Planning the end



Saw this and reminded me how far "the threat" has receded from general conciousness. I remember a time when the fear seemed very justified.

BBC - Today
remember this wrist slitting song?

9 minutes 30 seconds of pure depression.

Thanks for sharing that gem. Either I'd made it through the 70s without hearing that song or I'd forcibly erased it from my memory... for good reason.
Saw this and reminded me how far "the threat" has receded from general conciousness. I remember a time when the fear seemed very justified.

BBC - Today

I think it is helpful to rehearse the end of the world on a regular basis. It helps give perspective to our beautiful fragile existence and, in particular, the beauty of the human soul.
I think it is helpful to rehearse the end of the world on a regular basis. It helps give perspective to our beautiful fragile existence and, in particular, the beauty of the human soul.

Good point.
Maybe they should cover it in a soap opera?
Saw this and reminded me how far "the threat" has receded from general conciousness. I remember a time when the fear seemed very justified.

BBC - Today[/QUOTE

Bill Hicks said:
Didn't you think with the Cold War being over, things should have gotten better. How many of y'all were as stupid as I was in believing that? Wow it's over - 40 years of threat of nuclear weapons - it's over, cool, cool... Wrong! Now 12 different countries have nuclear weapons - it just got 12 times as bad, **** you! Life is harder now. Work hard - oops jobs are scarce, **** you, ha ha ha.
Does atheism necessarily imply cynicism?

You seem to think so.

That is called humour where I come from. So is this. It gets real funny about 3mins in ;)
[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

nah... that's the Scottsman in him ;)



Spot on ;)