is God good ?

I say yes. Not G!d is good. But G!d IS good. Like G!d is not loving, but G!d IS love.

Therefor everything is good as all is of G!d. Now we can't always see it that way, starvation, rape, murder, torture, extortion...when viewed on a personal level all seem pretty 'bad', evil.

But if you were standing on the moon, what evil can you see in the world?

And as we are standing here healthy and happy, if one were to look into the crevices of your teeth and gums what wars would be going on between friendly and unfriendly bacteria? But aren't those unfriendly bacteria beneficial in other ways.

Or how about the constant tearing down of your bones by those osteoblasts removing calcium and sending it into your bloodstream, in old age they are causing osteoporosis. But in for most of your life they are allowing you to be completely renewed as the osteoplasts take calcium sent to them and fill the holes in your bones cleaned out by their counterpart.

I am not smart enough to grasp the big picture of creation and our ongoing relationship with each other, our planet, and the cosmos... but I know it is all good.

Who said you gotta break some eggs to make an omelette? Chicken embryos and swine flesh for breakfast anyone? What did the pig and chicken do to you that you end their lives prematurely.... The only difference between a terrorist and a patriot and a freedom fighter is which side you are on...

G!d doesn't take the side of good, G!d IS good.
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Ultimately, if we say your mythical being is "real" no, no god is not good... god is very bad...

You are the image of your god.... But really god is the image of you? Everyone seems to have a different picture/ideal of god... I get what native is saying, I think.
Interesting reconciling your two posts.
I say yes. Not G!d is good. But G!d IS good. Like G!d is not loving, but G!d IS love.

Therefor everything is good as all is of G!d. Now we can't always see it that way, starvation, rape, murder, torture, extortion...when viewed on a personal level all seem pretty 'bad', evil.

But if you were standing on the moon, what evil can you see in the world?

And as we are standing here healthy and happy, if one were to look into the crevices of your teeth and gums what wars would be going on between friendly and unfriendly bacteria? But aren't those unfriendly bacteria beneficial in other ways.

Or how about the constant tearing down of your bones by those osteoblasts removing calcium and sending it into your bloodstream, in old age they are causing osteoporosis. But in for most of your life they are allowing you to be completely renewed as the osteoplasts take calcium sent to them and fill the holes in your bones cleaned out by their counterpart.

I am not smart enough to grasp the big picture of creation and our ongoing relationship with each other, our planet, and the cosmos... but I know it is all good.

Who said you gotta break some eggs to make an omelette? Chicken embryos and swine flesh for breakfast anyone? What did the pig and chicken do to you that you end their lives prematurely.... The only difference between a terrorist and a patriot and a freedom fighter is which side you are on...

G!d doesn't take the side of good, G!d IS good.

G!d what is that ?

so what are you saying is that God is Good but we might not perceive as good, so God is good but not by any standard that we know or understand.
What do we know about good?
I am quite sure that our standards of judgment are far from the ideal.
We are still rather primitive after all.
Interesting reconciling your two posts.

Your first quote is my opinion, your second quote is me attempting to get anothers opinion...... I am sure you knew that too.... lol..

But I guess If you go from the mythical being, to a schizo/peter pan complex kind theory on "god" then yeah I guess to a degree I can agree that "god" is what you make it.... But the Being from the old story books to me is bs, but if not bs, a very horrible being I'd want no part of.
G!d what is that ?

so what are you saying is that God is Good but we might not perceive as good, so God is good but not by any standard that we know or understand.
I'm saying we deem good by whether someone does 'good' things. I don't believe G!d does 'good', but IS good.

And do we know what is 'good' for us? I don't think so.

Just like when we are teaching our children, "It's for your own good" They may not want to go to school, it doesn't feel good sitting in chairs listening to someone drone on...but it is for their good.

You meant it for evil, but G!d meant it for good. Things change over time and as we grow.

Think of the story of Joseph...tossed in a hole by his brothers, sold into slavery, tossed into prison...all for the good of him, Egypt and his family??

What would have happenned if they never did that to him....we'll never know but according to the all turned out good...

G!d doesn't give us patient people to learn patience.

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

Going thru fire tempers both steel and us.

Our view of things is myopic. Not to say we don't need to have compassion for the starving and oppressed...not to say we don't act in the here and now....but also know that it is all good.

peace and blessings.

I think God Almighty created everything: good and evil. We, as much as we can try, will never underdstand the nature of God Almighty.
There cannot be good without The Good Creator Almighty who created it. There cannot be evil without The Creator Almighty who created it, who understands it and who can use it if He so wished.

God Almighty says that His Mercy is quicker than His punishment. So obviously, He would rather reward us then punish us. But sometimes, we learn through punishments better. Unfortunately.

I read somewhere that Jews have certain names for God Almighty--up to 70 (I may be wrong, so my apologies go to the Jews and if I am wrong I hope they will correct me).
In Islam, we are taught that God Almighty has many Attributes of which 99 are mentioned. They all hold the 'The' in front: The Most Merciful, The All Knowing, The Omnipresent, The Creator, The Most Kind, The Most Perfect, The Most Just, etc. These 99 Attributes are called: Asmaul Hussna (spelling?). In the Holy Qur'an, it is said that some Angels pbut call God Almighty: The Eternal One.
But, among the Attributes there are some with the meaning of: The One Who Destroys, etc. Because God Almighty, if He so wishes, can destroy anything He creates.

When satan convinced Adam and Eve pbut to eat from the tree so that they may 'become divine' is interesting because it is God Almighty who created both good and evil, and therefore understands fully both. Adam and Eve, or satan, created neither, and by eating fromt the tree attempted to understand fully what God Almighty created. But we humans cannot fully understand the evil or good. We often get confused and do not understand why something happens, such as: why do innocent people have to die because of the evil ones. Or, how come evil ones get all the riches and seem to get power over the good guys in this world--why aren't they punished immediately? We still debate Hell, its existance and why The Good God Almighty would even consider Hell. Oh, and some of us are still fighting the idea that there are super evil people out there that do deserve Hell.
Or, how about poor inheriting the Afterlife when all they do is suffer on this Earth through hunger, poverty--then we ask often "Where is the justice?"
So, we are trully clueless about many things concerning good and evil. :D And its only because we are not divine.

I read somewhere that Jews have certain names for God Almighty--up to 70 (I may be wrong, so my apologies go to the Jews and if I am wrong I hope they will correct me).
In Islam, we are taught that God Almighty has many Attributes of which 99 are mentioned. They all hold the 'The' in front: The Most Merciful, The All Knowing, The Omnipresent, The Creator, The Most Kind, The Most Perfect, The Most Just, etc. These 99 Attributes are called: Asmaul Hussna (spelling?). In the Holy Qur'an, it is said that some Angels pbut call God Almighty: The Eternal One.
But, among the Attributes there are some with the meaning of: The One Who Destroys, etc. Because God Almighty, if He so wishes, can destroy anything He creates.

reminds a bit of the Christian Trinity different aspects of the same God or of Hinduism where there are many deities but all are aspects of the one Godhead.
I can see how some may interpret it that way, but like I said: those are the Attributes not different divinities.

Hindus have hundreds of idols they worship and every idol is considered different divinity and usually is in 'control' of certain area of life: love, sex, money, whatever else.

Christians (most who I know, anyway) believe that there is three different divinities: The Father, The Son and Holy Spirit.
Muslims on the other hand believe that God is Only One Divine Creator, that He is not split into three or more, and that He does not consist of three or more. He is given Attributes that describe His Powers, but those Attributes are not divinities or personalities.
It's like your name might be Joe. Well you its you. Someone might say, yeah Joe is a good guy. So, now you become Good Guy. Does that mean Joe and Good Guy are two different people in one person? No.
attribute, personality, poe tay toe, poe tah toe...

No Trinitarians they are not different divinities but one.

And the various Hindi gods are all representations of one G!d as described by a Hindu priest to me. "To my daughter I am her father, to my mother I am her son, to my neice I am her uncle, to my Aunt I am her nephew, to my friend I am a friend, to you I am a priest....these are all your perceptions of me...but I am just me."

So while you may know your religion, it appears your example is exactly the same as the Hindu priest explaining all their gods.
I can see how some may interpret it that way, but like I said: those are the Attributes not different divinities.

Hindus have hundreds of idols they worship and every idol is considered different divinity and usually is in 'control' of certain area of life: love, sex, money, whatever else.

that is not my understanding of deities in Hinduism, as I understand it there is one God but many different aspects or deities.

Christians (most who I know, anyway) believe that there is three different divinities: The Father, The Son and Holy Spirit.
the Godhead three in one father spirit and son, its a song BTW.

YouTube - Chris Tomlin-How great is our God

Muslims on the other hand believe that God is Only One Divine Creator, that He is not split into three or more, and that He does not consist of three or more. He is given Attributes that describe His Powers, but those Attributes are not divinities or personalities.
It's like your name might be Joe. Well you its you. Someone might say, yeah Joe is a good guy. So, now you become Good Guy. Does that mean Joe and Good Guy are two different people in one person? No.
well there are similarities though, thats what I reckon anyhow.
I still do not understand the rationale of making God Almighty seem like a Being experiencing mulitple personalities.

So, lets say you made an appointment with Dr. Bosko. You come to his office and he extens his hand to you and says: "Hi, I am Joseph." Do you say to him: "Oh, no. You're not the person I wanted to see. Its Dr. Bosko."
Dr. Bosko would probably say: "Yes, I am Dr. Joseph Michael Bosko."
But then you still inisist: "Well, I just want to see Dr. Bosko."

Or, lets say I make a pie with my hands. My hands are part of me that I can control and which have no control of their own without me. When you want the pie, do you bow down to my hands and say: "Please make me some pie?"

Or, say Dr. Joseph Michael Bosko, called Joe is half Christian half Jewish (father is Jewish and mother Christian). So, you decide probably then that Joseph must be Christian and Michael Jewish. So would you approach Dr. Joseph with christian matters and part of him called Micahel with Jewish matters. Woudl Dr. Joseph Michael Bosko look at you and go: "What?"

:) Help me understand please.

He/she may be praising The Same God as I do, but whether he/she follows the teachings and commandments of The Same God can be open to an honest debate.
For instance, in my homeland many Serbs (Christian Orthodox) decided to have killed many Muslims in the name of Jesus pbuh, to "help them come back to the Heavenly Faith." So, were they killing in the name of the same Jesus pbuh millions of Christians believe in? Yes, because they read and study New Testament, believe him to be god-incarnate, The Son, believe him to be the Messiah, that he was resurrected, born of a Virgin, died for their sins. Do they follow his teachings? Probably not.

So, your reply about a 'jihadist' is fairly not relavant to the topic at hand (regarding God Almighty). In fact, I even think it is disrespectful towards me and many other hundreds of thousands Muslims out there who do not terrorize other people.

Just because he/she may focus to interpret certain teachings certain way in the tunnel of his/her ignorance does not make The God (Allah) be two or more different beings. If he/she chooses to worship one of the Attributes of the Almighty (i.e. The One Who Punishe/The Punisher) and considers that the Attribute itself has any power, then one can question if in his/her mind that person believes that there is more than one God.
Attribute is just that--a Title. It initself has no power. The Power is from the Source holding that Title.
I believe that once you identify a title of the Divine Creator as a being/person you are setting yourself up to worship more than The One because you assume that the Title has a separate intelligence.
If Amica is a counselor by title, then she is not two people but one: a person who has the ability to do counseling.

For instance, in my homeland many Serbs (Christian Orthodox) decided to have killed many Muslims in the name of Jesus pbuh,

do you have any links to news sites or something about that please. i have never heard of anyone killing in the name of Jesus before.