor type thing correcting your thoughts and keeping you straight on the 'read it this way not that way' paradigm? probably very important for some, especially religions which rely on the authority and sacredness of text.
anything with for mal and men freak me out too [l like tors though]! do you mean master/disciple or a counsellor type thing correcting your thoughts and keeping you straight on the 'read it this way not that way' paradigm? probably very important for some, especially religions which rely on the authority and sacredness of text.

I think its probably more councilor sort of thing, just the idea of it really freaks me out.
Unless you are talking about something different, formal mentoring to me is just working with one person on a particular aspect of life improvement. You may have a financial advisor, or someone assisting you in building a business, or someone skilled in organization skills improving yours.

We often use these for kids that are behind in school, tutors we call them, one on one instruction.

Informal mentoring is what we receive in classroom settings, listening to learning audio tapes, CDs, DVDs, reading books, in church or even at this forum.

I can't tell you what seems false about formal mentoring, I know there are a ton of mentor programs popping up, folks going thru some sort of class to become 'certified' yet haven't got their own lives together yet, I'm going to pay them to help them with mine? not.

However there are tons of retirees and well to do folks that are willing to provide assistance utilizing their life experience.

to show appreciation for the great love that God and Christ have expressed to us is by informal witnessing. :)
I am not sure, but this may be what formal mentoring is:

Sometimes members of a church are specifically assigned to look after each other. Some places this has been called Discipling or Mentoring and has been called by other names as well. The theory is that it helps keep track of people. It looks at personal church growth as a cycle with people being the plants, and it emphasizes the conversion or growth process to keep it foremost on people's minds. Seed ---> roots ---> growth ---> fruits ---> more seeds & more plants! Its one of the frameworks people can use for church improvement or church growth.

In a formalized process there may be specific training or wellness goals given to members to go on to the next step towards becoming a discipler or mentor. There are many variations on this theme and you can emphasize different aspects to accomplish various church goals. It is fully customizable. Mentors remind others (often newer members) to go to meetings, provide them with emotional support, do outreach etc. Sometimes emphasis is placed upon confession to disciplers, or there may be special meetings or outings. Sometimes Mentoring is a bit interfering and overweening. Sometimes it is about making sure people are taken care of, etc.
I'm not sure in what context you are talking about formal mentoring, but in any context I would be wary of anything other than a relationship formed out of mutual consent. If someone else tells me "so and so is going to be you rmentor and so do as you are told,' I'd think that is a recipie for failure if not disastor.