Another Ten Questions......

17th Angel

לבעוט את התחת ולקחת שמות
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Have you seen the little piggies crawling in the d
01.) How many roads must a man walk down, before, you can call him a man?
02.) If a woodchuck, chucked wood, how much wood, would a woodchuck, chuck?
03.) Why does lemon juice stop apples turning brown?
04.) How freaking fat do you need to be to be bulletproof?
05.) Why is lemon juice made with artifical flavours and my cleaner with real lemons?
06.) Why does man -CLAIM- to have invented the wheel?
07.) Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
08.) Does my ass look big in this?
09.) knock knock?
10.) "If I(you)was god....."

As we are all seeming to add a 10, I've added my 10! And believe it or not they are relevant...
01.) How many roads must a man walk down, before, you can call him a man?1 or 1000 depending on the nature of the road
02.) If a woodchuck, chucked wood, how much wood, would a woodchuck, chuck?a woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
03.) Why does lemon juice stop apples turning brown?lemon juice is contains antioxidants when a apple turns brown it is oxidizing hence the juice slows oxidation
04.) How freaking fat do you need to be to be bulletproof?it isn't bullet proof it is just the larger target makes it harder to hit vital organs or take a large enough chunk out to cause excessive bleeding
05.) Why is lemon juice made with artifical flavours and my cleaner with real lemons?marketing and a gullible public
06.) Why does man -CLAIM- to have invented the wheel?I actually think mans claim in this regard was the axle. the wheel is simply a short roller bearing...the axle however that was revolutionary
07.) Which came first, the chicken or the egg?answered in another thread
08.) Does my ass look big in this?yes
09.) knock knock?who's there
10.) "If I(you)was god....."You(I)r...look what we we've wrought

As we are all seeming to add a 10, I've added my 10! And believe it or not they are relevant...Who's elephant?
I wouldn't of taken you for a "who's there" replier lol.
Now we used to have one of those large grotesque gargoyle style knockers on our door to a house with five bachelors. Under it we had a little plaque. "Knock softly but firmly. We like soft firm knockers"

But as to your questions, I thought I was on a roll answering them directly, succinctly and I stayed in that vien.
01.) How many roads must a man walk down, before, you can call him a man? 0
02.) If a woodchuck, chucked wood, how much wood, would a woodchuck, chuck? As many as a woodchuck can
03.) Why does lemon juice stop apples turning brown? antioxidants
04.) How freaking fat do you need to be to be bulletproof? Depends on how far the bullet is shot.
05.) Why is lemon juice made with artifical flavours and my cleaner with real lemons? All to do with marketing
06.) Why does man -CLAIM- to have invented the wheel? Cause he did
07.) Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The chicken
08.) Does my ass look big in this? You should always say it doesn't and no hesitating
09.) knock knock? Come in
10.) "If I(you)was god....." I'd probably be chased by an angry mob
01.) How many roads must a man walk down, before, you can call him a man? None. Chuck Norris owns the road.
02.) If a woodchuck, chucked wood, how much wood, would a woodchuck, chuck? Depends of the size of the woodchipper. The one in "Fargo" does nicely.
03.) Why does lemon juice stop apples turning brown?
None of my apples turn brown. I eat them before they get that way.
04.) How freaking fat do you need to be to be bulletproof?
You don't have to be freaking fat, just flacking fat.
05.) Why is lemon juice made with artifical flavours and my cleaner with real lemons?
That's what you get for buying artificial lemons.
06.) Why does man -CLAIM- to have invented the wheel?
Because the patent hasn't expired yet.
07.) Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
On Chinese menus, it comes third and fifth, respectively.
08.) Does my ass look big in this?
Only in pictures.
09.) knock knock? Is that how many you got preggers?
10.) "If I(you)was god....." We'd be fighting for first.
heres an example of other serious questions im not going to open another post though lol

1) What do you say if you're talking to God, and he sneezes?
2) If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
3) Why doesn’t Tarzan have a beard?
4) If practice makes perfect and there is no such thing as perfect then why practice?
5) If olive oil is made of squeezing olives,then what are baby oil made from?
6) If superman was so smart why were his underpants on the outside?
7) What happens if you go on a survival course - and you don't pass?
8) How come cartoon characters never change clothes?
9) If a turtle loses its shell is it naked, homeless or both???
10) why are all of these questions unanswerable?
heres an example of other serious questions im not going to open another post though lol

1) What do you say if you're talking to God, and he sneezes?
2) If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
3) Why doesn’t Tarzan have a beard?
4) If practice makes perfect and there is no such thing as perfect then why practice?
5) If olive oil is made of squeezing olives,then what are baby oil made from?
6) If superman was so smart why were his underpants on the outside?
7) What happens if you go on a survival course - and you don't pass?
8) How come cartoon characters never change clothes?
9) If a turtle loses its shell is it naked, homeless or both???
10) why are all of these questions unanswerable?
ah yes...

If cats always land on their feet and peanut butter sandwiches fall butter side down what happens if you strap a peanut butter sandwich to a cat and toss it out the window?


Can G!d make a rock so big he can't lift it? If not why not?
loooooooool the peanut butter one is good, it would probably float?
heres an example of other serious questions im not going to open another post though lol

1) What do you say if you're talking to God, and he sneezes?
2) If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
3) Why doesn’t Tarzan have a beard?
4) If practice makes perfect and there is no such thing as perfect then why practice?
5) If olive oil is made of squeezing olives,then what are baby oil made from?
6) If superman was so smart why were his underpants on the outside?
7) What happens if you go on a survival course - and you don't pass?
8) How come cartoon characters never change clothes?
9) If a turtle loses its shell is it naked, homeless or both???
10) why are all of these questions unanswerable?

10] course they are, with a bit of imagination 1] excuse ME 2] risen above yourself 3] cos hes a girl really 4] strive boy strive 5] minerals ugh they dont sink in like olives 6] maybe we're the dumb asses 7] still survive? 8] cos theyre made of cardboard silly! 9] humans would then define it as a ruttle or some other new species
01.) How many roads must a man walk down, before, you can call him a man? 006.) Why does man -CLAIM- to have invented the wheel? Cause he did09.) knock knock? Come in
10.) "If I(you)was god....." I'd probably be chased by an angry mob

1: good answer :D
6: nature invented the wheel :p
9: awesome!
10: *gets his torch*

01.) How many roads must a man walk down, before, you can call him a man? None. Chuck Norris owns the road.10.) "If I(you)was god....." We'd be fighting for first.

1: lol or you're a man when you can hear the voice of Chuck norris without your mind imploding!
10: first?


8: you're just evil....
1: good answer :D
6: nature invented the wheel :p
9: awesome!
10: *gets his torch*

1: I wish I said 0 but lets send him down 10 just for fun hehehe
6: Do you know of anything organic with wheels? hehe
heres an example of other serious questions im not going to open another post though lol

1) What do you say if you're talking to God, and he sneezes?
2) If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
3) Why doesn’t Tarzan have a beard?
4) If practice makes perfect and there is no such thing as perfect then why practice?
5) If olive oil is made of squeezing olives,then what are baby oil made from?
6) If superman was so smart why were his underpants on the outside?
7) What happens if you go on a survival course - and you don't pass?
8) How come cartoon characters never change clothes?
9) If a turtle loses its shell is it naked, homeless or both???
10) why are all of these questions unanswerable?

1. Bless you.
2. Answer this question: "What is your measure of success?" and that will determine the answer
3. I don't know the story
4. Heck, just do your best. It's just a saying. Practice enables you to do your best.
5. err . . . lol, babies?:):D:eek:
6. I didn't even notice! Very observant. I thought it was part of his suit.
7. Then you're probably dead.
8. They aren't real. It's just fiction.
9. It's naked: it's horny and it's getting ready to have sex!
10. That's life! C'est la vie!
01.) How many roads must a man walk down, before, you can call him a man?
02.) If a woodchuck, chucked wood, how much wood, would a woodchuck, chuck?
03.) Why does lemon juice stop apples turning brown?
04.) How freaking fat do you need to be to be bulletproof?
05.) Why is lemon juice made with artifical flavours and my cleaner with real lemons?
06.) Why does man -CLAIM- to have invented the wheel?
07.) Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
08.) Does my ass look big in this?
09.) knock knock?
10.) "If I(you)was god....."

As we are all seeming to add a 10, I've added my 10! And believe it or not they are relevant...

1. A man is a man no matter what he says or does. As per your question, wasn't the guy already a man anyway?
2. As much wood as it can and as it would want to, whichever is smaller, fewer and less.
3. Lemon juice contains anti-oxidants
4. It depends on the amount of kinetic energy received by the bullet from the explosives in the shell
5. What lemon juice are you talking about? Straight from a lemon or the kind you buy from a supermarket?
6. Who invented the wheel before MAN?
7. It's a paradox.
8. Being fat doesn't necessarily make you ugly. Moderately fat people can be sexy.
9. Please read the sign: no canvassers, Avon or salespeople
10. I would shake the snow globe over and over again, watching the snow gradually settling down to the bottom.
I just wanted to say that a man who leads his digits with zeros is an exceptional man indeed.
1. A man is a man no matter what he says or does. As per your question, wasn't the guy already a man anyway?
2. As much wood as it can and as it would want to, whichever is smaller, fewer and less.
3. Lemon juice contains anti-oxidants
4. It depends on the amount of kinetic energy received by the bullet from the explosives in the shell
5. What lemon juice are you talking about? Straight from a lemon or the kind you buy from a supermarket?
6. Who invented the wheel before MAN?
7. It's a paradox.
8. Being fat doesn't necessarily make you ugly. Moderately fat people can be sexy.
9. Please read the sign: no canvassers, Avon or salespeople
10. I would shake the snow globe over and over again, watching the snow gradually settling down to the bottom.

01: Indeed!
06: see post 14! :O

I just wanted to say that a man who leads his digits with zeros is an exceptional man indeed.

I like post 17. :D Although is that in a good or bad way?

Getting some good answers lol......
01.) How many roads must a man walk down, before, you can call him a man?

Half a block.

02.) If a woodchuck, chucked wood, how much wood, would a woodchuck, chuck?

As much as he wants to.

03.) Why does lemon juice stop apples turning brown?

Acid. Don't eat the brown acid, man.

04.) How freaking fat do you need to be to be bulletproof?

Depends on the bullet.

05.) Why is lemon juice made with artifical flavours and my cleaner with real lemons?

Some questions aren't meant to be asked. People can't handle the answer.

06.) Why does man -CLAIM- to have invented the wheel?

So some woman could tell him what to do with it.

07.) Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Who cares?, they both taste good.

08.) Does my ass look big in this?

Yep, your ass looks big in everything. That's what happens when you have a fat ass.

09.) knock knock?

You really ought to get someone to look at that before you throw a rod or swallow a valve.

10.) "If I(you)was god....."

Irrelevent, does not compute.