Nirvana: a Theosophical perspective


I think it is more of than changing one's mind or having a different way of looking at things. I see Nirvana as a different state of existence.

I think it is more of than changing one's mind or having a different way of looking at things. I see Nirvana as a different state of existence.

So, one should look at Paradise in the Bible in reference to it
From the New Testament wil...
"The word is used three times in the New Testament writings:
  • Luke 23:43 – by Jesus on the cross, in response to the thief's request that Jesus remember him when he came into his kingdom.
  • 2 Cor.12:4 – in Paul's description of a man's description of a third heaven paradise, which may in fact be a vision Paul himself saw.
  • Rev.2:7 – in a reference to the Gen.2:8 paradise and the tree of life."