Front end rebuilt!


Peace, Love and Unity
Veteran Member
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Just to let you know that through this week I've completely rebuilt the front end of the site, moving of the original static pages (ie, built by hand) into a database system.

This will make the front end much easier to manage, edit, and expand in general.

It also means the site should be safer - recent hack attempts appear to have exploited old code in the files originally used to build the website, so all 432 pages are now set up in a database, with their static versions now deleted. This should make Interfaith much more secure against hacking attempts, as there are far few files of code to exploit, and far fewer places to hide anything untoward.

I've also had to change all the original page URLs and redirect them at the new ones, but I'll be watching out for errors.

Anyway, feel free to have an explore of the main areas in the left-hand nav. :)

This has been a few years coming, but I didn't have the technical know-how and the tools to customise the way the pages were displayed, so that each section has its own unique navigation. But all done now.

Thank Crunchie it's Friday. :)
Indeed, many thanks for all the time and effort Brian.

Cool, Brian. Very impressed. If I were McAfee I'd hire you as a consultant, Norton I'd hire you as a manager, Trend Micro I'd hire you as a newbie programmer coffee boy, and these are all pretty much the same thing. If I were Steve Jobs I'd of course hire you as Vice President of Stylistic Anti Virus VIP Yuppies (Savvy). If I were a Linux snob I'd add you to my IRC.

Way to go!