collective conciousness



One has o get back to the fact that there is no witchcraft there is only the collective conciousness. If we know something is so in our hearts and minds and those two are reconciled we know we have tuned into the collective conciousness.

Here is a spell, written knowing the reciever and the giver, it may seem odd but if one knows ones subject and what has gone within that relationship, then all is well surely and it will be, once in the ether, a universal truth which will bring the weaver of the spell exactly what he/she dictates:

I was prepared to love you my honey through bad times and through good but when your heart and eyes were straying I felt that it was no good. Take another week of independence my love and see what is out there, when your heart and mind realises what is missing then come back to me and share, how deeply you miss me and how you realise your cruelty, that no one can ever been the one you want but that it’s me, me, me who is the one with whom you could ever be truly.

When you realise your silliness and the dishonest way of your conduct, be glad you have an understanding friend who will accept your propensity to be a complete and utter donut. Don’t ever put me through the agony of your mistreatment again, but be humble in your approach and then you may win me back for sure never taking me for granted.

Understand you are a truly stupid being, to let true love slip away and recount your foolish ways day after day after day. Regret and rue the times I tried to tell you that you hurt my feelings and regret and that you did not manage to be the one who was loving, kind, forgiving and fulfilling. Yes take another week my dear to fully feel the awful pain; realise that you will never find another love that will put up with your horrid little games. Take stock of all your woeful insensitivities that you may come to learn, that people and the ones you ‘love’ are not solely on your terms.

Learn my dearest one, that people are themselves. Be glad that you have me as your witch and you will understand, that to be truly mine, you will open up the pain that’s in your heart and know that I would walk by your side until that lesson is fully learned. Know that I am your comander and that no one else will do, renounce all others until I completely own you. You cannot function without me as your mate nor cannot see the picture clearly, without me to show you how, realise that you will surely fail most miserably.

So take another week my love, and see that no one really cares, for an angry, bigoted, egocentric being who invites ridicule, puzzlement and distain. Realise what you had in me, an honourable, loyal, devoted one, who wanted someone faithful, honourable and devoted in return. Question yourself hourly, minute by minute each day, dream of me every night till you understand that there is no other way.

This is the spell I weave and as it is written it shall be so. You have no other option but the one which is now here shown.

Lol! No bitterness at all. :)

You do realise that other people are like a mirror to us, and that what traits we dislike most in others are those we identify with most closely ourselves? :)
I hate that *&#$%@* mirror.

But control issues like this are a cry for love as well....

That is SO Course In Miracles :)

You know, people often forget there is another part to that mirror. If you see something noble or admirable in another, that thing must then of necessity be in you as well.

Dontcha think?
That is SO Course In Miracles :)

You know, people often forget there is another part to that mirror. If you see something noble or admirable in another, that thing must then of necessity be in you as well.

Dontcha think?
Oh of course.... the essence of Namaskar eh?

Each reflection may lead to a search, the negative one, what to forgive oneself for and the positive what to feed and accentuate.

the mirror is for growth....doesn't mean I have to like it.
The only thing that comes to mind for me after reading this is:

"If you love something set it free. If it comes back it's yours -- if it doesn't then it never was."