Happy Father's Day, Summer Solstice...

Happy Father's day to all you dads out there!

Happy Father's Day!! Happy Summer Solstice to all who live in the northern hemisphere. Congrats to my hubby and myself for 29 years of wedded bliss plus 2 years of "living in sin." :D
Happy Father's Day!! Happy Summer Solstice to all who live in the northern hemisphere. Congrats to my hubby and myself for 29 years of wedded bliss plus 2 years of "living in sin." :D

second that, lucky you!!:)

shortest night right enough, was on night shift last night and the birds start twittering about 1 pm, making the most of available light to feed the insatiable appetites of their tweetie babies, thats devotion for ya.

suppose l better call my dad, luckily he isn't as bothered as mums are about remembering about such things ;)
About to go visit a pair of young oaks with some friends... :)
Oh, I didnt know it was fathers day. Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads.

p.s. yes its winter here and no, not particularly cold at all. (certainly not compared to the temps that you lot get. ). Apparently i will experience a REAL winter and the entire 4 seasons, when I return to the . USA