The Messiah and the Spirit

Ralf Biermann

beloved disciple
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Reunion of Jews, Christians, Muslims and other Religions

Dear Reader!

The Christians think that the Jews have to be converted to Christianity to end the dispute about the one religion. With a closer look we can find out that the Christians have to reevaluate their position. Only the scripture can tell the truth, but first we must define what is scripture.

The false Apostle Paul

Paul was a self-proclaimed Apostle, he boasted to have worked more than all the other Apostles. He spoke against the jewish law and customs, therefore Antisemitism within Christianity originated with Paul. Paul was also the only apostle who said that women should be subordinate to men. Last but not least Paul said that the descendants of Ishmael, the Arabs, will not inherit the kingdom. The sad thing is that most people think that Paul is the founder of Christianity. Luke wrote about Paul that all the churches in Asia rejected him, including Ephesus. When Jesus adressed his letter to the church in Ephesus, he said: you have rejected the false Apostles, well done.
I would like to show one example where Paul can be convicted to be a liar. Paul said: the love of money is the root of all evil. This can be proven to be wrong with the following thoughts.

The Sense of Life

In a godless universe, the sense of life ends with death. When the sun ceases to shine in billions of years, mankind will die, since other inhabitable planets are out of reach. This means life makes no sense in a godless universe. The conclusion is that I can do everything I want, since it does not make any sense anyway. There are no laws which make sense, therefore I can steal, kill etc. The social order and culture vanish away. Chaos.

As soon as we assume the existence of God, life makes sense because it lasts forever. The social order is maintained through the law of God. To live a meaningful life, one has only to keep the commandments and have faith in God. But a life without faith in God is without meaning, therefore Moses, David and Muhammad could kill unbelievers and God forgave them.

Therefore I can conclude that the root of all evil is a godless society, or a society which has a false God. Paul was wrong, he could not have had the spirit of God.

Luke travelled with Paul and wrote everything which Paul said and did. Since Luke did not realize that Paul was a false Apostle, his writings have to be rejected as well. So when we reject all these books, the Bible becomes totally jewish. There are still contradictions in the word, which did not come from God. But they are there on purpose: When you think about a problem which can not be solved, you will finally get enlightened after a long time according to Zen Buddhism. And the word that dwells in the heart of the believer is without error. The Quran is the word of God and it also contains contradictions, but it is more difficult to read.

And the interesting thing is: since Paul was the only one who spoke against the law, the law of Moses is still valid. This is also what Jesus said.

The Reunion of Jews, Christians and Muslims through the Messiah

Jews, Christians and Muslims are devided over the person of the Messiah. Therefore it is worth to shed some light on this topic, because only the truth can brake down the border between the people. We will see that all parties have to adjust their understanding about the Messiah and finally can be united.
Since Jeconiah was cursed none of his descendants can sit on the throne, therefore Jesus can not be the king, but God found a way to solve this problem.

David the once and future King

The book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, reveals all things you need to know about the future (historical interpretation) and about the future king. It is also made clear who Jesus is: the Almighty, the first and the last. Jesus addressed seven letters to the churches, with the overcomer as the common theme. In the seventh letter the overcomer sits on the throne of God. The number seven denotes completeness, while eight is the number of a new beginning. Indeed there exists an eighth message to the overcomer, which is told later in the book of Revelation: the overcomer becomes the son of God! Compare it with the eightfold path of the Buddha. The eighth message to the overcomer makes it clear that each message describes the spiritual progress of the overcomer, so the overcomer in each letter to the churches is one and the same person. Since each letter is also adressed to him, the overcomer represents the church. The church also represents the body of Jesus, so the overcomer represents the body of Jesus.

There exist several indications that Jesus is a spirit in heaven (God is a spirit), like: ...what the spirit says to the churches... So the overcomer is the body of Jesus, and the only thing he misses is the spirit of Jesus. But in the letter to the church of Thyatira Jesus said that the overcomer will receive the morning star. The morning star is Jesus, and Jesus is now a spirit !!! It is also the same letter where the identity of the overcomer is revealed: he will rule the nations with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers... These are the same words the Lord spoke to David. It is not unusual that David will rule, since it is repeated several times in the Old Testament that David will be king, the shepherd. So David will receive the spirit of Jesus, and they will become one person, even as Jesus and the Father are one: the Messiah, who the Jews and the world are waiting for. This is comparable to the New Age philosophy: the overcomer David receives the Christ consciousness.
Thus I have shown from the Christian Bible that David will be King, as it is also described in the jewish scriptures.

Does not this remind you on the two Messiah theory of the ancient jewish sages, the two sticks of Ezekiel which will be united in one, also representing the two houses of Israel and the two sons of Abraham? Jesus was the suffering Messiah, while David is the glorious Messiah. Just try to imagine if Jews and Christians would believe in the same Messiah. There would be no more gap between them.

A Muslim may ask how this will affect the jewish-arab relationship? The Muslims will also inherit the kingdom, since they are children of Abraham. A few points are clear: Messiah David will not return as a prophet, since he follows only the voice of his heart, the place where the spirit dwells. And there exists a relationship between David and Muhammad. Do not forget that David lived more than once, he also was Moses as it is stated in the Psalms, when he was proved at the waters of Meribah. Although the Quran seems to deny reincarnation, it aplies only to normal human beings. Jesus said: the believer is like the wind, nobody knows where he came from and where he goes. Does not this remind you of an alien, which lives forever?
So they are three: God, Satan and the Messiah, like the three Hindu gods. There is truth in all religions.

The Circumcision

The circumcision is the removal of a circle of flesh. The circle is no new symbol, God used it with the covenant of Noah – the rainbow. So the circle is the symbol of an eternal covenant with God. The flesh represents sin, it should be removed. Therefore God makes an eternal covenant with the spiritual man.

The circle, which means God of the covenant, can also be found in the description of God, according to the writings of John: The Holy Ghost is the spirit of truth, truth is the word of God, the word of God is Jesus, Jesus is God, God is a spirit and the circle is closed.

This means the Holy Ghost is the spirit of Jesus, and it is no longer a separate person as described in the doctrine of the trinity. Thus the trinity is not a valid biblical description.

Muhammad and Jesus

Muhammad said that Jesus was just a prophet. Since God is a spirit, Muhammad could not comprehend that God became flesh, since spirit and flesh are two opposing things. But God can do everything, only the contradiction of his word, the truth, is impossible. Therefore God became the Son of God, just like David became the son of David in scripture.

Muhammad said that Jesus was not crucified. Try to understand that it is incomprehensible for a man who loves God so much to admit that God died at the cross. As it is written: the man who is feeble will be like David. After all Muhammad knew who Jesus was, since he called him The Word, which is the Key of David to complete the circle. The reunion of Jews and Muslims would have been impossible, if the Muslims held the Jews accountible for the crucifixion. The Jews are long been forgiven, since they said: His blood be on us, and on our children. The blood is a symbol for the remission of sins.

Last but not least everything is said and done to reveal the Glory of God in the end of days.

Greetings from Germany
Ralf Biermann
Well, during the first half of the posted I was - in a rather Chandler Bing manner - trying to line up various wise cracks for suitability here.

However, it touched upon the notion of Messiah in an interesting manner- not least, referencing the duality of Messiah - I remember looking into this a while back to some degree, and figuring that the logic of the argument suggested one spiritual and one political leader - one for the Spirit of God and one representing the Spirit of Man. Thoughts from a few years ago, anyway, so I'll not argue that they make any sense to anyone. :)

Anyway - even though info dumping like the original post is usually seen as rather spammy, there's no link promo and there's material worth making a discussion around, should anyone wish to. For example, the nature of the Messiah, who is the Messiah for, unification of the Abramic lines, the Book of Revelation itself. Lots to discuss. :)
The Root of Evil

Ralf Biermann said:
I would like to show one example where Paul can be convicted to be a liar. Paul said: the love of money is the root of all evil. This can be proven to be wrong with the following thoughts.

In a godless universe, the sense of life ends with death. When the sun ceases to shine in billions of years, mankind will die, since other inhabitable planets are out of reach. This means life makes no sense in a godless universe. The conclusion is that I can do everything I want, since it does not make any sense anyway. There are no laws which make sense, therefore I can steal, kill etc. The social order and culture vanish away. Chaos.

As soon as we assume the existence of God, life makes sense because it lasts forever. The social order is maintained through the law of God. To live a meaningful life, one has only to keep the commandments and have faith in God. But a life without faith in God is without meaning, therefore Moses, David and Muhammad could kill unbelievers and God forgave them.

Therefore I can conclude that the root of all evil is a godless society, or a society which has a false God. Paul was wrong, he could not have had the spirit of God.

But doesn't the love of money lead to godlessness? After all, Jesus himself said that one cannot serve both God and money. Thus, one who serves money does not serve God and, consequently, becomes godless. I think you're being a little harsh with Paul: just because he didn't reach the same conclusion doesn't necessarily mean that he was the one who was mistaken. And in any case his statement is in tune with what Jesus said, which I think vindicates him from the title of "liar," which should be reserved for people who with premeditation attempt to deceive.
It is also made clear who Jesus is: the Almighty, the first and the last.

Hello Ralf,

I read you post up to the above statement and would like to clarify something before I continue reading.

Are you saying that Jesus (Yahshua) is Yahweh?

I think that is what he means. Of course, it depends on who you mean by Yahweh.

Are you saying that David, like the kid who killed Goliath, is Acharit?

Hey, why does everyone have a problem with Paul? It seems someone is always complaining about him over on this side of the board.
Andrea and Moses. This is an "old thread" (circa 2004), so any new thoughts here are going to have to be originated now.
No, Jesus was not God, he was his WORD, the TRUTH. But he had the SPIRIT OF TRUTH, which is the HOLY GHOST, which is God.

The Mahdi, Mihdī, also Mehdi; "Guided One" or "Gifted one“
In an Hadith widely regarded as authentic, the Prophet Muhammad has stated:
„Even if the entire duration of the world's existence has already been exhausted and only one day is left before the Day of Judgment, Allah will expand that day to such a length of time, as to accommodate the kingdom of a person out of my Ahl al-Bayt (people of the house) who will be called by my name (the Name Muhammad means "Praised One"). He will then fill the Earth with peace and justice as it will have been filled with injustice and tyranny before then.“

The Apostle Peter said: “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”

So if there is only one day left, Allah may expand that day to thousand years. This is also called the 7th millennium, the 1000 year Sabbath of the Lord. It is written in the Revelation, the last book of the Bible: And there shall be no night (the day lasts forever) there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they (the Muslims) shall reign for ever and ever.

My theory is that this day will even last forever, so that Allah will have mercy with the current disbelievers until they have faith. Remember there is no Hell in the Jewish mind.

An important sign which will precede Imam Mahdi is as follows, so that we Muslims are not misled to believe in somebody claiming to be the Mahdi who in reality is a blatant liar.

A General Sign
There are many signs that will precede him, a general and very important sign is that he will come at a time when there is great confutation, intense disputes and violent deaths. When people are afflicted by disturbance and experiencing great fear. Calamities will fall upon the people, so much so that a man shall not find a shelter to shelter him self from oppression. There will be battles and fitnaas (Fitna (فتنة) is an Arabic word, generally regarded as very difficult to translate. It is often used to refer to civil war, disagreement and division within Islam and specifically alludes to a time involving trials of faith, similar to the Tribulation in Christian eschatology. The word also implies meanings including schism, secession, upheaval and anarchy ) before his appearance. Every time a fitnaa has come to end, another will start, spread and intensify. The people will be troubled to such an extent that they will long for death. It is then that Imam Mahdi will be sent.
Abu Saeed Al-Khudri has repoted that the Messenger of Allah said "He will be sent at a time of intense disputes and differences among people and earthquakes...“

The word “earthquakes” appears also in the book of Revelation, it also has the meaning of revolutions.

The Euphrates will Disclose a Mountain of Gold
"The Hour shall not occur until the Euphrates (Euphrates means "good to cross over"; my interpretation: the crucifixion is over) will disclose a mountain of gold, over which people will fight. 99 out of every hundred shall die, and every one of them shall say, 'perchance I shall be the one to succeed"

The number 99 is closely related to the 99 names of Allah. So there will be a quest for the 100th name of Allah (which is at the same time the name of the Mahdi).
The people will not die literally, but if they say the false name, they are liars, which is a declaration that they are children of Satan, the Father of lies, which endangers them to be thrown into Hell.

The Mahdi appears also in the book of Revelation, he is the overcomer, the common theme of Jesus seven letters to the churches. The Book of Revelation says: “…I (Jesus) will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem (also called city of David), which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.”
If someone wants to understand the book of Revelation, he has to look for its historical interpretation.

Abu Hurairah has narrated that the Prophet Muhammad said:
"A man will emerge from the depths of Damascus… “
One of the origins of the name Damascus is the Arabic word damas for water. Now the Prophet Jesus called his words the „living water“, which were the words that Allah put in his mouth, the truth. So Damascus has to be a place with a lot of truth.

The name of the Mahdi is David, according to the Old Testament in the Bible: “And David my servant shall be king over them; and they all shall have one shepherd: they shall also walk in my judgments, and observe my statutes, and do them.”

But we know that there might be errors in the Bible, so it is not 100% sure. But another thought is this: The name David means Beloved, and since it is at the same time the 100th name of Allah, it is a prophecy that Allah will be loved of all people in the future.
It is written: A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death (not literally) than the day of one's birth.
So to receive a new name is better than to be anointed, the anointment is a declaration from Allah to be the Messiah, the Mahdi.

The Appearance of the Mahdi

A false Mahdi would say: „I’m the Mahdi.“, like there have been a lot of false Mahdis in the past. In this current situation of disbelief nobody would put his trust in him. I think he must prove with his words that he is the true Mahdi, that his words are full of Truth and Wisdom.

I have already explained that there must be a Jihad, the Holy War of Truth, which I expect to be a bloodless war in the media about Truth. Now the main media for this war might be the internet. I think the Mahdi will lead this war.

There is some kind of probability that the Mahdi will post messages on the world wide web to get more and more adherents from all over the world, to be able to start the War of Truth.

A tradition says: 'Mahdi is the best of Muhammad's 'Ummah' (maybe even this forum?).

A Prophecy came true

Joel 2:28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

The definition of a prophet would be to be able to speak with the word of Allah, which is the Truth. Indications for the fulfillment of this prophecy are the lyrics of some songs.

A Song for Jews and Muslims

Here an example of a song called “Brothers in Arms”:

This mist covered mountain (Zion)
Is a home now for me (the Mahdi/the Messiah)
But my home is the lowlands
And always will be
Some day you’ll (the Jews and Muslims) return to
Your valleys and your farms
And you’ll no longer burn
To be brothers in arms

Through these fields of destruction
Baptisms of fire (Fire is a symbol for the word of Allah)
I’ve watched all your suffering
As the battles raged higher
And though they did hurt me so bad
In the fear and alarm
You did not desert me
My brothers in arms

There are so many different worlds
So many different suns
And we have just one world
But we live in different ones

Now the suns gone to hell
And the moons (Islam) riding high
Let me bid you farewell
Every man has to die
But its written in the starlight
And every line on your palm
Were fools to make war
On our brothers (the Jews and the Muslims; Isaac and Ishmael) in arms.

A Song for the Christians
Carol, who is a member of the forum "Ummah", is a very faithful believer. The Prophet Jesus said: “Blessed are the Peacemakers”. Her theory (remember from the thread about the theory of evolution: a theory can never be proven) was that the 100th name of Allah is Love. The Apostle John, whose Gospel is called the divine Gospel, has written: God is Love.

The Legend about King Arthur
It is a Christian Legend. Arthur was the only one who was able to pull the sword out of the rock. Now the sword is a symbol for Truth in the Bible, the rock means God, Love. It is written: He (Allah) is the Rock (MECCA), his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he. The sword in the rock means: Truth+Love=True Love. I once was a Christian and as my faith in God increased, I thought my God was True Love, because Allah has given me the best wife and I thought there is nothing more beautiful than True Love.

The artist Prince has written the following song for the artist Martika. In the meantime Prince became a Jehovah’s Witness.

Love (Allah), thy will be done
I can no longer hide
I can no longer run
No longer can I resist the guiding light
It gives me the power to keep up the fight
Love...thy will be done
Since I have found you my life has just begun
And I see all of your creations as one
Perfect complex
No one less beautiful or more special than the next
We are all blessed and so wise to accept
Thy will love be done

Love, thy will be mine
And make me strive for the glorious and divine
I could not be more, more satisfied (satisfied…)
Even when there's no peace outside my window
There's peace inside
And that's why I no longer run (I don’t know…)
Love thy will be done

Love, thy will be done
I can no longer hide
I can no longer run (no….)
Love, thy will be done
Thy will love be done

No longer can I resist (no..) the guiding light (guiding light)
The light that gives me the power to keep up the fight
I couldn’t be more satisfied (no…)
Even when there's no peace outside my window
There's peace inside
And that's why I can not longer run
Love thy will be done (thy will be done, done, done…)

Love, thy will be done
I can no longer hide
I can no longer run
Love, thy will be done
Thy will love be done

Love, thy will be done
I can no longer hide
I can no longer run (no, no, no)
Love, thy will be done
Thy will love be done…
Thy will love be done…
Thy will love be done

Ralf Biermann
No, Jesus was not God, he was his WORD, the TRUTH. But he had the SPIRIT OF TRUTH, which is the HOLY GHOST, which is God.

Welcome to CR Ralf. ;)

Scripture puts you at odds with it. Jesus was not God, He is God. While on earth He put away His divinity to embrace humanity, but once He accomplished His mission, He put His mantle of Divinity back on (or as some say, shed His Human mantle as a butterfly sheds the cacoon).

The difference is subtle but paramount. John: 1


And there shall be no night (the day lasts forever) there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they...shall reign for ever and ever.
jesus christ the lord is that light.
I would think a fair amount of prophets in the past could be considered "the Light". Moses, Mohammad, and Jesus were all Luminaries.

Has nothing to do with the Savior and the Lord God...Luminaries all get extinguished in time. Moses did, Mohammad did. Only Jesus did not. Big BIG difference to Christians. :D


this light does not extinguish, jesus lives. everybody else has died and awaits judgement of the lord jesus christ.