a short thought


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This is a thought I had a while back having to do with the pyramids and other ancient stone monuments worldwide.
The general theory is that the people who built these amazing structures were said to have used bronze tools, as they were built allegedly during the bronze age in many cases.
Some of the stones are extremely hard.
Now I work with stone for a living and I use steel chisels.
These modern and very hard steel tools work well until they dull.
I have taken bronze and copper and tried to chip away at stone and you know, that doesn't work very well.
The tools blunt and bend and leave a nice bronze metallic smear, yet when you look at the pictures of these ancient stones not a bronze smear in sight, even when they pull the stones apart.
Plus they would have needed mountains of these chisels to do anything and yet very few are found and they would have had sharpening stations to keep them useful which would have left piles of shavings and bronze dust even if they were very careful and cleaned the areas well.
Any ideas on whats up with that?
The thing is, cheekiness aside :))) is that such lack of evidence shoots the current theories all to hell.
I am not a university trained archeologist and I can see this from afar.
These people are right there with microscopes and they still come up with these ideas.
Bronze chisels.
I doubt they have ever tried to shape a piece of basalt or granite.
Possible, but then there would be dumps of waste of these "harder" stones + chips of the same all over the place that would have been found in large quantities.
Add to the puzzle the fact that as the Egyptian culture matured, their building skills seemed to get worse.
Kind of what you would expect if there was some catastrophe and the knowledgeable and tooled up ones were first and were the template which was copied and as it was copied through the centuries, bits and pieces were gradually lost.
My guess is an ability to harness a quality of energy, like lasers for example, in a way we know nothing about. The stones on the Great Pyramid fit too well together for anything else IMO. This same energy could also be used to move heavy stones. The only one I know of that learned of how this was done was the builder of Coral Castle. It is there but we just don't know how.

Coral Castle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a thought I had a while back having to do with the pyramids and other ancient stone monuments worldwide.
The general theory is that the people who built these amazing structures were said to have used bronze tools, as they were built allegedly during the bronze age in many cases...Any ideas on whats up with that?

Great minds think alike? I wondered on this same matter earlier, and didn't reach any decent conclusions...

Kindest Regards to all!

I have a puzzle perhaps some could help with.

I borrowed a current humanities textbook from a friend to find some information about the Great Pyramid at Giza and the socio-cultural events surrounding it, in effect looking at a snap-shot of human cultural evolution.

Concerning the Pyramid, I often hear of the wonderful intricacy, the detail, the obstacles to overcome, how it would still be impossible to recreate even with today's technology, the esoteric meanings hidden in the form and placement, etc. All of this implies a great deal of knowledge and forethought, and experience, which is fine.

That is, until one places it in context with other socio-cultural events.

The text places the construction of the Great Pyramid between the years 2530-2470 B.C. Apparently this is within the time commonly ascribed as "Neolithic" (New Stone Age). Bronze had only recently (500 years previously) been developed by the addition of tin to copper about 3000 B.C. in Mesopotamia. The text is unclear as to whether or not Egypt had and used bronze implements around the time of pyramid construction, stating later that is was not until 1674 B.C. when the Hyksos invaded northern Egypt, that bronze (in the form of weapons) was introduced along with horse-drawn chariots. Iron was not introduced until much later still.

By 3000 B.C. Egypt had well-developed agriculture with irrigation, and hieroglyphic writing. At about the same time the pyramid was being built, the Great Sphinx was begun and papyrus was introduced.

To keep things in context, the Mesopotamian cultures had their fair share of technological breakthroughs and marvels by this time as well, but the Great Pyramid has always stood as such a shining example of what man can do...

Yet we can't do the same today?

Was there some quantum leap in rational ability amongst humanity somewhere between 9000-3000 B.C.? A leap that, truth be told, is beyond us now? Have we somehow regressed in our mental capacities and capabilities? The text mentions the pyramid being constructed of limestone and granite. How did a people, however brilliant, carve granite without metal implements, or at best copper implements? I also seem to recall the outer casing being of marble. It is one thing to focus on the transportation and heavy lifting issues, remarkable in themselves. But how could these megaliths be carved at quarry to within acutely accurate and fine tolerances unmatched for millennia without metal carving tools? If the only metallurgy available to Egypt at the time was copper, the carving of stone would be pretty limited I would think, including harder forms of limestone. In effect, are we to believe stone age humans built what we know as the Pyramid?

Obviously the project was accomplished, and stands as testimony to this day. But there are far more questions it raises than it answers. Or so it seems, to me.

Any thoughts?

There are a couple of pages of responses, I hope you enjoy reading!