A Little Background Music, Ray

Ron Price

Mr RonPrice
Reaction score
George Town Tasmania Australia
Summary of Experience of Ron Price

Ron Price has been associated with the Baha’i Faith for fifty years. He has served on eight LSAs, in eleven localities and groups and published three books on the Internet. He has been an international pioneer from Canada to Australia since 1971 and served on more committees than he cares to remember. Some 6000 of his poems are in the Baha’i World Centre Library as is an autobiographical work of 800 pages entitled Pioneering Over Four Epochs. His poetry is also in more than a dozen journals and many local and regional Baha’i communities also have his poetry in their libraries.

Mr. Price, now 60, has a BA, B.Ed., MA(Qual Thesis) and four partly completed graduate diplomas. He has taught in 4 primary schools, 3 high schools, 3 universities, 2 colleges of advanced education and 6 Technical and Further Education colleges, mostly in Australia. He has taught Eskimos on Baffin Island and Aboriginals in the Northern Territory of Australia. He has published 150 articles in newspapers, magazines and journals with dozens of postings and publications at a host of Internet sites. He has held more causal and part-time jobs than he likes to remember. With all his successes--and especially his failures--he wonders why he is not rich and famous.
Just checking the reply process. This looks like a rely to myself but, since I've been talking to myself for years, this should be no problem:


It is useful for people to have some idea of what others have

published, if anything. It is not a crucial variable but, like

talking, it's nice to have one's voice heard when one writes. I will

list some of the items here. I think to myself: how come with all

these publications I'm not rich and famous? The diary is embedded in

here in different ways.


2.1 Articles and Reviews: Journals

1. * "A History of the Baha'i Faith in the Northern Territory: 1947-

1997," Northern Lights, 30 Installments, 2000-2002.

2. * Periodic Articles in "Newsletters," Regional Teaching Committees

of the NSA of the Baha'is of Australia Inc., 1971-2001.

3. * Periodic Articles/Letters, Baha'i Canada and The Australian

Baha'i Bulletin, 1971-2001.

4. * "Memorials of the Faithful," Baha'i Studies Review, September


5. * "Review of Two Chapbooks: The Poetry of Tony Lee," Arts

Dialogue, June 2001.

6. * "Asia and the Lost Poems: The Poetry of Anthony Lee," Art 'n

Soul, a Website for Poets and Poetry, January 2000.

7. * "The Passionate Artist," Australian Baha'i Studies, Vol.2, 2000.

8. * "Memorials of the Faithful," Australian Baha'i Studies, Vol.1,

No.2, 1999, p.102.

9. * "Poetry of Ron Price: An Overview," ABS Newsletter, No.38,

September 1997.

10. * "Thomas a Kempis, Taherzadeh and the Day of Judgement," Forum,

Vol.3, No 1, 1994, pp.1-3.

11. * "Forward", an introduction to Occasions of Grace: Poems and

Portrayals, Roger White, George Ronald, Oxford, 1993.

12. * "The Inner Life and the Environment", a paper presented at

Murdoch University at the Baha'i Studies Conference in April 1990 and

published in The Environment: Our Common Heritage, Mongraph No.5,

1994, pp.118-131.

13. * "The History of a Dream: A Tribute to Persistence", Office of

Tafe Publication, 1988, pp.5-6.

14. * "Response", Dialogue, Vol.2, No.1, 1986, pp.3-4.

15. * "Homeward Bound", Dialogue, Vol.1, No.1985, pp.37-38.

16. * "Happiness", Herald of the South, Vol.11, 1985,pp.26-27.

17. * "Perspectives on Multiculturalism", Residential School Papers:

May to July 1983, Centre for Multicultural Studies, Armidale CAE,


18. * "Who Plays the Music in Your Dreams?", Dream International,

1983, Vol.1, No.3, p.31.

19. * "Consultative Decision Making", Northern News, Darwin,

December, 1983.

2.2. Articles and Reviews: Newspapers

2.2.1 150 articles of about 800 words each have appeared in the

following newspapers and magazines:

Katherine Advertiser.....150,000 words

Katherine Times............2000 words

Barkley Regional...........300 words

Launceston Examiner....300 words

The Tasmanian............. 300 words

The Northern News .......300 words

Cosmos...........................500 words

Zirius..............................500 words

Ballarat CAE..................2500 words(5 articles)

2.3 Poetry

Poetry published in the following publications:

1. Artgender

2. The Southern Gazette

3. Herald of the South

4. Katherine Advertiser

5. four W No.6: Selected Works-Charles Sturt University

6. The Southern Gazette

7. Australian Baha'i Bulletin

8. The Liquid Mirror

9. Baha'i Canada

10. ABS Newsletter

11. Australian Baha'i Studies Journal

12. World Order: Anthology

2.4 Manuals

* 25 in-house training manuals in the management studies program

for Hedland College and the Open College of Tafe in Katherine in the

Northern Territory.(70 page average length)

* 60 study guides for the Perth Campus, CMC and the Thornlie Campus,

SEMC in a wide range of General Studies/Human Service subjects.(40

page average length)

2.5 Books Essays and Letters

2.5.1 Complete: Unpublished:

300 essays(ca)

3000 letters(ca)

2.5.2 The Emergence of a Baha'i Consciousness in World Literature:

The Poetry of Roger White. This is a collection of essays written

from 1988 to 2002: 70,000 words. Published on Internet at


2.5.3 Pioneering Over Four Epochs: 5th edition, 2004(1993) an

autobiographical collection of essays, journals, poetry, book

reviews, photographs, tapes, notes and narrative written over nearly

forty years: from 1967 to 2004--five million words(approx).

2.5.4 Essays: 1979-2004. A collection of 120 essays of 150,000 words

by an international pioneer in Australia in the third, fourth and

fifth epochs.

2.5.5 Letters: 1967-2004. A collection of twenty volumes, about 3000


2.6 Booklets

2.6.1 Complete: Unpublished:

 52 booklets of poetry: 100-120 poems per booklet:

written 2004-1980....

2.7 Websites

2.7.1 Between 1500 and 2000 pages(250,000 words) of essays,

interviews, book reviews and poetry are located at five websites on

the Internet.

2.8 Collections of My Poetry in Libraries:

1. Baha'i World Centre Library, Haifa Israel: 5000 poems.

2. Canadian National Baha'i Centre Library, Thornhill, Ontario,

Canada, 300 poems.

3. Australian National Baha'i Centre Library, Sydney, Australia, 300


4. Regional Baha'i Council of Tasmania, Baha'i State Library of

Tasmania, Hobart, 150 poems.

5. Baha'i Centre of Learning Library, Perth, Western Australia, 200


6. Local Spiritual Assembly Library of the Baha'is of Burlington,

Ontario, Canada, 150 poems.

7. International Pioneer Committee of the National Spiritual

Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada, 120


8. Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Brighton, South

Australia, State Baha'i Centre Library, Brighton, S.A., 120 poems.

9. Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canberra, ACT, Baha'I

Centre Library, 120 poems.

Thanks folks for your welcoming notes. I probably went over the top as they say in introducing myself six months ago. But I don't get to this site very often so perhaps a little excess now and then will compensate for the relative dearth most of the time.-Ron:eek:
Hi Ron - you reposted your CV here, but as you've already posted in the Introductions board, I've taken the liberty of removing your previous thread as superfluous and bumped your original post up instead.
You forgot to include a price list.... which is rather ironic given your name.:rolleyes: