Its good to be an Athiest sometimes

"The prosecution argued..... that he had allowed her to die as a selfish act of faith."

This is good to see, that prosecutors are treating faith of this kind as though it were no different from having a drug addiction. High time.
Thats deffo Good.. Or maybe they should put God on trail for failing to heal the girl :rolleyes:

Something I remember reading awhile back about religious people having a higher rate of OCD. Maybe this is where religious rituals started off from.
Thats deffo Good.. Or maybe they should put God on trail for failing to heal the girl :rolleyes:

Something I remember reading awhile back about religious people having a higher rate of OCD. Maybe this is where religious rituals started off from.

Religious and political memes can effect people deeply, can overwhelm their individuality to the extent you do not know if there is a person left under their meme. But there are also plain bad people who know they can try to use claimed religious reverence to cover their tracks.

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]
Meh, some people are just stupid. It's not always complicated. There are just plain a lot of dumb people out there...

And I just died a little bit inside... *curls up in corner rocking back and forth* Stupid people hurt my brain!
Meh, some people are just stupid. It's not always complicated. There are just plain a lot of dumb people out there...

And I just died a little bit inside... *curls up in corner rocking back and forth* Stupid people hurt my brain!

At what point does stupidity remove someone from culpability? Playing stupid is an old defence after all.

I believe there are exceptionally few people who do not know right from wrong. Some simply get a thrill out of being bad and adopt cover stories to explain it otherwise. Religion offers such individuals an easy ride, concealment, validation and a number of other advantages. Here is another example that is in the local press here at the moment.
BBC NEWS | UK | Scotland | Edinburgh, East and Fife | Carer jailed for OAP sex attack
I didn't mean that stupid was an alibi. Stupid just is. Evil is also. And there are stupid people in all walks of life, religion not withstanding, but by no means is it the only venue for the stupid person.

Churches may help the wrong people sometimes. They are run by mere humans after all, and sometimes I'll wager not the best judges of character. But to help people you kinda have to trust them to a certain extent. The people that truly need help, after all, spiritually as it were, are the ones that "sin." Healthy people don't need a doctor, yadda yadda. So it backfires sometimes. Some people don't want help. Some people pretend to want help to get something bad out of it. Such is life.

But the churches do try to do good works. Ya gotta give em some credit for that. At least I feel some credit is due. Like an A for effort or somethin.
I didn't mean that stupid was an alibi. Stupid just is. Evil is also. And there are stupid people in all walks of life, religion not withstanding, but by no means is it the only venue for the stupid person.

Churches may help the wrong people sometimes. They are run by mere humans after all, and sometimes I'll wager not the best judges of character. But to help people you kinda have to trust them to a certain extent. The people that truly need help, after all, spiritually as it were, are the ones that "sin." Healthy people don't need a doctor, yadda yadda. So it backfires sometimes. Some people don't want help. Some people pretend to want help to get something bad out of it. Such is life.

But the churches do try to do good works. Ya gotta give em some credit for that. At least I feel some credit is due. Like an A for effort or somethin.

How and where do they help?
They give food to hungry people, and clothes to naked people. (well, they give out clothes) They help places that take in people without a place to live. The basic principles are do good, so if anybody actually pays attention and implements that it has to do some good. I mean, the concept isn't bad. The implementation is kinda rocky at times, but that's just people for ya.

They help in their communities. They just like aren't all evil and out ta steal your soul is all I'm sayin. Some people in the churches are bad. Churches as a whole aren't that evil. Most of the time.

I'm not a big fan of churches, but I give em credit for tryin to do some good.
Actually, on that point from immortalitylost, I've very much under the impression that up here in the Highlands of Scotland, the Church of Scotland does provide direct financial help even to non-members. I'm under the impression that a friend's family have received a couple of cheques, even though they have no affiliation or interest in the Church.
See? *points to brian's comment* Churches aren't all evil and out to steal your soul! :p

It's just when evil people are in charge of churches that they try to do that. I think it's been good for the churches to have been knocked down a peg or two power wise. Not nearly as much evil stuff from them as when they were basically in charge of everything.

What was that? Absolute power corrupts absolutely, you say? Well, when applied to humans at least. I think the kitties did a pretty good job running Egypt... ;)
wow what a sad sad story. God gave us common sense, ya know? Its like that story about that guy on the rooftop waiting for God to deliver him and a boat and helicopter went by and he said he was waiting for God and then after the fact he asked God why He didnt save him and God said I tried but you didnt get on the boat or helicopter.
I believe there are exceptionally few people who do not know right from wrong. Some simply get a thrill out of being bad and adopt cover stories to explain it otherwise. Religion offers such individuals an easy ride, concealment, validation and a number of other advantages. Here is another example that is in the local press here at the moment.
BBC NEWS | UK | Scotland | Edinburgh, East and Fife | Carer jailed for OAP sex attack

I'm sure religion does offer such individuals a way of projecting their selfishness but I would have thought Atheism is more fertile ground for this.

Kind of like Abraham and Isaac? Is this any different?

They should put god on trail? What.... like "Now on NBC!! God off road! Extreme!!!"

Or you mean like a Trial? ;)

A Group of Jews did this in Auschwitz

OH and since when have you been a freaking Athiest??? You know, him upstairs isn't gonna be happy with this!

I think whatever you are, that is where you are meant to be at that moment in time and you are in your place.... You need opposites and so on and so forth, but one man and his actions shouldn't represent a whole group.
opps misunderstood that part thought you ment something else.

I seen that post about God on trial. Watched some of it.