Genocide Denial



I know I said I would no longer post here. I learned to my horror that Interfaith is just as intolerant as anything else and unconsciously seeks to replace wisdom with political correctness. This is an absurdity for me that I believe only leads to further abominations. When even Brian expresses this need to pull down questions pertaining to the depth and calling of the human psych and what supports it into cheap political agendas, it only means that Interfaith is a corrupting influence I am better off without.

But this question of recognition of the Armenian Genocide has raised its ugly head again. It is important for open minded people to consider including all those who lurk here without posting.

Obama, as those before him promised to recognize the Armenian Genocide. He went back on his promise for political purposes. We know that groups like the ADA don't recognize the Armenian Genocide and now even Israel itself is passing the buck as a practice of genocide denial.

Israeli parliament rejects discussing Armenian "genocide" bill

The Armenian Genocide is a politically incorrect genocide. It is insulting to many. Turkey doesn't admit it nor does Israel or the United States. Yet this policy is both practically and emotionally damaging.

I've been in Armenian homes and know the suffering that is related to the experiential awareness of the genocide.

Now the idea being expressed is to have Armenian and Turkish scholars discuss the matter in typical Interfaith fashion. Of course no one mentions that Israel and Iran should discuss the legitimacy of the Holocaust because it is a politically correct genocide.

The bottom line is that genocide denial is considered acceptable for political expediency. Again the meaning of genocide is denied for typical political expediency assuring the next genocide.

In the "Eight Stages of Denial," the point is made:


DENIAL is the eighth stage that always follows a genocide. It is among the surest indicators of further genocidal massacres.

This is what the United States, ADA, Beliefnet, Turkey, Israel, and other groups assure us by their denial. It is the usual sacrifice of depth for political expediency that assures the next abomination.

It is politically correct not to consider recognition of the Armenian Genocide while accepting the Holocaust. It is too insulting. Yet there are those that know that genocide denial assures the next genocide.

This post is not for my sake. It is an attempt to invite people even suffering the intolerance of Interfaith to honestly consider if a belief in political expediency through genocide denial is worth the next genocide. Your choice.
Hey Nick_A. Welcome back.

I don't pretend to be up on the Armenia Genocide issue, but I know it happened as I think most (at least) semi-informed people do.

What's your point here? What do you hope to achieve by digging up this nearly 100 year-old issue?
I know I said I would no longer post here. I learned to my horror that Interfaith is just as intolerant as anything else and unconsciously seeks to replace wisdom with political correctness. This is an absurdity for me that I believe only leads to further abominations. When even Brian expresses this need to pull down questions pertaining to the depth and calling of the human psych and what supports it into cheap political agendas, it only means that Interfaith is a corrupting influence I am better off without.

Your posts are a corrupting influence too.

i was hoping you would stay away for at least one year or 6 months but you could not even do a month. did you find obamamamas birth certificate yet? & is your god still into porno?

everyone appears to me, to be a target of genocide and also in denial of it...depends on who & what & when & why & how much....

we are in agreement that interfaith has its own political agenda for genocide {so to speak} & is intolerant of yadi yadi & yada. I disagree with your main reason for interfaith being a corrupting influence &... that is all I have to say about that.
Hey Nick_A. Welcome back.

I don't pretend to be up on the Armenia Genocide issue, but I know it happened as I think most (at least) semi-informed people do.

What's your point here? What do you hope to achieve by digging up this nearly 100 year-old issue?

Believe me I have no desire to be around this negativity apparently natural for Interfaith. But being part Armenian and related to someone very special to the Armenian people, I naturally am aware of horrors many are not.

The point is if we live by political correctness, selective morality and politically correct genocides, they invariabley repeat. So my only purpose is to invite people of character whether Armenian, Jewish or whoever else to stand together against genocide when and where they have happened. Hitler makes clear why forgetting their reality leads to the next.

Armenian Genocide : hitler quote

This is a matter of character. There are those that live by selective politically correct recognition and those that condemn and reveal genocide for what it is.

There is nothing cutsey pooh or any form of typical Interfaith political agenda on this thread. I've been unfortunate to witness these horrors and have spoken against them in the context of my Armenian heritage. I know how cheap all this denial is and how it must lead to other genocides because Hitler was very right in what he said. Who remembers?

So next year I hope there will be more people of character together recognizing genocide for what it is and standing against it.

I'm not concerned about those like Bandit who just like to argue. My purpose is in working with people of character to stand against genocide on or around the week of April 24 for the sake of the future. This thread is only for spreading the word for the sake of people with character sufficient to recgnize and publically admit and stand against genocide for what it is.
Believe me I have no desire to be around this negativity apparently natural for Interfaith. But being part Armenian and related to someone very special to the Armenian people, I naturally am aware of horrors many are not.

I was wondering if you were Armenian.

I'm sorry if I came off as negative towards you. It wasn't my intention. But it's a very specific topic, so I was curious what motivated you.

Again, welcome back. I'll try not to add any unnecessary negativity.
Believe me I have no desire to be around this negativity apparently natural for Interfaith.

What one views as negative, someone else views as positive. Some people love & thrive on religion debates, kind of like you thrive on painting obama in an all negative light.

I'm not concerned about those like Bandit who just like to argue.
& I am not concerned about your obama arguments that you create or your god the pornographer arguments that you create, nor this argument Genocide Denial , that you created.
What one views as negative, someone else views as positive. Some people love & thrive on religion debates, kind of like you thrive on painting obama in an all negative light.

& I am not concerned about your obama arguments that you create or your god the pornographer arguments that you create, nor this argument Genocide Denial , that you created.

That is a perfect example of the dangers of Interfaith. It sanctions superficiality under the cloak of selective morality. That mentality will support the destruction of the constitution and the perversion of spiritual health of the young through its meaningles self righteous feelgoodism.

That is precisely what this war against genocide does not need. In contrast it needs people that understand the importance of character and principles sufficient to deal courageously with the human condtion and the hypocrisy it is capable of.
That is a perfect example of the dangers of Interfaith.

That is good to know. My post that you directed this comment toward, was in fact in reference to your arguments that you create.
I'm moving across the country, so my Mom dug out a bunch of vital papers that I ought to take with me, diplomas and so on, including my original birth certificate. I'd only seen the one issued after my stepfather adopted me, which didn't have much on it; I hadn't seen the one since 1956 before. You know what? It never mentions anything about what hospital I was born in; it just says I was born in Buffalo, Erie County, New York.
I don't think most states have ever put the information on birth certificates that you expect.
NickA, you don't have to go back a century to be reminded of the horrors of genocide-it's happening now in Darfur. But, I don't think the "horrors" of interfaith have much to do with genocide. In fact, if in those regions there was the least tolerance let alone respect for the "other" there would be none. earl
Nick, only you could take a serious and interesting topic, and turn it into an obnoxious condemnation at the very people you want to discuss the topic with. :)
Nick, only you could take a serious and interesting topic, and turn it into an obnoxious condemnation at the very people you want to discuss the topic with. :)

It is called realism. That requires taking your rose colored glasses off to appreciate.
NickA, you don't have to go back a century to be reminded of the horrors of genocide-it's happening now in Darfur. But, I don't think the "horrors" of interfaith have much to do with genocide. In fact, if in those regions there was the least tolerance let alone respect for the "other" there would be none. earl

As usual you haven't a clue which is why you cannot understand why the issue of genocide denial needs people of character and principle, not platitudes. You cannot grasp the big picture because you are so caught up in secular Interfaith platitudes. You cannot grasp what Hitler said and why he said it. The Holocaust was a natural result of denial of the Armenian Genocide. Darfur is also a natural result of the attitude of selective morality towards genocide.

You speak of Darfur without a clue as to what creates and promotes its horrors. The sickest part of secular Interfaith is its selective morality promoted by political correctness. It is a natural result of the nature of secular Interfaith which is psychological control through political correctness and the devolution and corruption of the sacred into the secular. You like to speak platitudes rather than have the guts to consider the value of character and principles. If more people had them perhaps there would be no Darfur.

That is why this thread isn't for you. I'm interested in communicating with people who understand the importance of character and principles as they relates to genocide. The world needs them. It doesn't need any more hypocrisy.

Secular Interfaith can cutsey pooh around a lot of ugliness but there is nothing worse than the attempt to destroy a race of people and that is what genocide is. There is no "good" time to stand up to genocide denial anymore then being a good time to visit the dentist. It is always uncomfortable. Yet it is the necessary thing to do so NOW is the right time. Now is the right time to stand up to genocide denial as it is occuring now with the non recognition of the Armenian genocide. People of character and principle will understand it which is why I seek those with this maturity.

The bill to recognize the Armenian Genocide is again being debated. We heard the most wonderful speeches last year and the bill didn't pass. Now we are in the wonderful speeches phase again

Bill to Officially Recognize the Armenian Genocide Now Has 100 Co-Sponsors | The Exception Magazine

The only thing that will allow passage will be the efforts of people with character and principle that understand that genocide denial leads to the next genocide as Hitler understood all too well.

You have your political correctness and I wish to stand against genocide for the sake of the future. We've made our choices.
I'm moving across the country, so my Mom dug out a bunch of vital papers that I ought to take with me, diplomas and so on, including my original birth certificate. I'd only seen the one issued after my stepfather adopted me, which didn't have much on it; I hadn't seen the one since 1956 before. You know what? It never mentions anything about what hospital I was born in; it just says I was born in Buffalo, Erie County, New York.
I don't think most states have ever put the information on birth certificates that you expect.

The birth certificate issue is similar to the genocide issue in that it requires recognition of the importance of charcter and principles. the BC issue has revealed that we lack them in favor of political agendas. This just is an indication of the decline of any possibility for a free society. Non recognition of genocides only assures that they will repeat.

The benefit of character and principles is that they are necessary to uphold the potential for true freedom. Without them we become slaves to the state. This is what most want anyhow. But with genocides it is even worse. The lack of character and principles that recognize genocides by selective morality assures the next one. No amount of secular humanistic Interfaith platitudes can change it. All that can change it is a sufficent amount of character and priniciples within a culture to stand agaist genocides. We are sacrificing them for political correctness which assures that the worst is on the horizon. That is why I look for those unashamed to admire character and principles that protect equality and individual freedom
That is why I look for those unashamed to admire character and principles that protect equality and individual freedom
Huh??? On the birth certificate issue, you made it plain that you absolutely despise the concept of equality.
we all get posts pulled, Nick- suck it up... !!

I haven't a clue what ur banging on about here (no offense meant by my use of the word banging, incidentally) pray someone, enlighten me..?
This is 2023 and Armenian genocide is occurring again. Not as bad as 1915, but Turkey and others are trying to eliminate Christians from this ancient homeland.

Here is a group working to save Christ's followers in Armenia:
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