Interfaith World Day of Prayer.


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a figment of your imagination
For those in the Washington DC area...September 10th, 7pm, Bowie, MD

I'd love to meet any of the locals from there!!

Our annual interfaith event, we invite 12 different faiths, this year we have 8 confirmed speakers, those in attendance will honor all twelve and hear from these 8 speakers in our two hour interfaith service to kick off World Day of Prayer.
Unity Center of Light’s World Day of Prayer 24-Hour Prayer Vigil


Wednesday, September 9th 9:00p.m. Interfaith Service of Major World Religions

9:00 p.m. Interfaith Service and Reception and

9:00 p.m. Dances of Universal Peace with Carol Zamyat Schenker

10:00 p.m. Praise and Worship Singing with Jo Blackstone and Karon

11:00 p.m. Silent Pray er Vigil begins

Thursday, September 10th

12:00-7:00 a.m. Silent Prayer Vigil

7:00 a.m. Create Your Day Meditation with Joan Fitzgerald

8:00 a.m. Look In, Look Out, Tell the Truth, Choose to See and Change the World with Jenny Meyer

9:00 a.m. Bless Planet Earth and God’s Creations with Maria DeColon

10:00 a.m. Prayer Works – The Testimony with Karon Purnell

11:00 a.m. The Divine Within is Calling with Debbie Niver

12:00 noon Potluck Prayer Lunch with Silent Unity Prayer Team

1:00 p.m. Silent Unity Prayer Service with the UCL Prayer Team

2:00 p.m. Sharing Good Deeds with Marlene Carpenter

3:00 p.m. Twelve Steps to Inner Peace with Patti Anessi

4:00 p.m. Moving In and Moving Out Meditation with Pamela Mosby

5:00 p.m. Dinner On Your Own

6:00 p.m. With Inner Peace, Outer Peace is Possible with Buddhist Monk Kelsang Menla

7:00 p.m. Closing Service with Reverend Michele Synegal

There are many observances of world unity and declarations of global peace during World Day of Prayer. Unity Center of Light is only one of many Unity churches and other world organizations observing World Day of Prayer. To see more about the world wide celebration go to Please plan on joining us for music, readings, meditation, sharing and a joyful affirmation of: "Reach In. Reach Out. We Can Change the World."

Unity Center of Light, 3501 Moylan Drive, Bowie, MD 20715
We scheduled our first service, planned it for months, got 9 clergy that year from 12 different religions to show up. Adverstised it to the local area and set it up... That was eight years ago, the Day of Prayer was to be September 12th so we scheduled our kickoff the evening before on September 11th, 2001.

That morning the planes hit the towers, the pentagon and the Pennsylvania field. That evening every clergy from every religion that showed up spoke of peace, forgiveness and sang/spoke their prayers to the survivors, the lost and all who would become entangled in what occurred. Twas a heck of a service.

The next day we had plenty of folks looking for a quiet sanctuary to sit and contemplate, meditate and pray....we were glad to be there for those in need.

What an auspicious day to start....I'll remember that everytime I attend this event.
Are you saying Obama Bin Laden or whatever his name was actually helped to make it more successful? :eek::cool:
Yes in the way a chair makes sitting successful.

After that happenned folks were in need, and we had the 'luck' of timing to have a space for them.
Yes in the way a chair makes sitting successful.

After that happenned folks were in need, and we had the 'luck' of timing to have a space for them.

I appreciate that Wil, and it was a glib post. I hope you all have a wonderful gathering this year too, and don't forget them cocktails.
It sounds like you have a hand in helping to organize this.
Hope it turns out well for all involved.
I have a short bit which if it could be included somehow would be nice.
Let me know either way if you can wil.

Here is a simple truth.....desire IS prayer.
Long set forms of words, repeated in a hurry or out of conformity to a sense of duty as laid out by some sect, as outlined in their creed,
is not prayer,
and will bring no response.
But in your living soul there is the beat of earnest desire and this is what sets into motion all those qualities desired and builds up each individual according to their character and disposition.
Prayer is a natural function of people (indeed, all nature), and you really do get according to what you think you deserve.
Even if that affronts you for putting you in the position of responsibility.
So learn to control yourself so that your desires are set on things which are good and beneficial.

Many blessings to you all.
From a friend
The evening started, a wonderful kickoff to our world day of prayer. Today i hold you all in the light, my prayer is the for best for all concerned.

We had representatives from the following religions, Hindu, Buddhist, Native American, Sufi, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Thomas, Faithful, G2G, you all will like to know that this year our preacher asked it be his last year to speak. He thought it would be more appropriate to represent all of Christianity by someone other than a new thought Preacher....for something of a more conventional preacher...interesting stuff.

Great talks, great prayers and wonderful fellowship afterword. And then an hour of Sufi dances, the Hindus and Buddhist Monk participated, twas fun, meditative, contemplative...great...