anyone in the house know anything about solomon and skeet fish?

Francis king

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hello, posted this here as was not sure where else to put it...

As u may or may not know, I am writing a book... I like to do research, and I have ended up looking into the legends of King Solomon...

now, when raguel helped to catch asmodeus, he supposedly burnt the liver hearts and gall of skeet fish...

I would like to know... what particular type of fish is skeet fish?

I have searched online, but to no avail... I am making the assumption it is a deep sea fish, probably bass... but am not sure...

any insights, I'd be greatful
hello, posted this here as was not sure where else to put it...
.. I like to do research, and I have ended up looking into the legends of King Solomon...

now, when raguel helped to catch asmodeus, he supposedly burnt the liver hearts and gall of skeet fish...

I would like to know... what particular type of fish is skeet fish?
I have no answer, but....Moving from Lounge to Abrahamic... As King Solomon would be in old testament times and Lounge is not for religous discussion.
Dunno if I'd worry about it... Specially if it is from the bible lol... You know the book that says a bat is a bird? That donkeys can talk? Rabbits chew cud? An insect is a creature with four legs..... Fowls are a creature of the water... There tends to be like some kinda... "DUH" moments when it comes to animals in the bible.... *shrugs* You'll probally find out it was actually a chicken you were looking for...
Dunno if I'd worry about it... Specially if it is from the bible lol... You know the book that says a bat is a bird? That donkeys can talk? Rabbits chew cud? An insect is a creature with four legs..... Fowls are a creature of the water... There tends to be like some kinda... "DUH" moments when it comes to animals in the bible.... *shrugs* You'll probally find out it was actually a chicken you were looking for...

No, I'm not worried about that. I was going to cross reference it with a Strong's Concordance to see if I could find the word in Hebrew, then work from there, just out of curiousity.
Um, that would be "sheatfish," which is a catfish? (specifically, an Assyrian catfish?). It is called "Glanos" in The Testament of Solomon 24
24. And I adjured him by the name of the Lord Sabaôth, saying: "Fear God, Asmodeus, and tell me by what angel thou art frustrated." But he said: "By Raphael, the archangel that stands before the throne of God. But the liver and gall of a fish put me to flight, when smoked over ashes of the tamarisk28." I again asked him, and said: "Hide not aught from me. For I am Solomon, son of David, King of Israel. Tell me the name of the fish which thou reverest." And he answered: "It is the Glanos29 by name, and is found in the rivers of Assyria; wherefore it is that I roam about in those parts."
Footnote for Glanos reads:
29. [D: "sheatfish", a large catfish. Gk. ho, hê glanis.]​
See also
Tobit chapters 6-8
thank u all for your replies... especially

seattlegal- cheers! ur a star!

had already checked the esoteric archives/twilight grotto ref, and couldn't find it there... thank you very much, though, for your Tobit refs!

I would never have found it in there in a million years, especially when searching for skeet, instead of sheet!
thank u all for your replies... especially

seattlegal- cheers! ur a star!

had already checked the esoteric archives/twilight grotto ref, and couldn't find it there... thank you very much, though, for your Tobit refs!

I would never have found it in there in a million years, especially when searching for skeet, instead of sheet!
Hmm, I'm skeptical about the Glanos in question being a catfish. In Tobit, it says they roasted the fish and ate it. (Tobit 6:5) I don't think catfish is kosher, because although it has fins, it has no scales. (See Leviticus 11:9-12 and Deuteronomy 14:9-10) It would be considered as being 'detestable,' according to Leviticus.

It does specifically name the fish as being in the Tigris (Hiddekel) river, though.