Is God a practical joker?


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Is God a practical joker?

But love has pitched his mansion in
The place of excrement.—Yeats

The rose in the midst of the thorn and sex in the midst of the anus.--coberst

One might think of God as a great practical joker. S/he creates a species that considers it self to inhabit an area between god and animal. Humans then seek to repress the animal side of its nature and to inflate the imagined god like part of its nature; its aspect that is in various situations considered as soul, or consciousness, or mind, or…

Jonathan Swift is perhaps the most famous of authors to parody the human eccentric behavior in attempting to repress recognition of our animal body. If there is a God s/he must be a very witty practical joker. Can you imagine the delight s/he must enjoy while observing humans contending with the problems relating to the pitching of the love mansion among the eliminating portals of the human body?

Psychoanalysis is about the nature of repression; the essential characteristic of the human psyche.

There is a constant conflict between the conscious and the unconscious. Societies repress the individual and the individual represses the self.

Neurotic behavior, dreams, and various “Freudian slips” provide us with e-mails from the unconscious that elude the conscious repression mechanism. These behavior characteristics are meaningful because they manifest the purpose of the unconscious that remains hidden from consciousness.

The conscious mind strenuously disowns and resists the rumblings of the unconscious. The conscious self disowns and resists its human nature.

Neurosis is the label given to these human phenomena of conflict between the conscious and unconscious self. All of us are neurotic to one degree or another. When this neurosis interferes with “normal” human behavior then, and only then, does it require outside interference by society.

Universal neurosis is the analogy of “original sin” for theological doctrine.

“The most scandalous pieces of Swiftian scatology are three of his later poems—“The Lady’s Dressing Room”, “Strephon and Chloe”, “Cassinus and Peter”—which are variations on the theme:
Oh! Caelia, Caelia, Caelia, %&@*$
Aldous Huxley explicates, saying, “The monosyllabic verb, which the modesties of 1929 will not allow me to print, rhymes with ‘wits’ and ‘fits’.”

Swift’s metaphor for humans as Yahoo’s, which are excrementally filthy, is even more in tune with his overall parodying human eccentricities when it comes to recognizing the nature of the body.

It appears to me that logical positivism, more appropriately called logical empiricism, is philosophy’s attempt to separate completely the human mind from the human body. Logical empiricism travels on the back of a system of symbolic logic whereby a scientifically codified set of symbols is developed which permits ordinary human language to be converted into a system of symbols for the purpose of analyzing conscious thought for its truth value. Anything that does not fit into this ‘symbol system epistemology’ is rejected as meaningless.

As best that I can understand it logical positivism is a philosophy that attempts to define meaning as being confined to empirical observations modified somewhat by rational processes, which does deposit some characteristics to the observed data.

I am a retired electronics engineer and while working I took courses in Symbolic Logic from the philosophy dept of a local university. This was 35 years ago and my thoughts might be a bit foggy but this is as I remember it to be.

Symbolic logic was proposed as a means to readily analyze complex arguments for their validity. There were standard symbols available for application to phrases and sentences. Since this mode of truth telling (logical positivism) comprehended all meaning as being consciously constructed necessary and sufficient definitions, meaning was fairly easily discovered.

Then by manipulating these symbols in prescribed algorithms one could ascertain the validity of the very complex arguments. This made computer generated analysis a piece of cake.

Your battles inspired me - not the obvious material battles but those that were fought and won behind your forehead. James Joyce

Irresponsibility is part of the pleasure of all art; it is the part the schools cannot recognize. James Joyce

I agree a lot that everybody has their neurosis. Seems to me that most a just struggling for a little certainty in a chaotic universe, and too often just adopting to use the blindfold of faith lest they be overwhelmed. Reality brings a level of personal responsibility that many find uncomfortable.
Psychoanalysis is about the nature of repression; the essential characteristic of the human psyche.

The same "pseudo science" that drove Freud's own niece to commit suicide?

You might want to base your own theories on something a little more credible Mr. Coberst.
The same "pseudo science" that drove Freud's own niece to commit suicide?

You might want to base your own theories on something a little more credible Mr. Coberst.

I am no expert in the matter but I have studied Freud's work and can find no one who better understands human nature than those who are disciples of this great mind.
I am no expert in the matter but I have studied Freud's work and can find no one who better understands human nature than those who are disciples of this great mind.


keep looking
I am no expert in the matter but I have studied Freud's work and can find no one who better understands human nature than those who are disciples of this great mind.

I think he was the Einstein of psychology.
Your battles inspired me - not the obvious material battles but those that were fought and won behind your forehead. James Joyce

Irresponsibility is part of the pleasure of all art; it is the part the schools cannot recognize. James Joyce

I agree a lot that everybody has their neurosis. Seems to me that most a just struggling for a little certainty in a chaotic universe, and too often just adopting to use the blindfold of faith lest they be overwhelmed. Reality brings a level of personal responsibility that many find uncomfortable.

Oh, a Joyce fan ? I read "Portrait of an Artist..". Quite a remarkable book.