The great year


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Perhaps some of you are familiar with this concept. I will just give a basic overview which has more to it than is presented in the movie which are my additions.

First, here is a link which will take you to a site that has the movie, "The Great Year" available to be viewed, If the link does not work, then it can be found on Google video.
The Great Year - (the Paranormal, Conspiracies, Occult, Ancient History, Magick, Supernatural, Spiritual, Metaphysical, Anomalies, Mysteries, PSI, ESP, Psychic powers)
-The theory comes from ancient Indian astronomical concepts (as well as the other ancient cultures) which have to do with ages which our world passes through.
Apparently (according to the theory) our sun has a companion sun and we are a part of a binary star system. (not too surprising since 80% of the stars charted are either binaries or more).
here's a link to: Binary Research Institute
It is still not totally precise regarding how long such a cycle takes, there is debate over this, but it is approx. 24000-26000 yrs.
This cycles existence is evidenced by the cycle of the precession of the equinoxes, wherein every couple of millenia or so, the pre-emminent constellation changes for us and we can view this if we make celestial observation during the equinoxes.
A few things which are in dispute or confuse the calculations are the facts that there are actually 13 constellations on the elliptic : 13 Constellations of the Solar Zodiac - Sun Signs - © Dr Shepherd Simpson
this site is just one of many which discuss this. The Mayans also had 13 constellations in their zodiac.
Also there is speculations pertaining to the speed of our planets orbit around the sun as fluxuating. This link refers to this idea:
360 vs. 365
So at present there are serious debates as to the finer points of these things, also the astronomers have not yet located our companion star, but it is a big sky to look in and most likely a brown dwarf star to try to find.
But why would the ancient stories refer to it if it didn't exist when such supposedly primitive cultures made such accurate observatories and were so accurate about so many other things. Certainly lends credence and is worth researching further.
Anyway, the idea which this precession data brings forward has to do with the concept of the Ages. There is a great cycle of Ages which takes a great deal of time for us to orbit through.
There is the great year which is our solar year, being the time it takes to rotate once around the axis of our companion star, which takes more than 20,000 yrs to complete.
Then there are the seasons of that year which are explained in the book of Daniel, in the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, which are the seasons of Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron, each with their own unique characteristics.
Finally, there are the "months" of that year which are defined by the zodiac, and we know where we are at by looking at the elliptic during the equinox,and each of these has its own distinct aspect as well.
The idea which all of this and other data seems to reveal is that when we are in close proximity to our companion star, there are effects which are perceivable by us on earth. Exactly what those effects are is at this point still rather sketchy, as not much data has survived to tell the tale, but it hasto do with effects which are spiritual/intellectual/emotional and physical. People were recorded to live longer and for the most part seemed to be of a different nature, of greater capacity in many ways.
Perhaps, when we draw near to the companion star it encourages growth of various faculties in us which are at present atrophied.
It has been proven in many studies that perception is a bio/electrochemical function, and if a person's biochemical balance is changed, sometimes just a little, there can be profound changes in that person's perception and disposition. Further , it has been shown that by altering the electromagnetic "atmosphere" around a living thing, changes both good or bad can be induced depending of the field which is created.
So then the speculation I put forward is that as we draw near to our companion star, we are exposed to beneficial "emanations" which cause all life on our planet to become vitalized and enhanced. As we proceed away from the companion star we slowly are starved of these emanations as we proceed into the "winter" season and become withered and atrophied.
Considering this from other instances, if any life is deprived of the essentials to life, then it diminishes and becomes psychologically and physiologically impaired. People don't think right when they are starved (in any way) and this condition can be reversed, just by restoring to that individual the essential thing they were lacking.
Another factor to consider is the current development of plasma theory regarding the nature of the universe and energy distribution throughout, as well as how our sun really functions as a node receptor as opposed to a nuclear furnace.
So we have ancient accounts and modern scientific theories which dovetail and present a plausible reason for why things are as they are.
It is a common understanding that humanity is "soul-sick", that we "fell", that we are "passing through darkness", and that to overcome our current "darkened" state we must become "en-light-ened"’

[FONT=&quot]Here are some links which explain the plasma universe idea:The Plasma Universe [/FONT][FONT=&quot]
This link gets you to a satellite database dealing with solar observations. It has some great pictures:
Solar and Heliospheric Observatory Homepage[/FONT]
Two minutes into the video this quote is displayed.

"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them." ~ Galileo Galilei

I would suggest that viewers keep this in mind as they watch the rest of the show. It is filled with a great amount of speculation and very little discovery.

That's not to discount the possibility of a binary star or 24,000 year cycle, but the onus to prove this is on those making the claims and should not be taken on faith.

The aspect of this hypothesis that I have the hardest time accepting is that somehow human advancement it tied to this cycle. We now know that every part of the universe is in motion. Why would this shared orbit around a binary star affect the human mind and culture so drastically? What is the mechanism for this effect? Why doesn't Earth's orbit around the Sun produce a similar effect?

Until these questions are addressed and more evidence brought forth, this subject will remain in the realm of mumbo-jumbo.
So then the speculation I put forward is that as we draw near to our companion star, we are exposed to beneficial "emanations" which cause all life on our planet to become vitalized and enhanced. As we proceed away from the companion star we slowly are starved of these emanations as we proceed into the "winter" season and become withered and atrophied.
Considering this from other instances, if any life is deprived of the essentials to life, then it diminishes and becomes psychologically and physiologically impaired. People don't think right when they are starved (in any way) and this condition can be reversed, just by restoring to that individual the essential thing they were lacking.
Another factor to consider is the current development of plasma theory regarding the nature of the universe and energy distribution throughout, as well as how our sun really functions as a node receptor as opposed to a nuclear furnace.
So we have ancient accounts and modern scientific theories which dovetail and present a plausible reason for why things are as they are.
It is a common understanding that humanity is "soul-sick", that we "fell", that we are "passing through darkness", and that to overcome our current "darkened" state we must become "en-light-ened"’

Note that I said speculation, and to me it is no different than any other religious type of idea, they all talk of emanations and visitors from the heavens etc etc.
This is a place where people talk about such mumbo-jumbo on a daily basis, and IMO this speculation is far less ridiculous than many which are presented in the religious section as there are valid scientific aspects to consider.

2 suns of differing kinds will have a unique synergistic effect on all things in their vicinity. That is the hypothesis in any case.
And yes, there are people looking into this quite seriously from what I have seen and they look fairly well qualified in their fields.
Note that I said speculation...

This is a place where people talk about such mumbo-jumbo on a daily basis, and IMO this speculation is far less ridiculous than many which are presented in the religious section as there are valid scientific aspects to consider.

I quite agree. I'm not trying to stifle anybody's opinion on this or any other matter. I merely gave you mine.

2 suns of differing kinds will have a unique synergistic effect on all things in their vicinity. That is the hypothesis in any case.

"Unique synergistic effects" that affect human behavior. I know a sunny day can make me feel good, but this needs a little more substantiation.

And yes, there are people looking into this quite seriously from what I have seen and they look fairly well qualified in their fields.

Yeah, one of them was a monk.

Interesting story anyway. Good fodder for a quiet Saturday morning.
Actually its all a bit more scary than that. It's no brown dwarf.... It's a Black Hole!! In 2012 it will approach fast swallowing the planets and eventually us and the sun!! Man I love fireworks!!

I'm with CZ, I find all this highly spurious.
Given that the majority of the suns observed are in some kind of binary arrangement makes it probable that ours is as well.
"Unique synergistic effects" that affect human behavior. I know a sunny day can make me feel good, but this needs a little more substantiation.
Well, we are all aware of the problems some people have in the winter when they are not exposed to enough sunlight and in some people this can be quite severe.
We are also aware of the hazards which some spectrums of fluorescents pose for many people, causing them to be sleepy and less aware, I have read studies which some corporations have done which caused them to change the lighting so as to get better efficiency from their staff.
Also well established is the problems associated with lack of minerals in one's diet which causes health issues which go away when the minerals are reintroduced into the diet.
This can also be seen in plants if they do not have the proper lighting.
They do poorly, and when the proper lighting is restablished, they pick up and do better.

You may find it spurious, but no more so than a god becoming a man who would die for peoples that is spurious, but it gets lots of air time and is taken very seriously.
But to suggest that this hypothesis is false, when it is being presented as a speculation, without any discussion is rather impolite.
But to suggest that this hypothesis is false, when it is being presented as a speculation, without any discussion is rather impolite.

Oh no, not false.

It's just highly speculative and therefore falls into the heap with the other highly speculative notions piled in the back of my brain.

Maybe one day there will be a reason to return it to the forefront.
Well beyond my realm of knowledge, but as usual that does not stop me from butting in and contemplating.

When stars are binary stars they in some sort of way revolve around an axis, a central point do they not? If equal in mass, the point would be between them, but if one had extemely larger mass the point may be within the lareger star.

Either way our sun doesn't exhibit a wobble does it? Nor are we in an orbit that doesn't flow with our portion of our spiral galaxy does it?
When stars are binary stars they in some sort of way revolve around an axis, a central point do they not? If equal in mass, the point would be between them, but if one had extemely larger mass the point may be within the lareger star.

This was one of my problems with the video. They made it sound as if our binary star was "so far away".

It's not that far away. On the celestial scale it is quite nearby and its position is probably calculable.

It would be one of the great discoveries of mankind and it seems well within our ability to detect it.

But if we did find our binary and it turned out that we rotated around it every 24,000 years, I'd be the first to say, "I was wrong."

"Who knew?"
This was one of my problems with the video. They made it sound as if our binary star was "so far away".

It's not that far away. On the celestial scale it is quite nearby and its position is probably calculable.

It would be one of the great discoveries of mankind and it seems well within our ability to detect it.

But if we did find our binary and it turned out that we rotated around it every 24,000 years, I'd be the first to say, "I was wrong."

"Who knew?"
That's just it, if we were rotating around it, it must be opposite our milky way black hole...otherwise we would not move in unison around it...and mee thinks we do.
To keep the conversation going and not appear impolite, I offer the following link...

Nemesis: Does the Sun Have a 'Companion'?

excerpts: "Give me a million dollars and I'll find it," Muller said in a recent telephone interview.

Nemesis, as Muller sees it, is a common red dwarf star that would be visible through binoculars or a small telescope, if only we knew which of some 3,000 stars to look at. These are stars that have been cataloged, but their distances are not known.

Muller's idea for Nemesis came to him 1983. Luis Alvarez, then an emeritus professor of physics at the University of California at Berkeley, and his son Walter had recently put forth the theory that a giant impact had wiped out the dinosaurs. (This idea, like so many others that are now widely accepted, met with staunch criticism when it was introduced because it, too, was not mainstream).

Around the same time, two other researchers had suggested yet another controversial idea, that mass extinctions occurred at regular intervals -- every 26 million years or so. Scientists immediately folded the ideas into a new and breathtaking possibility: Impacts by space rocks were causing massive global species destruction every 26 million years.

OMG! Competing binary star theories!
That is the point, isn't it....they are theories, just like most everything.
Creationism is a theory and so is evolution.
We have some facts and then we get creative and start embroidering other possibilities that reason or imagination will suggest.
Some of these far out ideas are taught as fact even thought they are in reality, found to be speculation based on some facts.
For instance, when they find a bone fragment and then do some reconstructive work and lo and behold they have a fully fleshed out creature with its entire shape well defined, its skin appearance and color and texture figured out and even if it had hair or scales (even when all they had was a small few fragments of bone to start with) on display in the museum or in the textbook.
Now tell me that isn't some creative imagination, or even spurious.
Yet it is commonplace.

This is why forums where I mean, are discussed are entertaining, as so many actually believe the whole line of it.
Although it is reassuring to see that there are reasonable and open-minded skeptics in increasing numbers.
Although it is reassuring to see that there are reasonable and open-minded skeptics in increasing numbers.

While I'd like to think of myself as an open-minded skeptic, in reality I'm more of a hard-assed, old fart.*

I will try to keep an open mind.

*If 48 is old. Which it is... but it isn't... but it is.

Such a twin star, if it were to have light meaningful to our health, would have to be extremely luminous. There would be no mistaking it in the night sky. For a low luminosity red dwarf star to give the kind of changes we see in solar radiation through a year it would have to pass so close to us that it would rip the solar system apart. It may be Sol does have a dark companion but given the stability of the planets in their orbits the two stars orbital distance would be huge and itself stable.
The orbits of the planets of the solar system are pretty precisely known and there is no perturbation to these orbits from such a massive body. There is a little chaos with Neptune and the planetoids beyond it but the effect is calculated to being caused by objects that combined make up no more than the mass of Neptune itself. And we are finding what appears to be a field of planetoids where we expected to find them. Pluto/Charon is amongst them and is not the biggest.
The theory simply does not make any sense within the context of the body of science best placed to measure it. And it is an old theory, regurgitated like clockwork every few years. Ostensibly to sell a book. Link it to a pre-Colombian American tribe that indulged in brutal human sacrifice and you will sell a lot of copies. Give it some doomsday prediction and it will sell even more. The human appetite for Armageddon seems to know no limit, no surprise really as it is constantly sold to us.
Yet I agree with you that it is still preferable to being told once more that Jesus died for my sins. Or that Mohamed talked to angels. Or that Abraham was a guy worth looking up to.
A star's luminosity need not be in the visible light spectrum to have such an enlightening effect.
A book you say....that's not a bad idea:cool:
Personally, I thought this was just an interesting bit of conjecture so I figured I would throw it out here.
I am not emotionally attached to any ideology, I find them all interesting speculation.
I am not too interested in discussing about Obama's birth certificate and other mundane trivia and I am not a brainwashed religionist so I do not see the merit in hashing out how great Jesus or Mohammad, or whoever is, which, IMO, they are not.
A 24,000 year cycle that so profoundly affects the human psyche and civilization is bound to leave its mark in other ways as well.

One could probably find evidence in ice core samples of isotope levels indicating changes to plant growth patterns, or shifting magnetic fields in rock samples.

A 24,000 year cycle has occurred 166,666.67 times over the life of the Earth and should stand out like a sore thumb for anybody trying to find it.
We do have the regular pole reversals which have been charted and show up as a regular cycle and they have that kind of periodicity.
We do have the regular pole reversals which have been charted and show up as a regular cycle and they have that kind of periodicity.

Cool. Then we should expect to see more corroborative evidence and observations.

I'll keep my ears peeled.
That's all I was hoping for.
2 open minds are better than one.

I am partial to this theory, but if evidence comes to light that shoots it all to hell....oh well.
Then it it time to move on to a better theory.