BNP withdraws from Buckingham Palace


Peace, Love and Unity
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The BNP's Nick Griffin pulls out of a visit to Buckingham Palace:
BBC NEWS | Politics | BNP boss pulls out of Palace trip

I can't say I agree with the BNP's policies, nor would I care to see them in any real position of power - but that's my personal opinion.

However, the BNP remains a legally registered political party, in which case, I can't understand why there should be such public opposition to a legal political party being present at any official function in the UK, nor of why any of their supporters such be verbally attacked for supporting them.

I remember when I was in school a Labour Councillor came to visit, and when asked about Proportional Representation was adamant that she would not support it, because parties such as the BNP may gain positions.

So, whether or not a person supports the BNP, surely on a matter of democratic principle they should be afforded the same rights - and their voters allowed to make their own choice of political representation - as any other political party?

Or have I missed something fundamental?
If they can be responcibile with there political views I personally would have no problem with the BNP holding majority seats in parliament. However under cover documentaries have proven there is more to some of the members agendas.
It is a delicate issue fraught with contradictory implications. I am with you on this Brian, same treatment for all. Oh yeh.....and maybe ban the Queen.
Let's see...

whites only
holocaust deniers

I say, invite them to the party, get them liquored up and keep those cameras rolling.
Some of their members has even been quoted that all non ethnic English people go back to their original home lands. As a third generation British person I found that quite unsettling. I also watched a documentary of DNA samples taken from people who supported the BNP who thought they were original English people. Only to find that many of them had strong traces of ancestry from Eastern Europe and beyond, which really pissed off some of them and some even denying the test results. The most genetically diverse people around are those of Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East area. Personally I think diversity is good.
for me, while I do not agree with some of their policies, I think that if they are a real political party they should be afforded the same rights as other political parties. Banning them would be an issue- they banned the NSDAP, or so I recall, and look what happenned there...

regardless, I think the Queen/her advisers have accurately percieved it would do her own media profile no good if she was seen to be openly accepting of groups such as the BNP, and has acted accordingly.
Some of their members has even been quoted that all non ethnic English people go back to their original home lands. As a third generation British person I found that quite unsettling. I also watched a documentary of DNA samples taken from people who supported the BNP who thought they were original English people. Only to find that many of them had strong traces of ancestry from Eastern Europe and beyond, which really pissed off some of them and some even denying the test results.
Well, I guess that dashes my hypothesis that they are all a bunch of inbred hicks. {No offense meant to the real inbred hicks--no longer being associated with the BNP must be a relief.} :p
And the "English" should all be deported back to Jutland and Saxony.

Well yeah some of these members dont fully understand the implications of what they say.

Lets face it there is no such thing as a pure race. The purest race in the world are the Aboriginals and they got oppressed in their own homeland.
the way the BNP are treated in this country makes a mockery of our so called democracy :eek:
the way the BNP are treated in this country makes a mockery of our so called democracy :eek:

Please explain. What treatment makes a mockery of democracy? Do you have examples beyond not being invited to a party?
I see what hes saying. People have lost jobs for being associated with the BNP. There is nothing wrong with the BNP as a legal political party, so why such a stigma towards them? Well it could be because some BNP members have gone beyond having legal views. Theres no doubt that some BNP members would like to fill up ships of ethnic minorities in Britain and send them away. Persoanlly I dont think people deserve to lose jobs over being associated with the BNP I think thats quite unfair depending on the persons true intensions. After all theres nothing wrong with being patriotic.
PM: lol... You haven't heard of the "voluntary" resettlement campaign then? BNP would have all non white's sent back to their lands of "origin"..... So some? No... ALL... lol bunch of retards... and I find it surpising I used to do their freaking dirty work lol..... **** the bnp.
I see what hes saying. People have lost jobs for being associated with the BNP. There is nothing wrong with the BNP as a legal political party, so why such a stigma towards them? Well it could be because some BNP members have gone beyond having legal views. Theres no doubt that some BNP members would like to fill up ships of ethnic minorities in Britain and send them away. Persoanlly I dont think people deserve to lose jobs over being associated with the BNP I think thats quite unfair depending on the persons true intensions. After all theres nothing wrong with being patriotic.

yeah thats what I mean people have lost jobs because they are members of a political party, which is just wrong :eek:

and the BNP often provoke violent demonstrations I dont know who is worse really the BNP or the anti BNP lobby.
No I wasn't BNP, lol that's politics... I was Combat 18.

But that is besides the point..... These people, should never have power.

Combat 18 is quite heavy from what I read. You seem like a racial unity kind of guy now. What caused the change if you dont mind me asking?
yeah thats what I mean people have lost jobs because they are members of a political party, which is just wrong :eek:

I had to check this out because it smells like hysteria, but as an American, I really don't about the situation.

So far, all I've found is a police constable from Merseyside. But it wasn't "the government" that ousted him, it was his union: A ban on police joining the BNP was introduced by the Association of Chief Police Officers in 2004.

I will continue to look into this. Please feel free to inform me of others fired for belonging to this political party.

As yet, I haven't seen enough to elevate this to EEK! status.